in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

The competition continues…   

Welcome to this Round #2 Fight! You must compete in all 3 Round#. Fights to be considered for the Championship rounds.    

Reminder: While you will be exposed to state of the art mind blowing graphics, detailed comments/replies, some pretty powerful imagery and some totally rubbish use of English and grammar, some level of imagination will still be required    

Now, It's time to fight! let the tournament continue.

The Above image was captured from the abandoware game romance-of-the-three-kingdoms.

Welcome to this Round #2 Fight! You must compete in all 3 Round#. Fights to be considered for the Championship rounds to come later.    

The following players have been accepted for enrolment and may participate in all tournament battles, including this post/Round #2 fight!  

  • Guardian of the bridge
  • peace bringer   
  • TwinkleToesTommy   
  • Cluck like a Chicken Weirdo   
  • El-Bobo!   
  • Melontop Swamp Creature of Speed   
  • Almighty Green Man   
  • Ax Wielding Hairy Bear   
  • Giant Green Web Thrower   
  • Wonder Woman   
  • Silent Assassin   
  • jack   
  • Pen   
  • NinjaGobbo   
  • Burger Mech!   
  • Crazy Clause   
  • Sylph Illusion   
  • Magician of the spectrum   
  • Mighty illusionist of the 3 ducks quacking   
  • Twilight   
  • Superman   
  • Soultaker   
  • Violin Elf-Man   
  • scorpion    

Anyone else participating will not be considered for prizes as they did not enrol.   

Battlefield background:   

You have re-entered a battle prep/staging area and are about to enter the massive battle arena again, where 500,000+ potential Steemians are screaming at you, some have scratched their own eyes out after viewing the previous battle, others have put their fingers in their ears because the sound of the crowd is overwhelming, once small child is eating an ice cream and it fell on the ground…it’s brutal!  

Reminder: you must compete in all 3 Round# fight to be considered for the Championship rounds and larger prizes    

Warning: there is violence involved with this post (it's a big battle) Win the battle, get the Glory, get the Steem 


You enter the main arena and now the crowd goes crazy with laughter, boo’s and general screams driven by madness and the continued desire for blood.    

Your next combatants stand before you and you have the power to defeat only one of these enemies as one of them is just to tough for you; so you must choose which one you would attack? Best of luck, without further delay here are your opponents for this round:  

Opponent 1 Above   -  Black Ghost Demon 

Opponent 2 Above - Lizardman Lord


*You must imagine you’re in a battle arena and you have two potential opponents. You can see them on your screen now! 

*You must Upvote this post (it is ok if your power is low, as long as you upvote and it doesn't need to be 100%, but please try as we want the prize for this round to be reasonable).   

*You must tell someone you know about this post, i.e. either a Resteem, PM, Steem transfer with message, be inventive. Obviously I can't tell if you do or don’t follow this rule, but what we want to do is work together to increase the upvote and make this contest truly worthy. Feel free to BYOD - D standing for (Dolphin)

 *You may upvote other people’s comments/replies, but you must put your own comment/reply to be considered 

*You may identify yourself as the character you enrolled with and give details about your attack. 

*You must comment which opponent you would attack and in doing so win the fight. It can only be one;    


*50% of ALL Author Steem raised from this post will be split evenly to the people who guess the right enemy to attack.  If you are struggling with the thought of attacking something, be inventive on how you defeat your chosen opponent & please remember it is only an imaginary battle.   

In 7 days I will post which enemy was weakest and lost the battle after your attack and dish out the prize money for the round.

May the best/luckiest players win! 

Images and characters appearing in these Interactive Battles come from various sources, today’s are coming from the abondware game dragonwars and romance-of-the-three-kingdoms


Giant Green Web Thrower will challenge Lizardman Lord now.

May the greenest win!!

Nice, straight into the next battle! Lizardman Lord has definite fear on his face. Goodluck!

invincible peace bringer flies & asks Lizardman lord, "tell me, what is it you cherish most? Give me the pleasure to take it away from you..."


"I Will never be a memory, lizardman lord..." said the peace maker & made the move.. with the speed faster than light, his sword pierced through the dragon scale armor of lizardman lord, into its soul, entrapping it in his sword. And while that happened, by the power of gray skull of lizardman lord, disintegrate black ghost demon. .. " &.. you too black ghost demon..".


