in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

The competition continues…   

Welcome to this Round #3 Fight! You must compete in all 3 Round#. Fights to be considered for the Championship rounds.    

Reminder: While you will be exposed to state of the art mind blowing graphics, detailed comments/replies, some pretty powerful imagery and some totally rubbish use of English and grammar, some level of imagination will still be required    

Now, It's time to fight! let the tournament continue.

The Above image was captured from the abandoware game romance-of-the-three-kingdoms.

Welcome to this Round #3 Fight! You must compete in all 3 Round#. Fights to be considered for the Championship rounds to come later.    

The following players have been accepted for enrolment and may participate in all tournament battles, including this post/Round #3 fight!  

  • Guardian of the bridge
  • peace bringer   
  • TwinkleToesTommy   
  • Cluck like a Chicken Weirdo   
  • El-Bobo!   
  • Melontop Swamp Creature of Speed   
  • Almighty Green Man   
  • Ax Wielding Hairy Bear   
  • Giant Green Web Thrower   
  • Wonder Woman   
  • Silent Assassin   
  • jack   
  • Pen   
  • NinjaGobbo   
  • Burger Mech!   
  • Crazy Clause   
  • Sylph Illusion   
  • Magician of the spectrum   
  • Mighty illusionist of the 3 ducks quacking   
  • Twilight   
  • Superman   
  • Soultaker   
  • Violin Elf-Man   
  • scorpion    

Anyone else participating will not be considered for prizes as they did not enrol.   

Battlefield background:   

You are fatigued from previous battles, but must drag yourself out one last time. 

You have entered a battle prep/staging area and are about to enter a massive battle arena, where 500,000+ potential Steemians are stunned, sleeping or passed out, clearly overwhelmed by the action of the battles experienced so far.   

Reminder: you must compete in all 3 Round#. fights to be considered for the Championship rounds and larger prizes  

Warning: there is violence involved with this post (it's a big battle) Win the battle, get the Glory, get the Steem 


You enter the main arena and now the crowd goes crazy with laughter, boo’s and general screams driven by madness and the continued desire for blood.    

Your next combatants stand before you and you have the power to defeat only one of these enemies as one of them is just to tough for you; so you must choose which one you would attack? Best of luck, without further delay here are your opponents for this round:  

Opponent 1 Above   -  Evil Planet Killer 

Opponent 2 Above - Giant City Devouring Worm


*You must imagine you’re in a battle arena and you have two potential opponents. You can see them on your screen now! 

*You must Upvote this post (it is ok if your power is low, as long as you upvote and it doesn't need to be 100%, but please try as we want the prize for this round to be reasonable).   

*You must tell someone you know about this post, i.e. either a Resteem, PM, Steem transfer with message, be inventive. Obviously I can't tell if you do or don’t follow this rule, but what we want to do is work together to increase the upvote and make this contest truly worthy. Feel free to BYOD - D standing for (Dolphin)

 *You may upvote other people’s comments/replies, but you must put your own comment/reply to be considered 

*You may identify yourself as the character you enrolled with and give details about your attack. 

*You must comment which opponent you would attack and in doing so win the fight. It can only be one;    


*50% of ALL Author Steem raised from this post will be split evenly to the people who guess the right enemy to attack.  If you are struggling with the thought of attacking something, be inventive on how you defeat your chosen opponent & please remember it is only an imaginary battle.   

In 7 days I will post which enemy was weakest and lost the battle after your attack and dish out the prize money for the round.

May the best/luckiest players win! 

----------------------------Additional Info for prizes and up and coming Championship battles

----------------------------Note you don't need to read this, is just to explain rules/prizes further

The top 12 players winning the majority of the battles (across all 3 round#. fights) will be found worthy of the championship battles. These players will be announced in approx 7 days, on the INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT – winners list post.

As this is a first of its kind experimental tournament, the championship battles will be pretty much auto played out based on random selections. (There will be two Championship battle posts for you to cheer, but players will be randomly placed against each other. SteemCryptoKitty will be rolling two dice for each player and will make multiple appearances in the Championship posts to show us the winners.     

Special Prizes/considerations for this tournament: Where a character has done a cool reply/comment, in any 3 tournament battles i.e. inventive, funny or particularly inspiring attack to impress the masses - you may also win a Trophy token. 

Trophy tokens can be kept for good time memories, or traded in and will be accepted just prior to the Championship post, in the INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT – winners list post.  Important note: You do not have to have won the trophy tokens in this competition, you simply need to have trophy tokens as you my have won them in other competitions as per here

You will only have 24 hours to reply on the winners list post, if you would like to trade in a trophy token for a +1 to whatever steemcryptokitten rolls for your character in the championship rounds. 

For fairness reasons I can only allow a max of two trophy tokens to be traded (meaning you can have up to +2  to any championship battles, if you give me 2 trophy tokens - simplez!). I must receive the trophy tokens within 24 hours of the winners list post if for some reason someone wants to do this.

