in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Stage One

Now enrolled, as a collective you head down to the dock ready to leave Heroes Island...

The voyage across the ocean is  surprisingly uneventful @doctorcrypto had too many hot chilli cheeto's and the noise and smell made the night crossing more difficult (can't take that guy anywhere).

As the sun rises and you approach the mainland you see a small fishing village in the distance, there is a small light house and dock that guides your boat in.

You think you've made it through Stage One without drama, but are blocked by two pirates going at it! the pirate on the right seems to very angry at the guy on the left, something about being flagged inappropriately??


These guys are crazy and the guy on the right is so angry he turns and attacks you completely unprovoked!!  

He has an attack power of 2 (You must score a hit of 2 or more to win this Stage).

Special field info for this Stage (check for your class): The pirate is a bad arse swordsman and will give any warrior a run for their Steem: 

Warrior: Player to remove 1 point from your hit point score

Wizard: Player has no change

Archer: Player has no change

Game Instructions -There are 5 steps to the Stage battle process:

(The full instruction list below will be shortened in future Stage posts)

1. You need to self manage your character, you have 3 life points (3 attempts) to defeat the foe:

-Here is a heart image that you can use to show your current life count

- It is hoped in a future IBT this process can be automated, but for now it is a manual DIY process.

2. Optional Pickpocket time - You may attempt to pickpocket the enemy

-See Bot instructions here 

Quick summary of pickpocket commands:

To pick a foes pocket before they are dead:


3. Optional Item use time - You may have purchased an item from the item shop and wish to use it for this Stage, simple state - "I wish to use my item from the shop, item X, giving me.. extra hit points/life/whatever!"

4.You need to reply at least twice to complete an attack: 

  1. First Reply: Simply do a reply to the primary post with how you character is reacting to the situation and articulating your current life points for the Stage, i.e. at the start it is 3 life points. For example I might state "Roach the archer is ready for battle, I have 3 life points and I'm ready to attack in my battle pants~!"
  2. Second Reply: Now you must Reply to your above reaction Reply with the bot command for your class

-See Bot instructions here 

Quick Summary of attack Commands per class are:

Archer attack: !sendanarrow or !sendabunchofarrows 

Warrior attack: !mightystab or !mightyslash

Wizard attack:!magiczap or !magicblast

NOTE: The attack bots attack will only be activated if you time the command in on it's own in a reply. Please only use an attack for your class for this IBT - if you use an attack for another class, it will not be counted and you  may not win Steem.

You may need to wait a few seconds, then refresh the page to see the results. IF nothing happens, please be patient and someone will advise what to do next - remember the bots and everything is experimental, so please be patient :)

5. You need to calculate if you won the fight or not? If you won in the first attempt, you will win Steem! and you just need to keep an eye on the campaign map to see when the next stage is ready and you can move on. 

If you didn't you lose a life and may try again (from step 4 onward), or just wait for the next Stage - it's totally up to you :)

To calculate your true damage you need to add/remove from the bot provided hit points number any positive/negative effects from any items you currently have or any other special field effects listed

-It maybe possible to automate this process as well, but for this IBT you must manually count.

I know it sounds like allot of work and even a bit complicated - But it's actually heaps of fun, try to remember this is a work in progress and you are supporting the work by playing and providing on the field testing :)

HAve a great time!

Special thanks to @spaceginger  for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above Other images were captured from the abandonware game the secret of monkey island. Bot images are original and created by LordRoach and are used with full permission. 100% of Steem raised will be split evenly and given to those who win in the first attack.


Johan arrives at the small village, the voyage across the ocean had been long and woeful.

He notices two pirates ahead and quickly equips his weapon and armor sensing a fight is about to break out.

Upon closer inspection of the pirates, it appears one of them fights like a dairy farmer.


Can't tell what went wrong here, please try the command again -.-

That seemed to do it...


Savage! Obtained item 6: Ingot! +1 to players hit!



You draw and swing your sword:
Wow! It almost looked like you knew what you were doing lol, suprised the enemy is damaged with a hit of 5 points. Fake it till you make it, they say.

Johan the Magnificent is attacked by the angry pirate shortly after tweaking his sword with his newly acquired ingot.

In spectacular glimmering form Johan manages to cut the pirate down, stepping over his wounded body as he proceeds deeper into the village and beyond.

Roll 5 + Ingot 1 = 6

See you in round 2!

Roll 5 + Ingot 1 - Warrior 1 (stage rule) = 5. You still pass on the first attempt. Just make sure that in future rounds, you include all modifiers applicable to your character.

Nice job! smooth as, stuff of myth and legend....hehe will leave out int he IBT history book the bit where it was just one farmer dressed as a pirate dispatched

Note: rules changes/particular gotcha's with this IBT, i.e. watch for the field effects and items don't carry!

Did I hear battle? (1).gif


Oops...Obtained item 8: Shell! -1 to players hit!


You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fireball seemed to work, it burns the enemy with a hit of 3 point. Its a good start. You have still much to learn, young Padawan.

Weakened by -1 point with the lame ass shell I still manage to defeat the foe with a solid 3 point hit :D

Well played mysterious abstract being!

