Making a Steemit guide booklet - I want you to be part of this project!

in #crowdmind6 years ago (edited)

Things are all falling into place and it's time I opened this up to the community...

After realising that Confetti, a local music/film college, would be a great place to find new steemians it seemed more than a fortunate coincidence when @pennsif began his quest to promote steemit in the UK. The response to his radio show by many UK steemit members was exemplary and it honestly knocked my socks off. Ideas flowed and my eyes were opened to some absolutely awesome people who were posting right under my nose, and if it wasn't for @pennsif's pro-active approach I would never have known.

It was on the show that I pitched an idea to approach Confetti and attempt to sell steemit to those who may be interested. As it turned out, my idea was very well received and since then I have been thinking very hard about how to develop this into something more meaningful.
Now, I know I have the gift of the gab when armed with good material but what I'm not so good at is artistic creativity and English grammar. Basically, I have a vision but need your help to realise its full potential.

darth kitchner.jpg

After much deliberation and even more inspirational advice from @pennsif, @svemirac and @crowdmind I have come to a conclusion about how to approach such a task. In the current climate, it has come to me that steemit is all about the community rather than SBD, SP or STEEM and this can no longer be denied. Yes, there are folk who play the system and yes there are some undesirable characters who, imho, have not worked in the best interest of the wider community... We are only human at the end of the day and this is a very organic blockchain. My personal thoughts on recent events is that we all have our own free-will and you don't have to support or be involved in anything you don't want to. Now, before I digress any further and risk losing your attention, let me put forward my draft for, what I believe, could be something very special indeed.

I've stated that communtiy is the beating heart of steemit and I've also stated that I intend to create some sort of brochure or guide to help bring new people onto the steemit blockchain. These are the basic cornerstones that will underpin everything to come. Once this guide has been created my first port-of-call will be Confetti and for this reason and the fact that music, film and photography seem to be very active communtities, I would like to give some byass towards that end of the pool. This doesn't mean I want to exclude anyone from this idea and if you know my work you will know that I am a massive supporter of @familyprotection. I also know about some incredible work that is going on abroad, like steemit funded schools, homesteading and also the gaming communities must certainly have a light shone upon them. Point being that I want this brochure to be painted with the broadest brush possible and I think I have come up with a good plan to make sure this happens.

So without further a-doo, let me take you through the basics of what to expect from me (and more importantly what I expect from you) over the coming weeks...


I want this guide to be something we have all had a hand in creating and as the @crowdmind whitepaper states;

"A collective group can be more intelligent than its cleverest member".

So over the next few weeks I am going to be hosting some very important competitions that will go on to help create our very-own brochure, a guide to steemit that will be handed out all across the UK! (maybe even further, who knows...)

Now, before I start to list the competitions I will be holding, I want to make a few things clear.

I am by no means a rich man. I am a single parent and have a life of my-own. I am currently rebuilding this life and will soon be starting a new college course that will hopefully see me into a solid career as a qualified welder. Because of this I will need your patience while we go through this process. As well as this, I intend to give out rewards to as many people as I can and not just for the winners but for those who make the effort to participate too. You can all go to my wallet and see for yourself the amount of funds I have available and that I am currently powering down so I can somehow fund this project ( and also so I can afford to pay my own bills while I step into full-time education ). Therefore, if there is anyone out there willing to give out some valuable up-votes or maybe even donate some funds that will go towards competition rewards( No, not for my bills ) then I can assure you that it would be greatly appreciated and you will most certainly be named in the credits.

Like I said in my last post; I NEED YOUR HELP AND CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU.

Now lets get on with the fun part and find out what's to come...

Here are the competitions I will be holding over the next few weeks.

- Design me a front cover

Here is where I need the artist of steemit to come on board, those with the skills to create an eye-catching front cover. Remember, first impressions are the most important and it is crusial we get this right. There are many images available from google and as long as you get permission I have no problem with you embelleshing on what is already there. But if you are confident enough to create an original piece of art, then that is obviously going to put you in good stead.

- Steemit communities

Now this will be about all the fantastic groups to be found on steemit; ie photography, gaming, discord, @familyprotection, @informationwar, @minnowsupport, @steemit-education, food & health, silver & gold and of coarse @dtube, @dsound and anything else we have that's not already been mentioned. I'll let you decide how you want to format and display this content, just remember that it must include Film and music as I will be presenting this to Confetti first of all.

- Individual profiles

Are you a worhty steemian who has content worth shouting about? Have you created something special that has been helped by steemit? I know there is someone who has set up a school funded by steemit in a third-world country and I also know of @promo-steem and @adollaraday. Examples like this would be fantastic to highlight but I've probably missed many more just like them. Why not earn your place and a page in the brochure by telling your story. I want pictures as well as writing for this part. As this booklet needs to be limited in content there will have to be a limit for those who get highlighted. I was thinking of maybe 5 to 10 steemians who could be featured inside this booklet, so think hard and be creative.

- Success stories

Now this part may overlap with the individual profile competition, so maybe there is room here for things like @adollaraday, @promo-steem etc etc. Please don't think that because I keep mentioning the same groups that they have any byass towards them, I'm just only able to speak from my own experience on steemit and you could well open my eyes to something that just has to be selected. I know that steemit has changed the lives of many people around the world and I can't wait to read all about them.


