in #contest6 years ago

Stage Six

You make it to the coast and swim across to the castle. Just outside the castle walls you pass the stables and notice some small droppings on the ground?... Damn to late,  looks like @cryptonik let the goats out and has already started strange experiments on them with a device which can digitize and turns them into bots for #teamnz

You take away his bot creating digitizer and continue on your journey...

Eck! looks like the castle draw bridge is down and the main gate is open, smells like a trap...nope just @doctorcrypto again, man! if you stand still too long it will burn your eyes, so you flee into the castle and straight into a trap!!

There is a pretty nasty guard, but luck would have it he is asleep, maybe if everyone is real quiet...

Damn! @doctorcrypto stop eating those Chilli Cheeto's - the guard wakes up while the rest of the party struggles for breath now severely weakened by two hits of gas, the timing couldn't be worse.


This is it guys! 

All the training, blood and tears (currently in your eyes) have brought you to this point. You are chocking on gas and this guard is about twice your size...but hey you'll do your best to survive I'm sure!

You woke his beauty sleep and now he is pissed! the smell has enraged him and he is heavily armored - the sleepy guard has as an attack of 9! (You must score a hit of 9 or more to win this final Stage of IBT#4).

Special field info for this Stage (check for your class): Your eyes are burning and the smell is choking you, how does he grow such powerful chili?

Warrior: Player has -1 to hit

Wizard: Player has -1 to hit

Archer: Player has -1 to hit

Your all doomed! but @doctorcrypto has an immunity to the Chili effects (his Special field effect is nil).

Special Note: For the next boss round you will face each other, items are not allowed so I suggest you use them up now and enjoy the stage :) 

Game Instructions

You need to self manage your character, you have 3 life points (3 attempts) to defeat the foe:

-Here is a heart image that you can use to show your current life count

 - It is hoped in a future IBT this process can be automated, but for now it is a manual DIY process.

Find Detailed Bot instructions here 

Quick Summary of attack Commands per class are:

Archer attack: !sendanarrow or !sendabunchofarrows 

Warrior attack: !mightystab or !mightyslash

Wizard attack:!magiczap or !magicblast


To pick a foes pocket before they are dead:



You must use the mighy/risk attack on Gobbo. If you beat him, you may pickpocket and item and the resume the game, you will need to do the last attack again (but might have a nice item to help)

You need to calculate if you won the fight or not? If you won in the first attempt, you will win Steem! and you just need to keep an eye on the campaign map to see when the next stage is ready and you can move on. 

If you didn't you lose a life and may try again or just wait for the next Stage - it's totally up to you :)

To calculate your true damage you need to add/remove from the bot provided hit points number any positive/negative effects from any items you currently have or any other special field effects listed

Remember: This is a work in progress and you are supporting the work by playing and providing in the field testing :). 

HAve a great time!

Special thanks to @spaceginger  for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above Other images were captured from the abandonware game lands of lore 2. Bot images are original and created by LordRoach and are used with full permission. 100% of Steem raised will be split evenly and given to those who win in the first attack.



Hmmm... @lordnigel and @cryptonik, I'd like to propose a contingency plan, that if the main IBT dice-rolling bots are still down for a prolonged period of time, that we allow people to declare their attacks and then use another dice bot for combat...


For a basic attack, 1 would result in a Gobbo summon which the player could then call manually, while 2-6 results in a roll of that number.

For a strong/risky attack: 1, 2, and 3 become a failed attack and loss of a life. 4, 5, and 6 would be doubled (to make 8, 10, and 12 respectively).

(UPDATE: Thanks @lordnigel and @cryptonik. At least this will let some people who don't want to pickpocket to proceed. And if necessary, we'll just do it again with a regular 6-sided die for the finals.)

(UPDATE 2: If you wish to pickpocket to obtain an item while @schopenhauer is still down, please make a two-line comment in this format:


Use the following table to determine your loot:


You may need to right-click the image and select "View Image" or the equivalent option on your browser to enlarge it.)

Hi everyone, sorry the game has stopped's just one of those things, everyone has tried their best to restore the game, but despite efforts still no luck.

