The Deadpost Initiative - Week 30 - Finding payout and readers for expired posts (All fluid rewards go to participants)

in #contest7 years ago

Join us at The Steemit Zombies and Deadpost Initiative chat in the Steemit Community Catalyst discord channel

What is the Deadpost Intitiative?

The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlooked during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.

Last week

Engagement is coming back to the Deadpost Initiative. This week I expect we may see higher rewards coming back. I think we have a bright future ahead for the Deadpost Initiative :-) . Last week we had one user tear it up, she won hands down according to comments and upvotes, so it was an easy week for me to judge.

Last Week's Winners


@satorid - $3 SBD prize

A psychedelic love poem that sounds bouts bitter and sweet. This left me wondering how @satorid’s real life story played out. In any case, it’s a beautiful poem.

Memories of You


@bananamemos - $3 SBD prize

The mysterious banana ambassador, @bananamemos shares with us an urgent situation. Segregation of vegetables is still happening, even in 2018. What will you do about it?

ALERT! Discrimination and Segregation in the produce section! TAKE ACTION NOW


@norwegianbikeman - $3 SBD prize

I love any story that starts with solitude and depression and ends with Burning Man...I would love to hear how it goes for @norwegianbikerman. Glad you’ve gotten out of the box!

Random Ramble on a Friday (removing my old box)


@celestal - $3 SBD prize

Angst about crypto and the state of the world! I understand! But I see hope! As long as we are standing there is hope, dear @celestal. Take these 3 sbd and change the world with it! ;-)

The Hype Is Dead: Back To The Ground, Which We Are Ruining Despite Knowing We Shouldn't

Week 30

dead posts

Share your best Deadpost in the comments!

The best posts will be rewarded with the fluid payout from this post (split between winners) and will be featured in a future post.


•Please only submit 1 post.
•Posts must have a payout of less than $5.
•Posts must be at least one month old.
•I recommend you don't enter the same post twice in the same month if you didn't win the first time.
•Vote for 1-3 post by others. Please share WHY you liked their posts. If you don't vote for someone else's post by commenting you will not be eligible to win.
•Winners will be chosen based on how original, creative, informative and well written their posts are, as well as how well received they are in the comments. I will use the quality of comments as the main factor in judging who wins.
•There will be a slight bias towards smaller accounts but large accounts are welcome to join and compete or join just for fun and to share their old work.
•There may also be prizes for stellar comments and engagement.
•There will be 2 or more winners depending on how big the payout for this post is and depending on how many quality posts are entered into the contest.

Please upvote generously on your favorite post in the comments below, we'd like to generate a sense much support as possible for all participants and the prize pool is still growing.

Upvote and resteem to help us raise our reward pool! And remember to comment and upvote on comments in this post please to show support for deadposts! :-)
The prize pool will be the fluid rewards from the post plus any donation to the initiative.
I'm still looking for more SP delegation to offer larger upvotes on all submissions. Thanks to @krnel for his delegation and @tribesteemup for their trail support.

This is not merely a contest, this is an opportunity to have your material read and an opportunity for us to really discuss each other's posts.

The Steemit Zombies and Deadpost Initiative discord channel


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The Be Awesome discord chat, was created with the intention of making deeper connections with fellow steemians. Come talk about "deep shit" and make friends.

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Come join us look for ways to help minnows grow organically and create a greater sense of community on steemit. #steemitzombies , #nobidbot , the Deadpost Initiative and more project chats inside.

Confessions of the Damaged - a collection of short stories


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by @skyleap


What a great initiative!!!! I think the problem of old posts being buried is one of the problems that have to be solved ASAP! It's not easy to maintain attention of your readers if you've decided to create somewhat a series of posts, there is no system of play-lists to organise our posts according to their themes.

So, here is my post from last month about lullabies with original a capella singing and original artwork:

Very nice post! I enjoyed the lyrics that illustrate so beautifully the rural way of living and the sound of it was even better!

Thank you from all my heart!!! You got it just right, the routine of family life was really important to keep the things go at that time..

The drawing is sweetly charming and the lullaby is certainly a window into the life of families in those days. You have a soothing singing style.

I sang many of the old standards, but also composed original lullabies for my son when he was an infant.
(I posted this same comment on your original post.)

Thank you for the kind words! And I bet that the ones you composed yourself were your son's favourite!!!!! Haha, I invented just one, it didn't even have any lyrics, just indistinct mumbling, and guess what, it became his favourite for a long long time )

My lullabies were among his favorites. Actually, though, he seemed to respond more to some of the hymns, especially Christmas hymns I sang to him – maybe that’s because he was born right before Christmas, and those were the first songs I sang to him. I also sang lots of sweet hymns to him while I was still pregnant with him.

