Cat Names Contest/Giveaway- 15 SBD Up For Grabs!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)


Why did you pick THAT name for your cat? I have always been curious about this and that is why I have decided to hold this contest. 15 SBD is up for grabs and three winners will be chosen.

1st Place- 8 SBD

2nd Place- 5 SBD

3rd Place- 2 SBD


  1. Upvote this post.
  2. Leave a comment. Include the name of your cat and the reason why you chose that name.

You are allowed to enter if your beloved cat is in cat heaven.

You are allowed to enter if you have a stray that you care for and have given the stray a name.

If you would like to, include a picture of your cat. I sure would enjoy looking at your pictures; however a picture is NOT necessary for you to enter.

This contest will begin now, Monday, July 24, 2017 and will end one week from now on Monday, July 31, 2017 at 11:00 P.M. EST. (Eastern Standard Time.)

Winners will be randomly chosen by using "Steemwinner." I will announce the winners as soon as I know who they are.

I will hold another contest for Dog Names after this one is over.


Image Source:
All other content: 100% own work.


Hi there @whatisnew. You've already "met" my two furballs: Monster on top, Lucifer on the bottom of the picture.

Monster was named Streepje (Stripe in English) by the humans that take care of his parents. We didn't like that name and we thought about names for a couple of days. In that period, he destroyed our furniture, so on day 5 my girlfriend said to him: "You're a real monster aren't you?" And that name stuck to him😀. He's a demolisher no more btw.

Lucifer got his name a little faster. The bright orangey-reddish colour made me wanna name him Duivel (Devil) or Beëlzebub. However, my girlfriend pointed out that calling either of those names out loud (when we wanted him to come inside for instance) might estrange us from our neighbours😂😂😂.
So we called him Lucifer: next to being the fallen angel, it is also the Dutch word for match-stick.

Give Pachino and Ollie a nice big hug from us

Yes, I have met your cuties before and now I know how and why they got their names. I love the story. OMG...Monster...what have you done? LOL! :) I gave Pachino and Ollie a big hug from you which is easy for me to do. I am always giving them hugs and kisses. Now please give Monster and Lucifer hugs and kisses from me. Thanks so much for the picture! :)


Her name is Nuchka. 11 Years old. I chose the name because it's a name you don't hear very often. Unique; just like her.

She is also a rescued cat. Can't believe I got so lucky to have this beauty in my life.

Nuchka sure is beautiful; just like her name. I love to hear about rescues. Thank you for taking care of her and loving her the way you do. Such a happy ending. :)

OOOMMMMMGGGGG very fluffy cat! I want to cry now!

If you ever decide to give away Nuvhka, I am very happy to adopt her. ^_-

Hello @whatisnew I rescued a cat that had a deformed tail at 7 weeks old. He love to whiz around in circles when he played. He also has the sweetest little purr when you scratch the side of his face. We named him "Whizzpurrzz" to match his personality. We have had him for 12 years now and he still has the sweetest, softest purr. He may not whizz around the room anymore, more like a gentleman's saunter now.




I love that original. :) Thank you so much for rescuing him. You have given him a great life. At 12 years old, I can't see him whizzing around in circles now; more like walking around in circles. He is a cutie. Thanks so much for the picture! :)

You are so welcome, we love rescuing the ones that no one else will take. They put them down here after a month in the shelters. So we do our best. We just had a cat that was adopted die last year at 19. He just got too old to walk well and started collapsing off and on. We made the decision to put him down. I swear, when the vet gave him a shot to relax him, he looked at me as if to say, but wait I am not ready... Wow, that so took my by surprise and literally broke my heart for him. Isn't it amazing how attached we can become to the little ones. Have a great week ahead, I look forward to getting to know you better @whatisnew

You are so sweet. :) I know all about the shelters; I used to volunteer at one and my heart and mind, just couldn't take it any longer. I do remember you telling me about your 19 year old cat. OMG! My heart sank when you said that he looked up to you as if to say, but wait I am not ready. Maybe he was saying, "Thank you!" Oh yes, it is so easy to get so attached. I look forward to our new friendship as well! :)


Do you have a cat named Stripe @ppagoda? If you do, you must say why you picked that is in the rules. :)

I have a pet fish call stripe.