Those who come 1st place, in the championship round for this tournament will also be issued 2 trophy tokens along with substantial steem prizes (They are the champs and may keep their trophy tokens as a prize or trade them in later during future tournaments).  +2 isn't allot of a bonus with two 6 sided dices being rolled, but it might tip the balance for these returning competition champs :)

I look forward to announcing winners of these round #. fights in 7 days and then running the final championship battles..remember the champion battles are all automatic for this first experimental tournament, they will appear as two posts, Semi final (where players coming 3rd will receive steem) and finals (where players coming 2nd and 1st will receive steem and other prizes).

Images and characters appearing in these Interactive Battles come from various sources, today’s are coming from the abondware game dragonwars, Dune and romance-of-the-three-kingdoms


the sight of Evil Planet Killer sends shivers down Pen's spine, they look like they have a few things going on... Pen reflects 'would I rather face a planet killer or a Giant City Devouring Worm? World vs city?

Well pesticide is a thing, she magically pulls some out of her pocket , like batman and his shark repellent. She coats the tip of her umbrella with it, she charges at the worm.

Haha...Gosh! I think if it was me I would just die of heart failure prior to the fight

..but these battles are just for the battle savvy. Lets see if your attack comes off

Thanks for playing in the tournament battles, Pen's unique artistic style is capable of overcoming many challenges, I wish you much luck (and steem). Cheers


A view at the evil planet killer gives the peace maker huge erection.. maybe lust at first sight.


He spares her to be her consort & charges towards giant city devouring worm by invoking a huge storm..


Worm gets dizzy after spinning in the tornado & gives up.

Woow! ultimate powers, but will the new consort be nice or nasty? lets see

Thanks very much for participating in the tournament battles. Your players ultimate powers made every battle seem near effortless. I wish you much steem and high adventures. Cheers

This time the Violin Elf-Man faces foes of unseen strength and power.

Disgusted by the sight of Evil Planet Killer he decides to give her a concert.

Well hello, Evil McFatFace Planet Killer^^

Would you like to hear me play?


Tunes violin to forbidden frequency
Plays Symphony of Destruction

The shrill sound waves emitting from the violin are too much too take!

The Planet Killer shrieks and bends until her eardrums pop and head explodes.


Haha wrong on so many levels I have to like it.

Thanks very much for participating in the tournament battles. Your players hairy ears and string skills certainly gave you an edge. I wish you much steem and good music. Cheers

The Soultaker walked into the arena for the third time, but this time he entered armed... with an unopened water bottle in each hand. They didn't look much like weapons or tools, but those bottles were going to serve an important purpose. Instead of two opponents starting on opposite sides of the arena, this time the two opponents were standing together, in front of the NEG section, a section where the audience members, over 6000 of the worst Steemians by reputation, were locked in jail cells instead of being seated in stadium seats like the rest of the spectators. The Soultaker walked slowly towards the pair, stopping about 50 feet away and then taking a few moments to stare them down. To the left stood a massive, morbidly obese humanoid who had been labeled as the "Evil Planet Killer". To the right was the creature labeled as the "Giant City Devouring Worm". To the spectators' shock, the humanoid began to speak.

"Eheheheheh... a little boy, eh? Ahahahaha... I can only begin to imagine the terrified looks your parents will have when I murder you and send what's left of you back to them!" The humanoid looked deranged, but it was clear that they had aggressive intentions. But the Soultaker showed no fear, as it was obvious that the pair of opponents didn't know who he was, but he knew exactly who they were.

"What do you take me for, a fool?" the Soultaker responded. "My adoptive mother already murdered me once and I came back to life with powers you can only hope to ever obtain. And then I had to fight my biological father, who had similar powers, to the death. What makes you think you could fare better?" With that, the Soultaker opened up a water bottle, took a gulp, then poured out the rest of the water onto the arena floor. He then opened the other bottle and poured its contents out. When he was done, the water had been absorbed into the floor but formed a faint circle around him. Suddenly, the worm flinched and backed up ever so slightly from the Soultaker.

"What...?! Impossible!" the humanoid exclaimed. "How do you even know...?"

"Oh yes, I do know," the Soultaker said. "That worm you've got with you is a sandworm to whom water is a deadly poison. And you are none other than Baron Vladimir 'Dumbass' Harkonnen. And today I will show you no mercy; death shall come for you."

The humanoid stood frozen with its jaw dropped, as the Soultaker had just rendered it speechless. Then before their very eyes, the entire arena watched as the Soultaker transformed into the hideous mutant that would reveal his true powers. And true to the Soultaker's words, there would be no mercy. Energy surged through the Soultaker's mutant body and the air around him became electrified.

"Lightning....... BREAKER!!!"

An electrified energy beam emanated from the Soultaker and expanded quickly... way too quickly for the human eye to process. The Soultaker had barely finished saying the word "breaker" when the evil planet killer, Baron Vladimir "Dumbass" Harkonnen, got blasted by the beam and was instantly killed, fried, and disintegrated. Nanoseconds later, the sandworm befell the same fate due to the beam's rapid expansion. And nanoseconds after that, section NEG of the arena also disintegrated. For a few seconds, all that could be heard was the sound of destruction, save for one distinctive "blerughghghk" that came from a distance somewhere in the beam blast.