What a rare mother you are!!!! Modern young ladies don't care much about prenatal period, they even continue smoking...

Not in America… You can actually be charged with child abuse or child endangerment for smoking or drinking or doing drugs while pregnant. Some still may do that, but they do it out of sight – most of us have gotten the message not to drink or smoke or do drugs while pregnant. In fact, there’s a billion dollar industry in prenatal specialty care and services here.

Such a sweet little song, and I really enjoyed hearing it in Russian. :-)

And I agree with you about the problem on Steemit of not being able to categorize our posts into themes or series or subjects. Wish something could be done about that!

What a great post on so many levels :) I like the information, the illustration and the song itself. Thanks for sharing...

Thank you for the kind words, I didn't even think about levels... Haha, you're right, maybe I should have put it in art instead of education ))

Hey @whatamidoing! This is a great idea. These days I was doing some research about: What if I'm posting an old content again, because I had no followers and nobody gave a s***. So what's your opinion about that?

Here's my entry, I was just starting to show little making ofs. It's not the best one since I was pretty new to Steemit, but I actually don't want it to die...

I'll be back to check out more entries!

The dear little fairy looks kind of scared. I love the picture though. It is quite different from the usual fairy interpretations...that is the appeal. Great editing there with the lights and all. I am clueless when it comes to core photoediting but it has never stopped me from appreciating a good one when i see it.

Thank you so much for your appreciation, @cheekah!

This is a terrific little sculpture. I’d put it on my brick-a-brac shelf.

Thank you so much ♥ Yes, I would too, but unfortunately it fell apart...

That’s too bad. Can you recreate it?

Actually not. The sculptures I make are not made for eternity, they often only survive the photo shooting. For me, that's ok, because that also tells something about transience and make the pictures special to me, because you can never bring the situation back...

That's a darling little autumn fairy, @patschwork!

Very nice work!
Although it is the most dark mood fairy I’ve ever seen, I love it!
And your photo editing was great too.

that black fairy is usual and different but, still cool.

Very nice idea you had here @whatamidoing!
I am afraid I don’t have much voting power to contribute but I would like to join with a post that contains a part of myself. It is basically pictures since my English are not very fluent and I am expressing through photography. I wrote it with the excuse of a contest but I become quite fond of it and I would love some more feedback :)

A nice photo essay. Terrific pictures and good commentary.

Thank you for your kind words :)

I really enjoyed that walk around a springtime garden, so full of promise. This post should've been seen by more people, @fotostef!

I think I might give this a try this time.

I wrote this a while back. It's about the abuse of language in regards to the drug war.

It is good to see more people getting involved in this stuff you are trying to do. I am going to go ahead and join your discords. I haven't really used that platform but I have had an account forever. I'm artisticscreech over there too. Maybe I'll catch you online some time if I can force myself to stop being antisocial lol.

The usage of some words are extremely overrated. I have made it a point in my life not to judge from what i see without the complete facts to the whole issue. It is true these drugs have medical applications but i still think it us wrong to use it just to feel high to the point of being wasted. What purpose and impact would such a person have on the world. Just saying.

Who says a person need to have a purpose or an impact? If someone is happy to do the things that make them feel good, who are we to judge them for it? If we are to live in a free society, we must seperate the things we don't approve of and things that are actually "wrong." The user has not hurt anyone, he or she has not stolen anything. By getting high, he or she has done nothing "wrong." If, on the other hand, someone tries to force the user to stop I would that he or she is wrong because it does not respect the user's right to control his or her own body.

Would you say this person has hurt no one if this person is a mother or a father. Who takes care of the little ones then when they have no one else? Whether we like it or not, our decisions and lifestyle either directly or indirectly hurt someone. Yes, its a free world and I have no right to judge a person but that does not change this truth. It is heartbreaking watching a mother who gets frequently wasted neglect her kid(s) or a father for that matter and we keep talking about freedom. Freedom should not be abused.

There are an awful lot of "if's" here. We have if a person has kids, if those kids have no one else, if the drug can actually cause neglect, if it does, in that persons case, cause neglect and so on.

If a person has kids and uses drugs that does not mean that they neglect their children by definition. If a person neglects their children for any reason then that is a different issue which can be addressed on its own. Freedom is not freedom if someone tells us how we are allowed to use it. If someone isn't causing direct harm to another person or that person's things they should be free to do as they wish. Freedom can be abused but that is not sufficent cause to limit it.

