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RE: Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 21st June 2024

@disconnect, again hope you don't mind...


Before we continue onto Stage 3 of #flashquiz 003 I wanted to check in with everyone to see what you think of this format.

Are you enjoying this extended storyline format of the Flashquiz?

Is it too difficult?

Or too easy?

What sort of clues work best? Picture clues, word clues...

Is there anyway it can be made easier to follow and keep up with?

Are the Update summaries useful?

All feedback, suggestions and ideas welcome...

(I really enjoy doing these - it is a long time since I've been able to do anything like this)

@alegnita @aviral123 @basil20 @bonaventure24 @bossj23 @chriddi @damisvilladiego @dexsyluz @disconnect @dove11 @eliany @enamul17 @fantvwiki @goodybest @huzaifanaveed1 @inspiracion @josepha @kidi40 @mesola @moecki @mostofajaman @okere-blessing @pea07 @rmm31 @sduttaskitchen @shahariar1 @sharifanamin @shohana1 @sofian88 @solaymann @soulfuldreamer @the-gorilla @ubongudofot @weisser-rabe @whizzbro4eva @virajherath

(If anyone wants to be added or removed from this tag list let me know)


I've been eager to share my thoughts on Flashquiz, and here they are:

I absolutely love the Flashquiz. The brainstorming, the guesses, and the effort put into it—all of it is fantastic. Although I found the extended storyline a bit challenging, it was enjoyable to see Gorilla and Inspiracion solving most of the puzzles.

Opinion: For inclusivity, consider covering other areas as well. Many users are unfamiliar with certain countries, although learning about Austin, Texas, was a lot of fun. 😉

Is it too difficult?

Or too easy?

I'd say it's neither too difficult nor too easy. The #aagr could have been anything, 'and another good read' 'always a good read',the other clues have been spot on. Personally, I prefer the picture clues. Over the past 2-3 weeks, I've spent so much time on Google Maps that I probably know more about Austin, Texas, than some people living there! 🤣🤣

Is there anyway it can be made easier to follow and keep up with?

Picture clues are fun and easier to follow. I walked by Ropollo's Pizzeria twice without finding the bicycle, but picture clues are very helpful and motivate us to explore further.

I believe there should be more of these activities. The engagement from the Steemit Inc team is crucial to motivate users to put in more effort and produce quality content. In the past couple of weeks, we've seen a lot of engagement from both sides, and I think the flash quizzes were introduced at just the right time.


I've spent so much time on Google Maps that I probably know more about Austin, Texas, than some people living there!

Don't you think it's strange that we don't meet on those streets?🤣

I'm sure we must have crossed paths somewhere on the 6th street. Oh WAITTT was it you in a white top and blue jeans? You walked by right in front of me mam. Well anyway, I'd like to invite to Caroline this evening. I've already decided what I'm ordering, it's going to be LOCA of course 😆😉

Oh, yes, I imagined that you were in a vehicle and that's why I didn't see you... are you with Carolina in the motorhome...?🤣🙈🤔

She ditched me for a guy with an RV. I was only able to afford an old sedan, and she wanted to travel the country, apparently sedans aren't in fashion anymore 😔😔

Oh, dear, don't worry, Carolina has a lot of people chasing her🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃 we will help you find her!

See you at the Zoo, or wherever the clues take us😁


Are you the guy who kept the key to his house? There is a guy named Craig who is telling Carolina that you were looking for her. By the way: I'm not sure but she's not with a guy, but with a friend on a girls' trip,‍ ‍♀️I think, unless some guy is also there.

I've heard some fishy things about Craig as well.

with a friend on a girls' trip

We don't know that for sure, do we?

Thank you for your thoughts on the flashquiz.

The picture clues are generally easier to produce - but unfortunately getting easier and easier to solve with new AI tools appearing all the time.

More new elements coming soon...

I love the format, no question: I'm a quiz junkie ;-)) And it can be very difficult; in my early months on Steem there was a weekly geography quiz and a maths quiz. They were difficult and time-consuming and required a lot of research and resourcefulness. There was comparatively little to win and it was really just about the fun of learning interesting but useless knowledge ;-))

So: I am completely thrilled.

If my everyday commitments and lifestyle - I'm more of an offline person and rarely work at my computer desk - mean that I don't work on the entire resolution and only see the results later, that's totally fine! I get involved when it suits me. If not, it's no big deal.

Thank you for the feedback.

The FlashQuizzes are designed so people can dip in and out of them as they fancy.