And that about it, folks! All you have to do now is wait for the first competition to be announced. Now I am aware that some of this may need to be tweeked, so I intend to discuss this at the next virtual-meet-up, hosted by @pennsif on the 29th of November. This virtual meet-up will be on msp-waves radio, which you can listen to directly via the msp website or through the PAL discord server ( I also believe that it is available on twitch, but someone will have to place a comment so I can update this post if that's the case). So please come along and join us all on the night. I would love to hear your suggestions and advice.

Screenshot_2018-11-21  article61.png

Screenshot_2018-11-21 SteemClub-UK list of active UK steemians 21 November 2018 — Steemit.png

Screenshot_2018-11-21 SteemClub-UK list of active UK steemians 21 November 2018 — Steemit(2).png

Thanks for reading and I hope to hear more from you on the 29th! Peace to you and yours. @article61/Rebel-Dan



whats your connection to Confetti? are you talking about Confetti in Nottingham?

Hi @elizabethharvey, hope steemit is treating you well. I used to attend Confetti in Nottingham a long time ago and it dawned on me that steemit may give the young talent a way to promote their work. Hopefully they will see it how I do but as of yet it has been tricky getting folk to come over to the blockchain.

Ha ha, my brother used to work there.. small world! especially as there's few of us UK steemians. I must say i'm finding steemit technology a little difficult to get my head around and this might put some people off from moving over to a blockchain platform and also a general fear of the unknown. It's a win win though and as soon as people realise that there'll be no stopping them!

Well that is a funny coincidence, a small world indeed. As far as getting to grip with the technical side of things, well, I have been here some time and still don't really use steemit to its full potential. I'm just not that way and just haven't got time to be involved with it all. I post, therefor I am ;)

Hey, @article61!

Thank you for your contribution to the crowd. We are the Steemit project dedicated to empowering The Wisdom of Crowds. You can find more about us on our official blog or whitepaper and you can support us by voting for our witness and joining our curation trail on Steemauto . We are also inviting you to join Crowdmind Discord server. Don't forget to use the #crowdmind hashtag and happy crowdsourcing!

Additional comment: We are so glad that you decided to follow this road and we will do everything in our power to help you on this journey. Good luck!


You have certainly given me a boost of energy, thanks for supporting me. I'm hoping that the radio show will really set this idea on fire.

Awesome initiative and you know I've been writing my Bluffer's Guide series, which includes Steemit as a platform to use for musicians and music fans in Part 1. I want to make it as easy as possible for new people to understand things, without getting bogged down in the technical side (you won't win people over that way) so I don't use complex language. Hope that the next few parts of steemit (yet to be written) will make things easier and help with the campaign.

Look forward to seeing the upcoming competitions! Please tag me in because I will sometimes miss things - too many discords and networks haha.

Re-steemed as well so hope you get more folks on board :)

Oh and look forward to catching up with you in the MSP waves chat next week too!

Cheers for the re-steem bud! I'll be using your bluffers guide for other parts of this brochure that I haven't mentioned. I'm intending to add a page or two about the technical/crypto side of steemit and I would be very grateful of your help with this side of things. When we get closer to the time we will have to discuss this a little further and maybe part2 of the bluffers guide will be out by then too.
Great to hear that you intend to be attending the virtual meet-up! See you there mate :)

This post contained some typos in its mentions that have been corrected in less than a day. Thank you for your quick edit !

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Well, I think I have a kind of success story... Steemit helped me to discover a passion for photography that I didn't know I had. The steem I earned allowed me to purchase my first ever DSLR and the articles I followed on steemit inspired me to experiment with different types of photography that I had never come across before like Macrophotography. I also joined photography groups in discord and got some amazing support from pro photographers who were eager to share their tips and experiences which helped me to push myself further. Since then, I have done a charity photoshoot and raised a huge amount for bulldogs in rescue centres in the UK, which is one of my passions. I will continue to do this as it is something we didn't have before at the fund raisers and it went down really well. I have also joined a photography course which is helping me to learn more about the technical side of my camera and it pushes me to photograph things I wouldn't usually which is amazing.
So without steemit, I wouldn't have a camera, I wouldn't have raised the money for bulldogs in rescue, I wouldn't be learning in college right now and I certainly wouldn't have a new passion in life that is PHOTOGRAPHY!
:D (Who says old dogs can't learn new tricks?!!)
BB xx

Thank you for sharing this with me and it is the kind of story I'm looking for, perfect in length too! As it stands you have jumped the gun a little but I will save this as an official entry if that's ok? When I announce the competition for this part I will give you a shout and you can add some pics to go with this story. Oh and btw, you are inspiring me to further my photography skills too :)

Oooo yey, thank you! Yes, I will add some pictures and do a proper post if you want one.
Ah I am so glad it has done some good for someone else too! I think Steemit is all about paying it forward in lots of different ways :)

Speaking of paying things forward, I've just brought you a ticket to my silver raffle :)

oooo thank you! Whats all that about then? :D

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