Haha nice, just kill everything and power up the sword at the same time. Gosh not sure how the He-man powers got added, but crikey if it works, use it!

Given LizardMan lord dropped first, lets hope he was the weakest opponent. Cheers

Spirits and demons have always given Ax Wielding Hairy Bear the creeps so he opts to challenge Lizardman Lord.

Now you might think by his appearance that Ax Wielding Hairy Bear skips leg day when he goes to the gym but I can assure you that his tiny legs are not weak.

Ax Wielding Hairy Bear pretends to be drunk and stumbles towards Lizardman. At the last second he front kicks Lizardman in the nuts and follows up with a fearsome headbutt!


Hahaha oh man this guys moves aint pretty but he sure gets the job done.

..I totally get the skip leg day thing though, legs at gym sux.

The crowd gave the Soultaker a standing ovation as he re-entered the arena, having not forgotten the brilliant show he put on in his previous battle against the mutated muck monster and the six-legged lizard. The Soultaker walked to the center of the arena, then stopped, and turned to his left and right to see his new opponents. On his left, a black ghost demon floating in the air, and frothing at the mouth with a gas similar to the two previously slain opponents. On his right, a lizardman lord decked out in armor and armed with a sword. This was no time to transform; there was no need for the Soultaker to unleash his true power against these weak opponents, although one of them was clearly going to be easier to hit than the other.

The Soultaker beckoned both monsters to come at him, and the monsters obliged. Sprinting towards the outer walls of the arena, the Soultaker led the monsters towards one of the many thick columns that lined it. As he reached a column, the Soultaker stopped to pick up a metal bat off the ground, and then turned around to face the monsters. The monsters also came to a stop about 10 feet away, with the ghost floating directly above the lizardman. The lizardman raised his sword as if he intended to make the first attack...


The lizardman's sword happened to be infused with magic, and so when it was raised into the air it went through the ghost demon's body, and the ghost could feel it. The ghost became angry as it thought that the lizardman was trying to attack him instead of the Soultaker. The ghost started to breathe gas at the lizardman, and suddenly the battle between the two monsters was on.

Most of the crowd was simply bloodthirsty, and they cheered on as the monsters faced off, the lizardman swinging at the ghost and the ghost exhaling gas at the lizardman, completely ignoring the fact that the Soultaker wasn't even involved in the combat at this point. However, the Soultaker did notice that some of the crowd was sitting in silence because he had not yet entered the fray. He needed to find an opening, and fortunately opportunity came knocking quickly. The ghost paused his gas-breathing for a moment, and that gave the Soultaker enough time to sneak behind the lizardman. The Soultaker swung his bat at the lizardman and connected, the force powerful enough to send the lizardman flying into and then bouncing off the nearby column. What followed next could only be described as a bizarre rally in the most twisted game of racquetball imaginable.

The ghost turned to face the column, and as the lizardman bounced off, the ghost struck him with a cloud of gas in mid-air. The lizardman then bounced off the arena floor and towards the Soultaker, who swung the bat and connected again. Back and forth they all went -- the Soultaker would hit the lizardman, who would fly into the column, bounce off the column, and get gassed by the ghost in mid-air. Then the lizardman would bounce off the arena floor only to end up in the path of the Soultaker's bat one more time and the cycle would repeat. With each strike, bounce, and gas cloud, the lizardman would let out another incomprehensible noise and more blood would spew onto the arena floor. Twenty gas clouds and twenty bat swings later the lizardman would stop making noises, but the blood kept flowing and the perfectly-choreographed impromptu rally kept going. The crowd loved what they were seeing, and grew louder and louder as the rally reached thirty, forty, then fifty gas clouds and fifty swings of the bat. Finally on the 57th swing, the lizardman's corpse bounced off the column at an awkward angle and the ghost's gas cloud missed. The corpse bounced off the arena floor once, twice, thrice, and then came to a halt. The rally was finally over.

Who "won the point" didn't matter to the crowd; they exploded in a raucous celebration, offering a standing ovation to both the Soultaker and the ghost demon. The Soultaker was in no celebratory mood though; he had business to finish. He turned to face the ghost demon and pointed the bat at it. The ghost demon, though, somehow figured out that fighting the Soultaker would be a very bad idea. The ghost demon let out an evil cackle, and then backed off, flying away from the Soultaker and the crowd.

