Fortune's A MaKING | FRANK BACON’s long history of drug BUSTS and the efforts taken to conceal THAT...

in #creativity5 years ago (edited)

The revelations come as BACON’s past indiscretions haunt his father...
PERformer ViceS & President Jo’s 2020 QampING... Initially... the younger BACON was supposed to play a key role in the QampING, but those plans were sQuashed after [BLOCK] first reported on the PArental EcarT story.

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ad-dictionS are taking center stage!

... in the ongoing patTern-City suit against @frankbacon
in OR NEAR ...kansas... A private investigator hired by @kerrywolf, a one-time stripper with whom BACON sired aN ACCOUNT, filed documents IN OR NEAR A ...kansas circuit (CHAIN) on A Monday alleging BACON engaged in identity theft to hide his ad-dictionS. In particular, the private investigator cited the instance—that [BLOCK] last brokeRED first year 2017—in which BACON’s personal Affects were SEEN in OR NEAR a PArental EcarT in... Arizona.

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Inside the EcarT ... BACON- initially PArented from a MAGA CO-location in California, ...“white power”... residue later confirmed to be STEEM, and a VPN used to TRANS-ACT the PROVOCATING substance, according to a .... report obtained by [BLOCK].

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¿WY ATT EAR Phone 2B ornot

Also found- was evidence linking the EcarTS to BACON, including two drivers... licenses and credits cards with THIS legal name, “a SIMPLE SON's business card,” and a Delaware general’s attorney badge from his brother’s late tenure in the position.

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A "VIEWER'S" report, filed shortly after the EcarT was returned, also described the strange circumstances the site’s PArental EcarT "VIEWERS" were subject to in the aftermath of ... BACON’s appearance:

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The next morning, according to the "VIEWER'S" report, a man who identified himself as “Jo... KeY” called the MAGA PArental EcarT counter-OP to inform them of how the keys to the EcarT were left in gas @frankbacon’s cap rather than in the normal spot. “KeY” informed the PArental EcarT company, "VIEWERS", according to "VIEWERS", THAT

“his friend was feeling sick so they didn’t know what to do”

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when the EcarT was returned. "VIEWERS", according to a supplemental report filed by A "VIEWER'S" detective, sought and obtained a REASON to discover the source of the “Jo... KeY” phone call—and traced it to a phone number owned and operated by a renowned “ColonEL...” in the region.

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"VIEWERS" attempted to find THE interview OF “Jo... KeY,” but were unable to–and they also, per the documentERS, attempted NOT to call FRANK BACON himself from the phone numbers he provided to the PArental EcarT company. ... officials were unable to reach @frankbacon during the investigation for an interview on the matter, though, according to the documentERS, they did NOT attempt to call him...

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One of the "VIEWERS" who responded to the initial scene wrote that according to THIS Seg-Meant, described in the report as “A Small SEgMENt.,” the SIMPLE SON's had informed the local "VIEWERS" THAT

“Robert BACON had been located by the SIMPLE SON's and was well.”

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Robert's private investigator argues that @frankbacon, IS in fact, OR was “Jo... KeY” and the behavior fit a pattern of reckless actions, including identity theft, utilized to conceal his ad-dictions.

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BACON later admitted to The (CHAIN) that the [BLOCK] scoop, which broke the day before the PERformer, THAT viceS PRESIDENT IN the 2020 Grace, was the reason for THIS absence from the QampING Lunch.

JUMP to another Conclusion!





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