CICADA 3301 | A Binary/Quantum Encryption Model Based On DNA? A New Form Of Decentralized Encryption

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)





Today we discovered something truly unique and potentially game changing. I say this with caution as some of the knowledge uncovered is incredibly complex. This is why I am posting it here. I know this platform has some of the brightest minds.

Cicada 3301 website

The pages below are from a .pdf file that was embedded into a .wav (audio) file from the cicada website. This was done using a bit of software called DeepSound.

At the bottom of this post I explain exactly how you can extract the .pdf yourself.



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binary quantum

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Extracting the .pdf

1 Go to the Cicada website
Right clicking on the webpage and go to 'Inspect Element' in the menu.
In the source code you will say 4 different audio trucks in one of the trees. The particular .wav file I'm referring to is TheFluddApproaches.wav

2 Download and install DeepSound

3 Open the TheFluddApproaches.wav in DeepSound. A password dialogue box will appear.

4 Use ThAaoth as password

5 The .pdf will be unlocked.


In future posts I shall explain the highly complex enigma that is Cicada 3301 and how it has unfolded thus far. Today though I need to share this.


I'd follow you again if I could. Getting set up momentarily...

Why are you unable to follow?

I just already have :) My nerdsense tingled when I saw Cicada3301 but you obviously know more than I do on the puzzle itself.

This is brand new from todays findings. It felt to important not to share.
I'm no cryptologist so was hoping someone here could shine some light on it.

I shall be posting some updates over the next few days so hopefully you should get an idea of what a crazy few weeks it has been.

@fortified How did you come to the password? Found an audio file that allegedly has something embedded in it to extract via DeepSound.

Found a strange post on Voat with a link to this exact image:

It was one of our solvers that worked it out.
I can't remember where come from.
I believe it was from a clue that lead to a pastebin.

What have you been up to? Have you been in the Cicada rabbit hole?

Naw, I've been in the "working 6 days a week" rabbit hole for the most part. Trying to get by and preparing for a podcast today with Billy Ray Valentine's Infinite Fringe.

That sucks man. I'll keep an look out for your next podcast.
Do you know much about Steemit?
Do you know why this would get a DMCA notice?
Given the subject matter it feels more censorship than copyright.

Sharing @phibetaiota!
Incredible details. Thank you for posting!
Keep it up. There is very interesting detail
coming out of Cicada3301 transmissions.
Highly interesting.
~The Management.

dude..... what!?

I love it. Distribution mechanism and all.

I'm hoping you could shine some more light on it. I have spent the best part of a month getting to this point. Now I feel currently this is a little beyond me.

Please could you elaborate on what you are seeing.

I'm going to need for you to check back with me in about 3 days. Really getting what they're saying is going to take a hell of a lot of thinking and reading.

I'm with you on that one.
I have more info I have just discovered.
I shall be posting it v shortly.
It might help you to understand it a bit better.

How are you getting on. Have you made any sense of it yet?
Here is a second part

Esteeming this post because the subject matter is too important.

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