As the Soultaker headed back to the staging area, the ghost demon who escaped was on his mind... would the ghost demon come back and would they finish their fight? However, something on the staging area's wall caught the Soultaker's eye, and he quickly turned his attention to it. After a few moments, the Soultaker made a big frown on his face. On the wall were pictures and descriptions of the opponents for the next round, and if these descriptions were true, then there would be no holding back...

Soultakers true powers soon to be revealed..

haha Poor Lizard man died like he was a pixel stuck in a game of pong.


It's time for the second target!

I'm the mystical silence...when I appear and when I get disappear, only silence knows ~ as the blood in the air, only leaves the evidence of my target.
unnamed (1).gif

Woosh Woosh!!!

giphy (1).gif

Lizardman Lord is no more...Over and Out. sssSSHHH!

Haha, don't recall lizard man being dressed as a British soldier, but hey, who knows what crazy powers he... had...
but no more.


unnamed (4).gif

My supernova lightning attack is enough to defeat "Black Ghost Demon".

Sweet, she is kicking ghost butt!...wait is that possible? wouldn't your foot just go through
...well lucky she used a lightning attack and Ghost Demon got struck down!

It was a really tough decision, as the quality replies here were all so good...

Congrats! your attack impressed me so much you have won a trophy token.

Please reply here with your bitshare account within 7 days and I'll send you your trophy token.

Lizardman Lord, it is time to end your mischief! Violin Elf-Man plays the "Eternal Lullaby" symphony on his magical violin until the Lizardlord falls into a deep slumber.


Lizardman Lord:. ..zzZ...zzZ....

Nice...err, You seem to have something against lizards? fortunately for now it seems your elegant music pays of and lizard man dreams of your fancy dancing with comfy slippers and lovely tunes

  • but how long will will he stay asleep, is it enough?


Lizzos are going down, you hear me? DOWN

I feel the dark side of the force just went up +2

If there is one thing NinjaGobbo's hate, it's 7 Lizard Lords a Leapin'... this dude is going down.

May the greenest win!! (battle cry stolen from @maxinpower)

NinjaGobbo is still riding his 6 legged buddy, and they made friends with the Mutant Muck Monster, so now it's an epic battle of greenness!




all bash up


It's a greeeang bang!

Haha What the heck, love it!

Err... it's a new battle you can't take others with you! I think the crowd might give you some boo's for putting the battle favour your way..Still you did attack one of the valid targets - even if it was in a green orgy of exquisite battle vs a one on one. Good luck!

Hahaha, I thought that might be the case... but thought I'd try anyway.

NinjaGobbo charges into battle with his 6 legged buddy and his new mutant BFF when they both suddenly refuse to go into the next arena. NinjaGobbo pleads, NinjaGobbo threatens, he cries, he tries to feed them, to bribe them and unleash the greeniest of sexual favours but they aren't having a bar of it.

Muttering and cursing he stalks up to the Lizard Lord and points at the Muck Mutant yelling something about him being the suckiest of sucks... the Lizard Lord looks over at the arena doors, trying to see what all the fuss is about when NinjaGobbo stabs him in the neck and uses his helmet as a toilet. He tries to throw the helmet and it's contents over the wall to Arena 1, but his weak arms only get it half way and it bounces back onto him.

Watch out Arena 3... NinjaGobbo is in a foul mood.

Lizard man lord, you are going down, I (Sylph Illusion) shall slaughter you. As I walk onto the arena I begin to perform many of my hottest poses. Lizard mans eyes begin to google causing him to temporarily have double vision. I punch him hard in the face and he then attempts to attack the wrong me. whilst he is attacking my illusion, I step behind him and perform a strong and powerful coward punch.

Lizard dude is a drooling mess after those soul enchanting poses.. and now he's dead

..well, maybe. Good luck

Burger Mech attacks the lizardman lord.
This enemy usually eats bugs, He won't know what hit him when I deliver the greasy beef spinning kick!

That's a lot of greasy meat to his face, man I know I'd run! Good luck.

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