Please hang on for a few more hours, and if we have no luck tomorrow I will post how we will complete the boss round using a simple dicebot to finish this IBT.

Working with bots and Steemit is not easy, its very experimentl still, and while all the people who help to put it together make it seem easy, it really isn't...we are not Pro's doing this for wage, rather everyone is volunteering and helping out - thanks to all the players for being patient, we will get there :)

To keep up the IBT spirits - heres a great side quest/read

You blow on two 6-sided dice, and throw:

First die lands...
You rolled a 1.

Second die lands...
You rolled a 1.

So in this example, the first die was a 1, so I will refer to the ODD row in the loot table. The second die was also a 1, and that corresponds to the Book of Death.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

So in my example above, that would convert to a roll of 8 (-1 for stage effect), which would fail against the guard's 9.

Hi @Doughtaker, just on my way to work when I saw what's happened.

**Agreed! for anyone wanting to play-on I'd suggest your rule about this is fine. i.e. use @rollthedice bot **

For those wanting to wait, hopefully the bot is restored shortly.

*We may need to also go with a simplified simple rollthedice path for the boss round.. if the bot stays down longer then a day. *

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Oh no! What if we didn't reach the boss round yet? :S

There are no eliminations in this edition of the IBT. Everyone who properly enrolled is eligible to take part in the boss round. @lordnigel will announce contingency plans for the boss round should the need arise.

If you have any uncompleted stages that you'd like to deal with ASAP, please refer to my ruling above on how to engage using other dice bots. My stage 6 actions also serve as an example of the current contingency plan in place.

"Piyopiyopiyo piyopiyo piyo!"


Chick Norris has 3 life points, and a Helm of Doge in inventory from the shop, which will now be activated. He's also ready to demonstrate how to engage in pickpocketing and combat with @schopenhauer still offline at the moment.

You blow on two 6-sided dice, and throw:

First die lands...
You rolled a 4.

Second die lands...
You rolled a 2.

First die is 4 (EVEN). Second die is 2.

Using the provided loot table, the item looted is a shell (-1 to player).

Chick Norris now has a Helm of Doge and a shell active, which cancel each other out.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

!mightyslash is a strong/risky attack, so the 6 is doubled to 12.

12 + 1 (Helm of Doge) - 1 (shell) - 1 (stage/class rule) = 11 (PASS)

Chick Norris has succeeded again on the first try.

Team Rocket btings their might helm of dogeDQmcCiuAKBR4NVmuzjgykW3zBxkjxQ2wjq4agX4XMDz2XZ6.jpeg
And equips it to Cacturne!
"Cacturne use pin missile"



If you wish, you may edit your comment to add a call for the bot known as "rollthedice". Add the @ sign to its name and it will respond. A roll of 1, 2, or 3 will result in failure. 4, 5, or 6 will count as 8, 10, or 12 respectively.

If @schopenhauer gets back online and it responds first, then its roll will stand.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

Victory eith two lives left

I'll just be over here....

Salty Yellow Wizard

I think those dragon eggs are coming back to haunt me.... and you.

Hmm that doesn't look good.
My farts broke the bot.
I guess I'll try again in a minute....
I can't do this without a bonus point...


Eeeeeek maintenance break -.-

yes - mine died too. hahahaha still have 2 lives left to try - but i'll try again in 10 min ;)

If you wish, you may edit your comment to add a call for the bot known as "rolltwodice". Add the @ sign to its name and it will respond. Use the table provided in my newly updated official ruling to determine your loot.

"rollthedice" is apparently down... "rolltwodice" seems to be working if you still want to try to pickpocket.

lololololololololol dying

I'm going to skip the pickpocket and just....

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

Yea I made it to boss round!!!

***********TECH SUPPORT********************

It is 28.03.2018 21:46 NZ Time. My remote server is having some issues, most likely they are having a maintenance window. The bot is not responding at the moment. Please try again in 2-3 hours. I will keep an eye on it. Sorry it is not in my hands.

UPDATE: 28.03.2018 23:28 NZ Time, we are back online.

UPDATE: 28.03.2018 23:41 NZ Time, offline again :|

Just pretend my upvote is a downvote :)

Bad news, but I appreciate your efforts!

Best plans...