As he said...some sweet play :)

Stupid shells!!!

Slothering Wizard is ready to kick some ass!


You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fireball looks cool, not like wow-holy-shit-amazing...but cool. It burns the enemy with a solid hit of 4 points. You use the diminishing flame in your hands to spark up you pipe and take a long hit whilst stroking your beard.

Damn right I do :P

exhales and disappears in a cloud of smoke

Some smooth Magic moves by the hat!! Well done :)

Damn! pipe smokin and beard twrilling!!!

We went all outfor realism with this IBT hehe

Psychedeloun the mind-bender has returned from his "trip" and ready for battle!


Oops! Obtained item 12: Key! +2 points to enemy hit!


You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fireball seemed to work, it burns the enemy with a hit of 3 point. Its a good start. You have still much to learn, young Padawan.

I will bathe in the blood of my enemies!

Ouch!...with the bad item you have, your going to need to get a hit of a 4! You still have 2 life points, if you want to try again though before moving on to the next Stage.


Blimey, it the master of illusion has appeared on the battlefield. But he has given his enemy an advatage with the item he picked....oops. Have another go at it - you can still defeat the filthy pirate!

You perform a quick fireball attack:
Wow! You impressed yourself with like the perfect fireball everrr, it exploded in the enemies face like its the 4th of July. Are you literally Merlin? You bring home a mighty hit of 6 points! Abra Kadabra and whatnot.

Salty Yellow Wizard


I summon the hip powers of blonde mustaches!


Yay, it's Jake. Please click "edit" comment, and post again, I was running an update just now, so it was offline for like 5 mins :O

You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target, the enemy puts it out, but it managed a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills.

That looks like a win for ol Salty!!

Good job, you just got a little rusty with those spells :D

It happens from time to time...the older I get.

Haha well it wasn't the most powerful spell ever but did the job, well done mate. I'll see if i can get Stage two up shortly (will be much harder to win)..Well done!

Don't rush it. Lets give it some time to simmer.

Yep, will pace it out...Fortunately I'm a slow blogger mate, takes me like 2 hours at least just to make a post and still full of mistakes haha...

I worked out schedule and need to do these first two stages together, then basically every other stage is 1 a day :)

"Piyopiyopiyo piyopiyo piyo!"

Source: KDE/AIC

Chick Norris is ready to do some killing... he has 3 life points.

Time to Attack:
All these years, all the practice, all the sweat and pain have been leading up to this.....moment of perfection. You lean back, let the calm become one with you and seem to rest....then you swiftly swing your and perform a legendary drangonslayer combo. Your moves are so fast, the enemy does not see you coming...and so powerful, you deliver a devastating hit of 6 points. Teach us your ways, Senpai.

6 - 1 (stage/class rule) = 5 (PASS)

LOL -- how appropriate, considering that Chick's spoken vocabulary consists of only the Japanese letters ピ ("pi") and ヨ ("yo"). Oh, and that legendary combo using a bone? Now you know why he's Chick Norris. =P

Chick Norris wins on the first attempt (plus the STEEM to go with it) and is moving on to stage 2!

Also, to help make it easier for @lordnigel to audit... I'm going to drop 1% upvotes on the initial combat comment of any and all players who have been verified to have successfully completed a stage on their first attempt (and therefore have a won a share of the prize pool for that stage).

Nice! thanks Chickadee doo!..Some sweet moves and auditing skills earns you a trophy. Please reply here within 7 days with your bitshares account to receive.

Bitshares username: doughtaker2222

Very impressive!

Raktan the Orc Archer

Raktan the Orc Archer is surprised by the sudden attack and tries to reason with the aggressor!

"Calm thyself, sir! Or I will be forced to shoot!"

The enraged assailant is undeterred and Raktan reluctantly unleashes a bolt from his crossbow.

"So be it..." sigh

You draw an arrow and shoot:
Holy Cow! This time it actually flew straight and you pierce the enemey for a hit of 5 poins!

"Now I have to tune up my crossbow you dead, stupid idiot! All I wanted was directions to the toilet!"

Raktan begins fussing over his crossbow.

Haha what a hassle making you tune the crossbow...err..I guess the other dude can clean up the mess...Nice shot as well!

For not so good reasoning skills you earned a sweet trophy - please reply within 7 days with your bitshares account to receive.

My bitshares account is front-toward-enemy.

Done :)

Jessie lets out one of her shrill cackles
The pirate is stunned by James dressed in drag.
(As per usual) just long enough for!

Prepare for trouble!
And make it double!
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all peoples within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

That's right!

Still reeling from their performance
(and a talking catlike creature)
Jessie exclaims "serviper go" "use poison sting"
The purple glowing projectile fires on the baffled pirate.


You draw an arrow and shoot:
Its not the best shot ever lel, but hopefully no-one was watching. you pierce the enemy for a hit of 3 points

Serviper's poison sting hits and the poison instantly "incapacitates" the pirate...

