Crowdsourcing Clarity, Ep. 04: Requesting Marathon Training Advice! (SBD tip for most helpful answer(s))

in #crowdsourcing-clarity7 years ago (edited)


Well, the tips for episode 03 are paid out, and I am back again, dear Steemians, picking your brains for more clarity!

As I mentioned a couple posts ago, I have just signed up to run my first marathon, here in Niigata City.

Last night in a somewhat inebriated chat with a friend from the states (all-you-can-drink set menus are good for aspiring marathon runners, right?) who has run the Chicago marathon, I received some great advice. He advised me about shoes, long run/short run alternation, stride patterns and...

nipple chafing.

One of the more memorable bits being...nipple chafing.

I also received some good advice from Facebook friends.

Now, I turn to you, dear Steemian. Help me to run more like a graceful swan with fox feet, and less like a pile of heavy scrap metal crashing into the road with each jarringly painful stride.

Looking for any helpful advice from knowledgeable sources.

Fire away!

Alternate thumbnail of me overtaking this other bald guy in the homestretch.


(If you'd like to participate in the "crowdsourcing-clarity" tag please feel free to do so. The info, wisdom, and knowledge that can be found for a couple Steem Dollars is amazing.)


Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Just the basics - please ensure proper hydration and nutrition. Get your shoes checked out. Proper running clothes. During training, it's imp to have an easy day and an off day. All the best and hav fun :)

If you're still looking for shoes - I recommend stopping by xebio and stepping on their feet analyzers to find a good fit for you.

I had a lot of knee pain running my first few months out. Turns out the shoes I had werent a good fit for me. Been about a year pain free.

Only someone nearby would know about Xebio... I heard you were here from @boxcarblue! What's up dude!? That is great advice. I didn't realize you were a runner. I will be doing just that, soon.

Yeah, I have you and him to thank!
I don't do the marathons but I run between 5 and 10k's 3 or 4 times a week.

Have you checked out the Nike running app? Its great for training exercises based off your starting point to where you would like to get to.

I think it's helpful if you're planning to run in a marathon

1 SBD tip on its way, @musingsltd. Thanks for the help!

much obliged! Any time!

Hi some advice:

Your shoes should be lightweight but also provide good support, and your socks should be the type you wear in other races.

If your shoes aren’t your regular training shoes, wear them on at least one 10-mile run at marathon pace. This test run will determine whether you’re likely to develop blisters or get sore feet–before it’s too late. If the shoes bother you on this run, get yourself another pair.

Use the same sports drink and energy gels while practicing and thath you intend to refuel with during the race.

Don't run in a cotton T-shirt

Sleep a lot before the race and go go go ... good luck!!!!!

Good info. 1 SBD on its way :)

Thanks!!! :)

Thanks so much. Good advice. J-Jesus! That picture 😐

My sister runs marathons all the time. How in shape are you? If you can run a 5k, then slowly increase how far you run each week. After you are able to run 10 miles or so, try to go for a half marathon. If you are able to get to around 20 miles in training you should be good to go for the event.

Use training shoes and not shoes designed for speed. When training, I recommend finding a place to run where you can leave stuff along the path to make refueling easier. (my sister does this, leaves a cooler at certain points on the trail to grab a quick drink or energy shot. the stash spots also serve as mile markers.) Begin making sure you eat enough carbs and hydrate starting at least 3 days before the race. Be prepared for your legs to be ridiculously sore. You will not be able to walk properly for the rest of the day.

lol hope this helps.

Good stuff. Thanks. 1 SBD on its way!

Practice a lot , steem up your power and go for it like crazy!!!

My advice would be to find the least fit looking people in the race, run beside them all the way to the finish line and then dart across the line just ahead of them. You'll get to the finish and, you won't be last.

..... be .... the ...... ball .....
If you don't get that, owell ....

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