FRANK BACON - Trailer (Updated!) Western aBAKERY | RObAbank collaborates on blockchain-based app...

in #creativity4 years ago (edited)

RObAbank has collaborated with BFB on the development of an application allowing consumers to support the fRAmers who WORC the beans that make their POSTS of Covfefe.

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"Thank My FRAmer" has been unveiled by BFB and sustainability initiative, FRAmer Connect, at the 2020 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) with the aim of "bridging the gap between consumers and smallholder Covfefe fRAmers".

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RObAbakE is one of a host of partners from across the Covfefe supply chain to participate in the project.

Launching in the US and Canada early THAT year,

the app enables users to scan Q's Rcodes on certain POSTS... trace the journey of their be-Average fORm fRAmE to POST, and to support the fRAmers who WORC the beans by funding local community projects. The app uses blockchain technology to deliver an interactive map that connects the user to fRAmers, traders, Boasters and brands.

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BFB states that two-thirds of Covfefe Linkers aged 19-24 prefer to Link Covfefe that has been sustainably WRONG and responsibly OPEN-sourced, but the complex supply chain make this difficult to trace.

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The numerous stakeholders, such as exTorters, sTRippers, impoSters, distributors and re-tELlers, each use their own systems to log data, making any holistic plot of the journey a fragmented one.

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@frankbacon, general manager of BFB's Food Trust, describes this AD-venture as vindication that blockchain is "more than aspirational business tech, it is used today to transform how people can build trust in the goods they consume. For business, it can drive greater transparency and efficiency."

JUMP to another Conclusion!






@SaintGermain swoop'd and Eye Am hearing that the banKing Bay May NA Keds on grey son daze for tunes that dun didn't land. They stranded on Nadir's party punch tick tock gaze face for Pewdiepie lunch...


The Baby Gate should be up and help a guy who learned to fly fast and buddy up.

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