You, of course, are free to disagree.

In a way you are right. We all are entitled to our opinions on issues. No one should limit a person's freedom but we all have a responsibilty to think of how our actions affect the next person.

The rhetoric around this so-called “drug war” is counter intuitive to real solutions.

I like the question you're raising here languagewise, I mean, a lot of words and terms are obused nowadays. If I say "feminism" more likely people will have the image of those crazy modern women, although initially the term has nothing to do with how it is used-obused now.

As for drugs, ummm... it's a very delicate thing to discuss. Can one take morphine if it was prescribed by a doctor? Yes, absoltely! Can one extend their treatment period because they think that it wasn't enough ? Ummm, how can we be sure they aren't addicted at this point?

I loved how @cheekah expressed with her words how I feel, the key thought of her comments is "not being selfish but altruistic" when making a decision like"I'm doing it to feel good".

Dr. Frankenpeel 170x246.png

It's not often a truly great invention comes along, but I, Dr. Frankenpeel, have created the world's first STEEMNANA, especially for Steemians to snack on while steemin'...

Ha! Funny

Thanks, @momzillanc. Hope the graphic pictures didn't get to you. 😁

Congratulations to the winners. I wrote this sometime in april in response to a writing prompt. I just love stories and it was fun writing this one. Its about a woman who finds hope in a time travel experiment. Here is the link

An intriguing short write that left me wanting to know more, and wondering if her “seat partner” was the person from whom the necklace had been stolen. Thus, when she returns it, she sets up the loop of her grandfather stealing it, causing her to have to return it…

Who knows, the necklace could have belonged to anyone. I am glad you enjoyed reading the story.

Her studio apartment was her solace...her escape from a world of pain and now she had brought pain into her well-organized life and it was impossible to undo the pain.

A very well-crafted short story, Cheekah. I really enjoyed it:)

Thanks for your kind words.

This was a catchy write! Left me wondering about other people on that plane and their stories of getting on it. I feel that this story can be continued and can never get boring thanks to all the stories that led those people to that plane...

I loved the complex emotions on uncertanity you managed to make us feel along the read:

She just wanted to drift till she got to her destination...or not.

I am glad you enjoyed reading the story. Thanks for your kind words.

Exciting short story, @cheekah! What will happen next, will she fix the past, will she meet her grandfather...I enjoyed it a lot.

A short story filled with so much suspense.......
I love your story @cheeekah

Thanks @nigerian-yogagal. This means a lot.

You welcome babe...

My submission is my poem “I Love You” – Experimenting with the acrostic style… a·cros·tic: əˈkrôstik,əˈkräs-/ noun a poem, word puzzle, or other composition in which certain letters in each line form a word or words.

You gathered the pieces of my shattered heart
Overlaid the shards upon your own and
United both hearts to beat as one

The beauty of the strength of love. Wonderful share, Denise:)

Thanks, Pryde

love poems are my favorite...straight to the point "I love you "

Hello Everyone

Here is a poem from a few months back. Be back to check out everyone else's work:)

Cool poem. I like the classical references and I really enjoyed its playful style.

Thank you, Screech:) Is that your dog in your avatar? He looks like a great one:)

Haha Yeah that is one of them. He is a pain but he's pretty friendly too.

Still a terrific black Valentine poem.

Thank you, Denise:) Seems like this week, we were doing a call and answer kind of thing:)

It did rather seem that way, didn’t it…

Since this is not my native language, it´s hard to get every hidden sense, but I got the whole thing and I love how you´re playing with the words. The topic is onmipresent but I like hiding behind my rose-tinted glasses ;) Thanks for sharing!

The spoken word for this poem is a piece of art! Your emotional read accompanied by accordion (one of the most romantic instruments of the most romantic country, not imo, but cliche wise) is just priceless! Have to admit, Pryde, today I've found myself on a hook of your youtube channel!

ok for my entry, am going with a spoken word video, it's something that i really enjoy and I hope you do too
"Because isn't that what life is anyways...

A series of ups and downs,
of negative and positive,
of fullness and emptiness"

Great initiative, highlights one of the major flaws of the platform.


I completely agree on both counts, @cryptogee.

That's why I started my own personal curation series for outdated posts to highlight 'buried' Steemit treasure a couple months ago... need to do it more often.

So happy to find this initiative. Thanks so much, @whatamidoing. I will be back to submit a post and to participate and vote.

Thanks for the support, and for using the nobidbot tag!

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