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RE: Crowdsourcing Clarity, Ep. 04: Requesting Marathon Training Advice! (SBD tip for most helpful answer(s))

Hi some advice:

Your shoes should be lightweight but also provide good support, and your socks should be the type you wear in other races.

If your shoes aren’t your regular training shoes, wear them on at least one 10-mile run at marathon pace. This test run will determine whether you’re likely to develop blisters or get sore feet–before it’s too late. If the shoes bother you on this run, get yourself another pair.

Use the same sports drink and energy gels while practicing and thath you intend to refuel with during the race.

Don't run in a cotton T-shirt

Sleep a lot before the race and go go go ... good luck!!!!!


Good info. 1 SBD on its way :)

Thanks!!! :)

Thanks so much. Good advice. J-Jesus! That picture 😐

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