When the Lightning Breaker had finally subsided, the Soultaker had returned to his human form. Before him, where section NEG of the arena once stood, was now a wide-open path to the outside world. The remaining 490,000+ spectators in attendance, awed by the destruction that they had just witnessed and survived, gave the Soultaker another standing ovation as he walked out of the arena using the path that his Lightning Breaker had carved out. The Soultaker smiled, knowing that he took care of business and that it would be a while before he might get called back to fight again. Not only did the arena need extensive repairs and the Soultaker's final opponents for now fell so quickly, but the Soultaker had also recognized the voice that came through his beam of mass destruction -- that voice belonged to the black ghost demon who fled during the Soultaker's previous battle; it had disintegrated just like everyone and everything else that got caught by the Lightning Breaker. With that knowledge and satisfaction, the Soultaker headed off to find a quieter place where he could take a well-deserved break.

(Previous shot of an enemy mech, larger than the evil planet killer, facing imminent death in the first few nanoseconds of a Lightning Breaker from the Soultaker. Source: Tatsunoko)

Wow! ultimate destruction blow to finish the tournament off..I do feel slightly sorry for all those flagged Steemians who also got wasted! (just slightly)

Thanks very much for participating in the tournament battles. Your strong imagination and imagery certainly brought a special something to the enemy and the spectators.

I'm pretty sure yours will be the last attack (not just because the arena needs extensive repairs) but because the last remaining players don't have very long left to post - but lets se. I hope you enjoyed the adventure - The winners will be announced soon in the winners post, I wish for much glory and steem in your near future. Cheers

It was a really tough decision, as the quality replies here were all so good...

Congrats! your final attack to end it all, impressed me so much you have won a trophy token.

Please reply here with your bitshare account within 7 days and I'll send you your trophy token.

Thank you! My bitshares username is doughtaker2222

Congrats to the players - the weakest creature was the Evil Planet Killer. Those player making this attack will receive a small reward shortly. For those who missed out, don't fear you may have won in the future battles and may still qualify for the Championship rounds. I will try to post the winners list post as soon as I can with more details.

During the warm ups for this battle it became obvious to those in the Colosseum stands that Evil Planet Killer was attracted to Ax Wielding Hairy Bear. This was not lost on Bear either.

Starting up a conversation Bear soon had Evil Planet Killer under his spell. She could not resist his pungent musk and was soon trying to corner him against the arena wall. Leaning forward as if to embrace her Bear pulls the hidden dagger from his belt.....


hahaha hairy bear at his best again..

Thanks very much for participating in the tournament battles. Your players..err drunken antics, sly tactics and strength certainly surprised the crowd. I'm not sure if he could fight so well sober though.

I wish you much ale and steem.

Thanks, Axe Wielding Hairy Bear was crushing skulls in the colloseum, passing out behind taverns and riding off on grand adventures (for a price of course) before most of these other competitors were sucking on their mommas' teat. The old dog may still have a few more moves (or tricks)we haven't yet seen.

Them is fight-in words :)

It's time to take the breaths of "Evil Planet Killer".

Dare to withstand my first aero-panetrating attack?

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I don't finish in one attack, and don't leave a single chance for my opponent/target to recover again.
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I pierce every piece of flash and spill the blood in the air.

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My final attack and Evil Planet Killer is no more. Mission accomplished!

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Over and Out. SssSSHHH!!!

Cool some wicked attack sequences! love it..poor old evil planet killer.

Thanks for participating in the tournament battles, your attacks have been very fun to read/watch, efficient and left the crowd speechless. Nice :)

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My defense attack made "Giant City Devouring Worm" dizzy

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It's my Hyper Supernova lightning attack and "Giant City Devouring Worm" turned into ashes"

Gosh, a thing of beauty! ...the battle I mean. err. yeah I wasn't admiring your player, well..sort of..busted, eck

Thanks very much for participating in the tournament battles. Your visuals are fantastic and I'm really glad you (and everyone) has spent so much effort on replies making this a most epic tournament.

Cheers and best of luck with the prizes to come.

Pfffttt... this isn't even a contest.

The Evil Planet Killer is way too big to notice a knifey little NinjaGobbo sneaking around his cankles. The Ninja Gobbo uses all his might to lift the rolls of fat from the calves and slices both Achilles Tendons before the Evil Planet Killer even knows he's there.

The Evil Planet Killer falls to the ground screaming... Ninja Gobba dances in the fountains of spurting blood. NinjaGobbo doesn't get out much.

Hahaha man your comments have gotta be some of my favorites. Your sneaky attacks, and battle skills against superior foes is what the crowd loves best.

Thanks heaps for playing in the tournament battles. I wish you all the best. Cheers

No, thank you for creating such a fun event! You deserve all the gold in the kingdom!

Haha Cheers - I get a good share as well, just wish there was more gold in the kingdom, i.e. we could get some fatter votes to give better prizes.

It is surprisingly allot of work running a tournament (well my first experience so far)

I just love the idea of spreading wealth/rewards to more people, there are too many rich people in the world. I'm also not one for just giving to the poor - rather everyone regardless of your situation should have equal opportunity to be prosperous...but yeah I'm just a dreamer.

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