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in #contest6 years ago

They say there is a very fine line between bravery and stupidity. As i stand here in the middle of the ocean, gazing at all of the explosions of the battle ships far in the distance, I realize I may well have crossed that line, to a point of no return. My name is Jack. I am sixteen years old, having the obsession of becoming one of the most powerful wizards in this world. To achieve that, i need to go through this tournament, alive. Currently i have 3 life points. I have no magical powers, but i invented a device that collects the magic used around and redirect it as being my own.

The voyage across the ocean was surprisingly uneventful thus far but, i managed to keep calm; the noise and smell of the dead bodies floating
in the ocean made the night crossing more difficult to take in. The battles fought across the ocean filled my device with 3 magic points. I will keep them there for now.

The sun is rising and we're approaching the mainland. It would be wise to level up my stats with the magic points i earned so far, as you never know what you may find there and one needs to be prepared if he wants to make it alive out of this tourney. I see a small fishing village in the distance, and a small light house and dock that will guide our boat in.

As we're coming closer, i notice the entry is being blocked by two pirates who seem to have an intense argument! I'll top up the Observation level by 1 point (out of 3), Reflexes and Speed levels as well by 1 point, just in case something happens.

As we're coming closer and closer they seemed to be getting very intense with eachother. The pirate on the right seems to very angry at the guy on the left. I don't know what's the cause, but it must have been pretty important to him..

Out of nowhere the guy on the right in his madness turns around to attack me completely unprovoked!! My Observation and Reflexes spells seems to work very well so far as i see everything happening in slow motion. I don't know how crazy he is or strong, so i'll use my Speed spell to finish him with few quick stabs to the heart. Jack the wizard is ready for battle, I have 3 life points and I'm ready to attack my with few quick stabs to the main organs for a quick bleeding and instant death!


You draw and swing your sword:
The years of practice with a wooden knifey boi are not lost on you! Eager for your first blood you strike well and the enemy takes damage, with a hit of 4 points. Senpai, notice me!

He looks done. The rest of the crew look like they've seen a ghost; and quickly jump to ask me where did that blow came from. Modestly i say, i had a good mentor along the years who trained me well.

Deep in my chest my heart was beating madly. It was the first fight i had for real; i was glad i was the one who survived. I guess i have to get used to. Such challenges will keep on coming my way if i want to make it to the top. I have a feeling next round is not very far away ..

Good, to win I needed a hit of 2 . And I scored a hit of 4, which means the pirate went down like lead in the water. I don't know why he attacked me, but maybe it's better he's not here anymore; who knows what other innocent lives would've been in danger because of him .

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