UPDATE: 29.03.2018 11:05, Sorry guys we are working on setting up a backup server. Still having issues.


This one might require a transformation into...



If you wish, you may edit your comment to add a call for the bot known as "rolltwodice". Add the @ sign to its name and it will respond. Use the table provided in my newly updated official ruling to determine your loot.

Thanks, I will wait it out for a bit!



You blow on two 6-sided dice, and throw:

First die lands...
You rolled a 1.

Second die lands...
You rolled a 6.

Looking up the tables... This is like being back at the pen and paper when you are first learning!

Okay, I think I have an ignot (+1 for my attack).

You blow on two 6-sided dice, and throw:

First die lands...
You rolled a 1.

Second die lands...
You rolled a 4.

(I take the first die), it is a fail!

! Mightyslash


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Lady P (who currently has three lives) sends her servants to fetch from storage in the attic the special equipment she just knew would come in handy one day ...


Time to attack:
What a show-off you are!! Your hands move swiftly, your stance is impeccable, and you are cooler than a bucket of ice on a sunny afternoon. All 3 arrows hit home and your foe crumbles at the mighty 12 point hit you just dealt.

Roach the archer awakens from his slumber, puts a nose peg on and gets to work. This is no simple challenge, only powerful shots will work here and no items from item shop for me...

..but first what's in that gaurds carry bag..


Tough luck! Obtained item 11: Potion! -2 to players hit!


haha need to keep hands to myself....Arrgghhh, so only a top hit work for me now..
I'll go all out or die trying...


Time to attack:
OMG! What are you doing? You go to draw three arrows but forget to put your belt on and your pants fall down. You drop your bow to protect your Tralala and are forced to run from the battle field. As you flee, flashing everyone with your bare buttcheeks, the foe gently inserts a knife in your back lose a life! Please bring your belt next time!

Lol! shameful display....rrr gotta pull myself together and try again.


Due to technical issues outside our control (the 24 X 7 Server is down that the bot runs on, and the Service Provider is non responsive). I'm going to end IBT#5 by posting the Boss Round shortly and play it out with a simle player vs. player 6 sided dice.

Everyone is more then welcome to play on for the various stages using @doughtakers recommended approach using the dicebot run by @aussininja OR wait until the newer experimental IBT bot returns to service (unfortunately we can't say when, but I might guess days vs. hours, given it's Easter and the Service Provider is non responsive).

My sincere apologies to the IBT community and I hope this doesn't put people off playing/contributing towards future IBT. We have learned so much from this IBT, and even now planning for an improved/robust IBT#5 is taking place.

All players have until the Boss round payout occurs to play, so feel free to wait it out or play on with dicebot (the choice is yours)

Happy to take questions here as well :)

All the best


As Angel Food blinks his way out of a characteristic daze, he recognizes the feeling of something in his hand, and then he recognizes his hand cradling a warm shiny donut. Angel Food has very little recollection of how he got there. He only wants a donut and the thing in his hand just might be one.
@cryptonik stares while his digital goat bot device gets rejected in Angel Food's taste test. "Too much glaze, needs more chocolate. Are we there yet?"

If one had witnessed what had happened to Angel Food in the bog, they would be surprised and slightly embarrassed for this revived wizard.

Suddenly Angel Food looks at @cryptonik and says, "Fuck whatcha herd, I'm bout to smack a bitch with this Book o Mothafuckin Death!" Angel Food has declared a Book Of Death also.
❤️❤️❤️ + IMG_4959.PNG

He quickly turns, walks up to the guard, and...


If you wish, you may edit your comment to add a call for the bot known as "rollthedice". Add the @ sign to its name and it will respond. A roll of 1, 2, or 3 will result in failure. 4, 5, or 6 will count as 8, 10, or 12 respectively.

If @schopenhauer gets back online and it responds first, then its roll will stand.

Ok, sorry for the delay. First thing in the morning. Thank you.




Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

That counts as a 12, which means you won on the first attempt. Congrats.

Angel Food walks up to the guard and with a familiar flash of light, the guard is turned into smoldering ash. gif_1521941901.gif

The smell of burn farts is abundant as Angel Food continues on to the next stage.

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