Meowth looks dumbfounded, and openly thinks out loud...
"Did we really, just win a fight?"
The rest of Team Rocket also stands in triumphant shock.U5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpegU5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpegU5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpegrbLDtYGv9vhza.gif

Haha you did win!!...and although my eyes maybe bleeding after reading team rockets attack song, the moves were smooth and victory was yours.

You have earned yourself a trophy, for the build up and surprise hehe - please reply here with your bitshares account within 7 days to receive.

Don't worry you are not the only one, both pirates eyes are bleeding, one from the poison, and the other from James in drag.

Bitshares: stayyoung2

Ps. Dont worry that will be the last time they recite the motto, but it felt wrong not to add it on their first appearance to IBT/Dadotochi!

Done :)

All good, I particularly like Meowie! he fits well for IBT!

They say there is a very fine line between bravery and stupidity. As i stand here in the middle of the ocean, gazing at all of the explosions of the battle ships far in the distance, I realize I may well have crossed that line, to a point of no return. My name is Jack. I am sixteen years old, having the obsession of becoming one of the most powerful wizards in this world. To achieve that, i need to go through this tournament, alive. Currently i have 3 life points. I have no magical powers, but i invented a device that collects the magic used around and redirect it as being my own.

The voyage across the ocean was surprisingly uneventful thus far but, i managed to keep calm; the noise and smell of the dead bodies floating
in the ocean made the night crossing more difficult to take in. The battles fought across the ocean filled my device with 3 magic points. I will keep them there for now.

The sun is rising and we're approaching the mainland. It would be wise to level up my stats with the magic points i earned so far, as you never know what you may find there and one needs to be prepared if he wants to make it alive out of this tourney. I see a small fishing village in the distance, and a small light house and dock that will guide our boat in.

As we're coming closer, i notice the entry is being blocked by two pirates who seem to have an intense argument! I'll top up the Observation level by 1 point (out of 3), Reflexes and Speed levels as well by 1 point, just in case something happens.

As we're coming closer and closer they seemed to be getting very intense with eachother. The pirate on the right seems to very angry at the guy on the left. I don't know what's the cause, but it must have been pretty important to him..

Out of nowhere the guy on the right in his madness turns around to attack me completely unprovoked!! My Observation and Reflexes spells seems to work very well so far as i see everything happening in slow motion. I don't know how crazy he is or strong, so i'll use my Speed spell to finish him with few quick stabs to the heart. Jack the wizard is ready for battle, I have 3 life points and I'm ready to attack my with few quick stabs to the main organs for a quick bleeding and instant death!

You draw and swing your sword:
The years of practice with a wooden knifey boi are not lost on you! Eager for your first blood you strike well and the enemy takes damage, with a hit of 4 points. Senpai, notice me!

He looks done. The rest of the crew look like they've seen a ghost; and quickly jump to ask me where did that blow came from. Modestly i say, i had a good mentor along the years who trained me well.

Deep in my chest my heart was beating madly. It was the first fight i had for real; i was glad i was the one who survived. I guess i have to get used to. Such challenges will keep on coming my way if i want to make it to the top. I have a feeling next round is not very far away ..

Good, to win I needed a hit of 2 . And I scored a hit of 4, which means the pirate went down like lead in the water. I don't know why he attacked me, but maybe it's better he's not here anymore; who knows what other innocent lives would've been in danger because of him .

Capt'n Dreemsteem sashays up to the pitiful pirates. They are no match for her!!! She kicks one in the arse andleapfrogs over him while he's doubled over. As soon as she's in front of the other pirate, she bonks him on the head, rattling his teeth and making him angry. She continues to assess the situation


You draw your sword and perform a powerful swing:
The sword slips out your hand hits a rock. Ha! A rookie mistake....but the battlefield does not forgive. The enemy leaps towards you with two big steps and sinks his sword into your chest. Without any mercy he watches you slowly sink to the ground as you exhale your last breath. You lose a life point.

poop. Looks like pride comes before a fall!

Oooow! those risky blows are trouble - Well, at least we know the bot is working good.

Have another crack at it when your ready :) OR just wait to the next Stage.

you still have two more lives and can keep playing just for fun - next Stage you get all 3 lives back and chance to win again

ohhhhhhhhh hahahahaha i thought i was done for now.. yes i'll try again! LOL

Woah @dreemsteem, looks like you lost your focus in a crucial moment. You chose the riskier move and you take the consequence. In case you are wondering what the attack chances are you can read more in the bot user guide . In the meantime, you have lost a life, but you can still try again and try to pass the stage ;)

yes i'll try again! i didn't know i could try again so soon hehehe

Pride comes before a fall - to be sure. But i be a pirate!!!! Pride runs through me veins! I dare to use the risky attack again!!!!


You draw your sword and perform a powerful overhead swing:
Whaaaaaat? INCREDIBLE! You run up to the enemy and deliver a blow that makes the earth shudder and the sound impact is heard even in the villages far beyond the Horizon. Are you Achilles? You enemy is destroyed by the monstrous blow the delivers a hit of 12 points. Songs of Glory will praise your name and Legends will tell the story of this battle.


Oops...Obtained item 8: Shell! -1 to players hit!


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