Aren't You Tired Yet? My Entry into Jon's 1st Fiction Contest - Armistice

in #contest7 years ago

Aren’t You Tired Yet?

By: @Lymmerik

Patrick leaned back in the recliner and clicked the TV remote through the news channels. “Hang on just a minute, Cleo. I want to watch this.”

“Seriously?” She walked between him and the television, blocking his view. He leaned his head to the side, looking around her at the news reporter jabbering about the war between the United States and China.

“Come on now, listen!”

“Patrick, I’m serious this time! I can’t do this anymore. I don’t know how to make this any easier.”

“Easier? Easier than what?” Patrick scooted forward on the edge of the seat. “Who said it would be easy?”

“I feel like you’re not present in our relationship.” Cleo raised her hands in the air. “Why am I always taking a backseat to all your doomsday prepper crap?”

Patrick stood up and tossed the remote back onto the cushion. “Damn-it Cleo, I am present. I’m here, am I not? I can’t change the fact that our government marched us off to war with China. If Washington and Beijing don’t come up with some kind of an agreement, so we can have an armistice like after World War I, we’re all going to be dead! Why can’t you understand that?”

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“I’m talking about us, Patrick. Don’t you get it? Screw China! What if I leave?”

“Are you kidding me? Where would you go to stay safe?” Patrick smirked. “The Moon?

“Oh my god, this isn’t about that shit.” Cleo started to walk away, but turned back to him, “this is about us!”

“Listen to this.” Patrick pointed to the TV. “There is a war going on. There isn’t going to be an us, or the United States or China. Hell, they’ll probably blow up the world. We’ll be dead, Cleo. Along with millions, no billions of other people. What the hell?”

“I know there's a war going on, but your obsession with this political shit is driving me crazy. Our relationship is falling apart.” Her voice began to quiver, “you haven’t been you in months. I’ve tried to ignore it, but I can’t sleep at night. I can’t even focus at work.” She poked him in the chest with her finger. “Are you even in there?”

Patrick put his arms around her and pulled her close. “I love you. I’m just trying to keep us alive. Everything I’ve tried to do, I’ve tried to do for us.” He kissed her forehead. “This war is political, I’ll give you that. But babe, they’re dropping bombs and killing innocent people every minute of every day.”

Cleo’s eyes welled up with tears and she pulled away. “If you really loved me, you’d stop this crap. I’ve given you chance after chance. All you do is drink and rant! There is nothing you can do. You have no power to do anything about it. Hell, you can’t even keep a job!”

“Wait, what? I’m not going to fight with you, Cleo. I can at least try to keep us safe. And I am capable of keeping a job.” Patrick picked up his keys from the coffee table and turned to leave. “You know what? Fuck this shit, I’m going to Moe’s.”

Patrick stormed out of the apartment. Her shrill voice followed him out the door, ringing in his ears. “You ball-less bastard, go have a drink! Run away, little boy! You’re not even trying to get a job. Asshole!”


Patrick’s feet knew the trek to Moe’s Bar. Step by step he reasoned with himself as he walked. “You’re not even trying to get a job. Yes, Cleo, I am trying to get a job. Is she going to leave me? If she leaves me, how can I keep her safe? We’ve got to be prepared!”

Patrick shoved the door open to Moe’s Bar and waved to Haps behind the bar.

“Is that a ring in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?” Haps, picked up a bar towel and wiped the bar-top, “what can I get you, Pat?”

Patrick dropped his head. “It’s the ring. I still haven’t asked her. Give me a draft?”

Haps retrieved a frozen mug from the freezer behind him. The mug crackled as he filled it. “Well my friend, now is the time. Just do it, already!”

“She’s mad at me again, we had a fight over this stupid war.” Patrick mouthed the words, “You’re not present in our relationship.” His face shot red. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Come on, man. All you do is talk about is the war. I can’t remember the last conversation we’ve had about anything else. Dude, snap out of it!” He walked away shaking his head, “you know, it’s the government trying to keep us in line. Damn-it man, get a grip.”

Patrick watched him walk to the other end of the bar. “What would you do, Haps?”

Haps pulled the bar towel from his shoulder and tossed it onto the bar. He lifted the hinged bar-top, walked through the opening, and sat down beside Patrick. “Go home, forget about this war, propose to Cleo, get married, …make babies, man. Just do right by her.”

Patrick looked at the television over the bar and strained to listen, “Turn the TV up, Haps, let’s find out what’s going on.”

