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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (I'm a monster....)

in #contest5 years ago

I'm glad to see that you are open to questioning your beliefs regarding consuming other animals. What do you think of lab grown meat? It seems like a promising bridge, hopefully it'll be more available soon.

For me, I'm really not sure what that may be. I primairly use public transportation and bike, though I owned a car prior to moving from the US and likely will drive somewhat regularly again when I get. So maybe that. I'm vegan, I avoid packaged goods for the most part, and try to minimize my single use products as much as I can.

Oh, maybe manually brushing my teeth. Hopefully in the future we will have robotic systems to do that. Or maybe light and sound based ones. That would be pretty sweet. Along that line of thinking, cooking my own food, doing laundry, other household chores, all may be seen as oddities in the future if smart homes and robotic systems become the norm. I could also not being able to talk with people who speak other languages as being something drastic that changes. Perhaps there will be universal and ubiquitous translator electronics such that not communicating with people would be a faux pas.

It's really hard to think about what kind of society humanity will have in the future. I have my own desired ideals, but who knows what'll happen. Maybe the climate crisis will revert humanity backwards and we'll all be in Mad Max style dystopia. I hope not. But every day it seems like we're moving that way.

Posted using Partiko Android


I would be 100% into lab grown meat. I actually can't wait until it's in grocery stores and it'll be exciting times when it's cheaper than traditional-meat.

I'd probably consider trying it, but I'd need to research more into the process that goes into making it. And I'm not sure if I'd even want to, as I try to follow a primarily raw diet. Though, I guess with lab grown flesh the likelihood of bacteria significantly decreases.

I'm hoping it doesn't work like renewable energy, in that it becomes cheaper than the bad alternative but because that has so much power and tradition it'll stick around.

There's definitely already groups opposing it... trying to pass laws about only traditional farm grown livestock allowed to use the word "meat" in the product description... but honestly, it's getting so popular so fast that I'd be surprised if the cattle rancher groups could contain it.

It's definitely heavily processed... but so are sausages and hamburgers, etc. I'm trying to stay away from steak at the moment because of the water cost, so I'd be happy for any suitable alternative really.

Ugh. Just like with milk. They should just accept that they're bring phased out, and embrace the change.

If you feel a need for animal protein, I'd suggest insect as one of the best options.

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutely, all for insect protein!

Well that's good to hear. It's too bad so many Western civilizations refuse to embrace it. I personally would rather it not be necessary, but insect usage would be a fairly significant positive step if if replaced all other animal flesh usage. Especially from am environmental standpoint.

I would love lab grown meat... I think it is really the real viable alternative, at least in the mid term. There are many people who are more like me, we are concerned about our eating habits and the impact on animals and the ecosystem... however, not willing to go completely veggie or vegan. We have switched to a few vegetarian meals a week, and we do use less meat... but I don't think I would be able to give it up completely.

I did see the Impossible Burger in the supermarket just a couple of days ago... I was curious, but wow... it was pretty expensive! Anyway, when the veggie options go on sale, I make sure to pick up a few packs!

Ha... doing chores... I can't wait until that is unethical!

I certainly hope that it becomes a good enough alternative for people. Seems like it would have all of the upsides for people who feel a need for flesh, and a whole lot less downsides.

That's awesome that you're cutting back. It took a me a very long time to transition to being vegetarian and then vegan. I never thought I'd be able to either. What changed for me was a culmination of a ton of different things sort of shifting my perspective on the world. So little separates us from our fellow animals. But, I'll leave that conversation for another time, if it's even one you'd be open to having.

I'd suggest a qrunch burger if you can find them where you leave. They're not meat alternatives, just a very tasty veggie burger that is whole food based.

I don't know if it'd ever be unethical but I could definitely see it being a frowned about activity at some point.

Posted using Partiko Android

qrunch.. I"m not sure if they have them here... but we have had some really nice veggie options, not burgers but really good stuff including "meatballs" for pasta and "chicken" sticks... I think I prefer the stuff that really are vegetarian and don't try to be fake meat!

Yeah, I guess I can sort of see the benefit for having fake meat stuff, but I find the truly veggie ones that just use the same shape are more appealing. Though I have not tried very many, as I stopped eating most kinds of processed food before I went vegetarian.

Posted using Partiko Android

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