En lo personal, admito que si me divierto mucho mucho leyendo todas las ocurrencias. Primeramente porque nos hace ver a la cuenta de @SC01 como alguien divertido, no como la figura estricta que solemos hacernos en la mente

No llegue a leer esta actualización de la fase 003 porque no aparecían en las notificaciones 🥲🥲

Me agradó ver la película, leer el poema y tambien navegar bastante por Austin, me divierto buscando las pistas aunque con el miedo de que alguien llegue primero que yo porque mi internet es de 2 MB de velocidad por segundo 😂, aun asi hago lo que puedo para encontrar el camino por mi misma

Como dice the-gorilla, la variedad es muy buena y nos mantiene entretenidos. Algunas pistas si estuvieron algo complicadas 😂 pero las pistas con las imágenes fueron digamos un poco mas fáciles para variar la dificultad

Pero me perdí 24 horas por gripe y la historia había evolucionado con varias pistas 😂 por el al final respondí que unos pendientes serian ideales para Zulema jajaja porque no había leído el contexto completo

En fin, no deseo que esto acabe porque este asertijo parece una novela sin final 🤯🤯 y no sabemos cual será el próximo movimiento (La verdadera prueba de cerebro)

Por cierto: aun sigo creyendo que Carolina y el novio se trae algo entre manos 😂 espero no salgas perjudicado en un asunto ilegal🤣

The many faces of sc01...

Glad you are enjoying this flashquiz series.

Wait til you read the new developments that have just been posted 😲

Al final ustedes son el verdadero 'Tyger' del poema😂

"La figura de Tyger no puede tomarse literalmente por el lector"

As I expected, SC01 isn't a robot but has multiple faces! We're loving this face and can't wait for more!

I haven't been able to keep up with the flash quizzes. Now that I have some extra time at hand, I want to catch up on everything but struggling to read in order. Anyhoo, I'm not giving up and hopefully will figure out a way. Add me up. ((:

Get ready for the next stage starting very soon...

I really like this flashquiz as it helps me to think far and even learn more. I like it when I make research about something and then learn from others too.

Flashquiz is a mental quiz which helps our brain to travel far and think fast, I like it so much.

It is not too difficult, it is not too hard, the update summaries are very useful as it helps us see the final answers should incase anyone missed it in the comments section.

Is there anyway it can be made easier to follow and keep up with?

For this question, I will like to give my suggestion. Can it be done on a particular days of the week? So that one will know that on this day there will be flashquiz and stay alert because most times we do missed it.

If possible that will be fine.

Glad you like the FlashQuiz.

It is happening in real time, so it is any way the wind blows...

Sebenarnya kuis ini sangat menarik untuk diikuti sebab suasana platform menjadi lebih hidup dengan FLASHQUIZ , namun beberapa waktu yang lalu saya benar benar tidak mengikuti perkembangan di steemit karena kesibukan di dunia nyata dan sekarang saya akan mencoba untuk ikut berpartisipasi. sebutkan saya jika FLASHQUIZ dilanjutkan

Kendala adalah zona waktu, FLASHQUIZ di mulai tengah malam di negara saya, itu adalah waktu istirahat, mungkin ada baiknya kontes semacam ini ditetapkan tanggal dan waktu, agar semua pengguna dapat ikut ambil bagian dalam kompetisi ini dan menjadikan suasana lebih hidup
Maaf jika saya salah


The FlashQuiz happens any time, any place - as events unfold...

Tentu saja, itu adalah hak penuh penyelenggara

I have been following this interactive discussions and engaging Flashquiz game on Steemit by you. I am eager to express my interest in participating in this intellectually stimulating work.
From the insightful exchanges shared by @inspiracion , @the-gorilla , and @huzaifanaveed1 , it's evident that the Flashquiz not only challenging ones cognitive abilities but also nurtures a sense of collaboration and coomunity through collaborative problem solving.
I agree with @huzaifanaveed1's assessment of the quizzes' moderate degree of difficulty. The quiz's popularity can be seen in the combination of challenge and fulfillment from completing clues. Also as @inspiracion and you both said the concept of extending the quiz formats and integrating them into educational programs offers an exciting chance to further improve engagement and learning.
In particular the suggestion of initiating a Teaching Team to explore the mysterious clues in a structured course format is very interesting. Approaching this way would not only brings participation but also improves the learning experience for users of varying skill levels. I wholeheartedly support this initiative and am really enthusiastic about contributing to its success.
I would like to actively participate in future Flashquiz events and contributing insights and collaborating with fellow participants to unravel the mysteries within each quiz. Please add my name in the list as well


Warning: you might lose sleep decrypting some of those clues

Warning: you might lose sleep falling to decrypt some of those clues

I absolutely love it!

It was hard to keep track of the quiz situation with all the comments, but the progress summary keeps it up to date. A mix of clues would be great. I'd really love to see this carry on.

Oh gosh you don't want to know how I am feeling who just came onboard.

I don’t know if I am riding on a white tiger who escaped from a zoo, reciting poems while chasing a suitable RV with birthday balloons hanging from the window with the words “5th! Birthday Zulema” while on a road trip, keeping an eye on a budget, and who is now wondering if Uber was not the better option as Facebook Marketplace will not take me to the next holiday destination as I have nothing more to sell in these tough and exciting times.

Hope on the bus, Pat
We're making new plans.

It will be great to have you along for the ride @patjewell.

You will definitely be interested in what is coming up soon...

Thank you!
I'm waiting in anticipitation. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Glad you are enjoying it.

And thank you for loan of your posts to host the flashquizes...

saya sangat senang bisa berpartisipasi dalam memecahkan tetaki, segalius bisa menambah wawasan saya berpikir akan tetapi saya masih kesulitan untuk memahaminya karena saya baru tau hal terebut,

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