“…and they’re off. Did you hear a word I just said?” Haps looked at the remote lying in front of Patrick, “there’s the remote, knock yourself out.”

“I’ll go home after I drink this beer, I promise.” Patrick picked up the remote and turned up the volume.

“…and reports are now coming in from Geneva. The US and China have come to an agreement and cease-fire. What this implies is that there may be a way for the US to back their warships out of the South China Sea without firing any more shots.” The reporter put his finger to his earpiece, “we are getting further reports that the agreement is now signed by both parties and will indeed avert any future hostilities. Chinese officials say that they will not back down if the US fails to leave the area…”

“This is great! You see, Patrick? It’s just to keep us in line. Another false flag!”

Patrick dropped his head, “I can’t believe I’ve been such a fool. I’m going home now. I hope she’s still there. Thanks for the talk, Haps.”

“That’s why I’m the bartender buddy. Later.”


Patrick kicked a soda can along the sidewalk most of the way home. He rehearsed his apology and proposal out loud, “Cleo, I’m sorry…Cleo, I’m stupid…Forgive me. Crap! Will you marry me?”

He climbed the stairs to the apartment with his heart beating in his throat. He heard a familiar song, What a Feeling, blaring from inside. He opened the door and his eyes lit up.

Cleo was dancing around the room, but stopped suddenly when she saw Patrick standing in the doorway smiling. “You’re back early.”

Cleo, I’m such an idiot. I shouldn’t have stormed out. Please forgive me. Can we talk?”

Cleo half-heartedly smiled and sat down. “We can, but will you please try to understand where I'm coming from? When you’re drinking, you listen, but you don’t hear me. I want a normal relationship with you. I know that we are at war with China and your obsession with it is causing us to drift further and further apart.” She smiled and said, “we used to be so good together, I just want that back.”

“I only had one beer, and I didn’t even finish it. I’ve been such a fool. With you in my life, I’m the luckiest man alive.” Patrick perked up a bit, “But I feel like that overwhelming sense of dread with all this war crap is coming to an end. Did you see…”

Cleo clicked the remote's on button and pointed to the TV, “Aren’t you tired yet? Doesn’t this make you want to tune it all out and focus on your own worries? And mine?”

“Yes, I am. And yes, it does. They’ve reached an agreement, I saw it at Moe’s. I’ll be a better man after you say yes.” Patrick slid his index finger into the watch pocket of his jeans and revealed the ring to a confused Cleo.

He knelt on one knee, extended the ring, and looked at her with tears in his eyes. “I cannot think of anywhere else that I want to be, than here with you. We’ve had our problems, and we’ll have other problems. But tonight, and every night from here on out, I will strive to be a better man. Will you marry me and become Mrs. Patrick Smith?

“This is great!” Cleo jumped on top of Patrick and kissed him passionately. “YES! I hope Haps can hear this at the bar! Hell, I hope they can hear it in China!”

Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings!


If you would like to enter Jon's 1st Fiction Contest - Armistice: CLICK HERE

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I love happy endings.

I find your story all too realistically echoing aspects of dynamics in my own life. As an "enemy of the state," relationships tend to become quite complicated. It's a good thing that ultimately, love conquers all... ;)



I appreciate your kind words. I submitted this story to the wriret’s block for critique. I really learned a lot from them. It was a story that I had to write!

BTW, good luck in Jon's contest! :D

And, a little belatedly, I think I owe you a debt of gratitude; I think that I stumbled over Jon's contest, and then/thus The Writers' Block, as a consequence of having entered your fine Limerick contest. :D

Excellent @creatr, I’m glad I was helpful!

I'm really proud of what you did here. Great job. I felt as if I was right in the middle of the action. ❤

Thank you! You really made me think! I must say that your observations were spot on!
Thank you

I love where you've taken the theme. Great work!

Thanks for the complimen5. I really owe @rhondak and @tinypaleokitchen much gratitude for prodding me in The Writer’s Block!

Yeah I can't recommend The Writers Block highly enough!

I'm really glad Tiny recommended I take a look at this. I like it. Unusual interpretation of the prompt, IMO. Good work! Glad to have you part of the block crowd.

Tiny is awesome. She gave me a thorough waxing! She made me think. She inspired me
Glad to be a part of the block crowd. Thanks

Wonderful story, @lymmerik. I love a happy ending too. I just bet this scene is going on in many households as we speak. Good advice to try and balance affairs of vs world...not let "world" take over. Enjoyed it.

Thank you, I really enjoyed writing this piece. This contest produced some excellent results!

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