Squash sunday part 2. Soup with roasted peppers.

in #cooking6 years ago


Part 2? Yes you can check out part 1 here and the original squash sunday ramble here.

So my garden gave me some orange coloured spaghetti squashes this last year and I wasn't quite sure what to do with them. A few people suggested a soup, why not? Lets zing it up a little bit too with some roasted peppers.


This is my first time ever roasting peppers, but it won't be my last-they're delicious! Simply place the pieces skin side up on a foil lined baking sheet and broil for 8-10 minutes. I put some oil on them and my house filled up with smoke from the high temps of broiling-I won't use oil again.
While the peppers are cooking get the squash ready to cook.

Halve the squash and clean out the insides. Place them in a baking dish with some water, this time I chucked in some garlic and butter.


Have you seen seeds sprouting inside your vegetables before?


Of course I saved a bunch of them. Who knows what these orange coloured spaghetti squash will reproduce into.



Put the roasted peppers right into a ziplock bag and place into the fridge to cool. They will "steem" themselves and the charred skins should easily peel off.


The squash should cook for about 45 minutes-maybe a bit more until it is soft and can be scooped out of its skin.

Now get the pot ready, there is some onion and celery slowly cooking in some butter. Mmmm butter!


By now the peppers have cooled down and can be easily peeled.


Toss them into the pot with some of the broth. No need to chop them up.


Scoop out the cooked squash and chuck it in with everything else. Add a bit more broth if there is too much squash.


A little fore thought must be used to convince your wife to make fresh buns. What a perfect compliment to to homemade soup!


Ok, last step. Blend it all up until smooth and creamy. Also don't forget to take a picture of the finished product!(I'm sure I did, it even showed the mess the blender made). 😶Oh well you all know what soup looks like right?
Very last step, its a little bland and the whole family is hungry. Add a couple tablespoons of bbq sauce to give it some zing!
Everyone ate it with no complaining and there were no leftovers.
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As always all photo's(even the missing ones!) are taken with my trusty old Samsung Galaxy S6. I'm @edthecanadian your friendly neighborhood automotive service technician and soup maker.



Mmm! You had me at roasted peppers. Well, you had me at soup but the red peppers definitely tipped the scales all the way. -Aimee

Very nice.. I'd loved to taste it! looks yummy...

Great cooking post dude!

Hey!, Ed, I just realized that you are way too good and one fantastic expert in cooking!...Continue...this...with all the passion!
Let's also get some baking tips too! from #edthemasterchef
Cheers! LOL

Way too good- oh you.😂
I have a baking idea stay tuned.

Wowww! Looking forward to!... creamy...sugary...chocolaty...fruity...delight...In making!!! :) LOL
Get going mate! Bake it! Share it !!! #edthemasterbaker
Much Love!

I love to have some too...care to give me lol! i will try it sometime

Come by anytime dear!

nom nom, looks scrumptious

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I always love seeing what you are up to cooking and making.. LOL.. Those bell peppers look awesome!

Thank you!!!!!! ❤❤❤

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