LOL! HaHa! You are so funny @ppagoda! Sorry, but that does not work for this contest. But please do tell Stripe that I said Hi! And thanks for the laugh! LOL! :)

This is the time I bring Kitty home and after shower...Cute

My cat called Kitty
My little girl get this name from the Japanese cartoon called " Hello Kitty" . When the first time she met the cat , she say " Hello Kitty :) .I have saved this cat from being hit by a car on the road. This cat is alone on the street and almost hit by a car. I stopped my car and bring it home. The cat is dirty and starving. I give it a shower and feed it foods. Kitty is so cute and always following me. Kitty like to cuddle with me too. I LOVE KITTY ;)

I have upvoted, resteem and followed :)

Yes, the famous "Hello Kitty." Kitty is adorable! I am so happy to hear that you saved Kitty and gave Kitty a great, loving home. Good for you! :) Looks like Kitty loves you too! :) Thank you for the pictures and thank you for the resteem! :)

Thanks @whatisnew, Kitty is cute. KItty like to play and cuddle with me. :)

very pretty!!!!!

Thanks @tali72 :) Thanks for your upvote ;)

what a lovely story @honey-pot you should be the winner

Thanks @arthur-schopen but Im not the winner

Meet my beautiful Cat Dusty!


Dusty was a stray and she would often come into my girlfriend's mother's house. She seemed to collect all the dust from everywhere, so we aptly named her Dusty. :-D


Dusty is adorable and I love her name. Thanks for the beautiful photos. I sure do appreciate it! :)

Aw, thank you so much @whatisnew! She is adorable indeed and you're welcome. This is a lovely contest and my fingers are crossed. Following and Upvoted.

Thanks for your kind words about this contest. And thanks for the up and follow. :) Likewise! :)

You're welcome and thanks @whatisnew. :-)

Hi there, I have upvoted, followed and resteemed.

My cat is called Bing Clawsby... I was very close to my grandpa and he loved to listen to Bing Crosby. I remember many happy hours sitting with him listening to his music, so my cat's name reminds me of my grandpa.

Cats are so cute LOL

and cheeky

I love how you named your cat with remembrance of your Grandpa and I love the name, "Clawsby." Thanks for these cute pictures and for the resteem. :)

Thanks... he was a good man and its nice to have him in my mind

The winners will be chosen tonight, July 31st at 11:00 PM EST! Good Luck!

Fun! Meet Mr. J. Catsby, or "JJ," and Daisy.
Image of D&J

As you probably guessed, they're named after characters from The Great Gatsby, one of my LEAST favorite books.

I wanted kitties, my boyfriend was lukewarm on the idea.

My boyfriend is also a high school English teacher. And he thinks that F. Scott Fitzgerald was brilliance incarnate.

The exchange was that he could pick the names and I could have the cats. Mr. J. Catsby quickly became JJ because that is a stupidly long name.

Of course, he's now smitten with them (as am I!), but, adorably, not as much as they are with each other.

OMG! They are adorable! :) I love the exchange; a perfect compromise. Thank you so much for sending the picture. I really enjoyed it and your story! :)

Hee hee funny!!!! :))))

This is Mia. She's a rescue. She was removed from a home where owners neglected her. As a result, she has only a few teeth left, and must have a wet-food only diet.

She's five and has only been in her new home for four days now. We chose to keep her original name of Mia on the basis that it wasn't fair to rename her at this age. She's been purring for a few days straight now, and is settling in well.

Aw, I am so happy to hear that you rescued Mia! Good for you! She looks very cute and content. Thanks for the picture! :)

What a nice contest, i love to enter. I got two cats - brother and sister. The catur is named Koekert, which means ' not beeing all to clever' but in a sweet way. Here he is:


His sister is named Dzjenghis - she is very cute and funny and clever but also very dangerous.
He she is:


Thank you for your kind words about this contest! :) I absolutely love the picture of Koekert. And Dzjenghis looks too relaxed to be dangerous. What a cute pair. :) Thanks so mush for the pictures! :)

What they are funny and cute !!!!

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