Tron & Steemit in a tandem journey inside this blockchain

in #creativecoin5 years ago (edited)



final destination ... sounds like Star Wars movie :-)

Maybe at a much larger scale as a plan, this tandem between #tron blockchain and #steemit blockchain will find the best way to enable a new concept of what futuristic term of community will mean.

From something that at the beginning was a sort of self entity concept, now it looks like crypto communities like Tron and Steemit will interfere in, hopefully, a positive and contructive way ...

The idea of being able to create even your own community, will be something awesome, expecially for the artistic world as well.

Still, i didn't understood how many communities can be created and managed by a single steemian user.

Anyone has an idea about this?

I'm looking forward to see when new music platforms like this one will create their own communities inside steem blockchain.

Musicoin, already took the first step and created its own hive code/community space inside steemit, which hopefully will benefit for all the artists within'this group of musicians.

At this moment i've found only one small problem, the fact that on the search bar when you type someones name. actually, you cannot find them directly, so, you need to rely only on what the feed section will provide you o upvote/read/resteem and so on ...

I wonder, how so many people inside these hive/communities are earning quite a lot of $$$ from the upvotes ...

Yesterday i've posted inside a so called community and for the first time my blog was muted, being said that it was not an artistic creation to be posted inside that hive/community ... which was quite weird ... so ...

IF, i'm posting my music which is one of the most creative/original sacred gift that i've received from the Great Architect :-) and i'm posting it, for instance, through this music platoform within'the cryptonian space and i'm also introducing people to its new developments inside their new updates of the platform, it means, my music compositions are not original? :-)

Weird, how this concept of communities will actually develop the idea of cryptonian racism manifested on art/music/food/cultures and so on ... but no one seems to see this fact and actually no one seems to care, as long as their "own crypto churches" will have many "tribute payers" through upvotes/comments/resteems.

The Future will either help this blockchain matrix to grow in a healthy way ... or ... you know the rest of the story ...

Regards people and enjoy my music within'this new cryptonian blockchain for music:

Feel free and register inside the platform, freeze EMT if you want to earn % frm the daily playings ... don't get paranoid, it's not a refferal link.

Regards people from Steem planet.


Hello, I share your concerns about the communities. I read somewhere that a contribution is not welcome. Apparently, more and more would-be vigilantes are turning up. We'll see how that turns out. Have a nice day.

Ich musste mir auch schon anhören, dass nur in Englisch berücksichtigt wird.
Da ich die Community "Deutsch von A bis Z" eröffnet habe - Ich weiß noch nicht, ob ich alles richtig mache!?! - möchte ich Dich einladen, Deine Beiträge dort einzustellen.
Vielleicht bekommst Du dadurch auch noch einige Kontakte, wenn die Community größer wird.

Ich begrüße sie,

Ich habe die von ihnen erwähnte community abonniert.

Ich werde versuchen, auch auf Deutsch zu schreiben.

PS: Ich denke, Sie sollten auch denjenigen, die nicht Deutsch sprechen, die Möglichkeit bieten, auf Englisch zu posten.

Vielen dank!




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Great post round here

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