10 Truths & 1 Lie - Win SBD!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Can you guess the lie?


Steemit life gets really busy, it is very hard (for me at least) to keep up with the communities I am involved in and stop by to visit everybody that deserves it. Just like real life. I was so happy when @insideoutlet stopped by one of my post. I met her in @dolphinschool and I have tried really hard to keep up with the other classmates but again, I am just not good at managing my time. Sorry guys! I'm going to make a list of Steemians that I need to make sure I keep up with and dedicate one full day going down that list making visits to everyone... Anyway, she let me know about this really cool fad going around Steemit which was started by @traciyork, its a fun way to get to know each other by playing 10 truths and 1 lie. She encouraged me to join in on her challenge and I was rather surprised by her 10 truths and 1 lie, she really does live a fun life, lol.

I am now going to tell you 10 truths about my life and also one lie. You have to decide which one is the lie. The very first person to guess the lie wins 0.5 sbd, after that there will be a surprise prize amount for those who also guess correctly.

Let the games begin

  1. I eloped 2 years ago. Only one person knew about it, they got mad at me a few months ago and told my mom. Now the world knows.

  2. I have moved over 15 times since the 4th grade. I have never had a stable home, including the one I live in today.

  3. At 16, I got my first car. I was so excited to drive but had nowhere to go. I did what I thought was best and drove circles around the house because driving was fun.

  4. I worked in a nursing home taking care of the elderly. I was bitten, smacked and kicked by them almost every single day.

  5. I had an older sister that passed away shortly after she was born. I received her middle name to keep her memory alive.

  6. Around the age of 18, I was at a gas station and a guy asked me for $5. I told him that I didn't have $5 so he pulled a gun out on me and asked for whatever I had.

  7. After highschool I was enrolled into college. I wanted to work in radiology but I quit college because it was too hard.

  8. I currently own a pet mini pig. I have never had a stronger connection with any other animal.

  9. I played indoor soccer as a child, I quit that because I got hit directly in the face with the ball. I cried and never wanted to play again.

  10. I was born without a soft spot on my head. The specialist told my mom that I would be deformed.

  11. I was once bitten by a dog because I screamed at a spider.

Did you guess the lie?

I would love for everyone to participate and try to guess the lie! Let me know in the comments which number you think is the lie, I will do a reveal post in 7 days. This is a super fun way to learn fun facts about other people, join in on the fun so that we can learn more about you too!

lies & truth photo source

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I was going to say no. 7 but its been picked. So im going with i hope you didnt have to endure no. 6

You can pick one even if it has been picked 😊 Thanks for playing and for telling me about yours. It is such a fun way to learn about other people.

thank you for the 10 moments of truth, I bet the lie on 7.

Thank you very much for playing 😄

I'm going to guess number 6 is the lie, but wow not knowing you this is really tough. Btw from one victim of a soccer ball face to another, I feel your pain, well felt it, I mean it's been a long time since it happened but yeah it freaking hurt for really. Now if that was the lie then I'm just ashamed and look like a fool, but anyway yeah number 6, oh and you just got a new follower to yeah there is that also. Do bribes work, oh nevermind not a bribe the follow is real, and so was that freaking soccer ball, damn it really freaking hurt. I'm #triggered now... geez thanks a lot new friend, can we be friends, if not that's cool, now I'm just rambling, anyway let me shut up and hit that follow button.

Thanks a lot for playing. I will reveal the lie in 7 days. I cant say for sure yet if the soccer ball story is the truth or a lie but if it is indeed the truth, I would imagine that a soccer ball to the face would hurt! I don't think I would wish that on anyone lol I followed you back!

Oh yea, sorry about the trigger 😂

Not if we get hit in the face with a freaking soccer ball!

What a great contest! They all sound true! Gonna guess on no 3. 😂

Thank you for playing 😄 this is a really fun contest that was originally created. Im glad she came up with it.

Sounds like you have lived an interesting life.
I’m going to guess #9 because no one else has picked it yet. :P

Thanks for playing the game 😊 the lie will be revealed in a few days

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