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RE: 15 SBD Giveaway, Perfectionism, and Steemit Goals Update

in #contest6 years ago

Well, this is just a great opportunity to catch up on your posts, I've been light on steemit the past few weeks.

My favorite was the rise from the ashes post. Reckless love was a close 2.

I thought this post was money, and I'm sad I missed it. The combination you did in this post was awesome, we got some history about Detroit, we got some personal details to learn about you and your struggles. The tattoo meaning and pic was sweet, I love the part about the semi colon being a pause where the sentence could have ended.

I think this post is a great idea man, awesome to go back and check out some of your stuff I missed. I might be copying this in the future. It's so hard to get on here everyday and crank out articles sometimes. I love it because I need an outlet too, but man is there some pressure to produce here. I think you're doing a great job and I really like the way you approach some of your articles.

Part 3: My advice is - You don't need my advice. Your blog is stellar man, it's one I really need to start paying more attention to. I feel like you are striking the right balance between parenting, personal life, and random posts about what interests you as far as news. I personally enjoy the family and personal articles, I can get my news elsewhere generally and people will sometimes repeatedly post the same thing as the nexy guy when it comes to crypto news.

My real advice is to just keep creating, do one a day, experiment with what works for you, not what everyone else says. This is your platform to do what you want with your writing and videos, the followers will come and you will eventually find your groove. You'll find the types of articles that work well as series and the topics your audience responds to. Looks like you already have some solid series going.

Sorry not sorry for my weak advice, I honestly don't think you need to plan it our too much, just go with the flow and keep up with your serialized content. You already have good direction.

One other small possibility is to swap your titles around, for example: Reckless Love - Sunday Soul Tap #4, I might play around with this idea in my own blog too since I do the same thing. I think the "reckless Love" part of the title is the catchy bit.

Part 2: I'll try to get this out tonight, I've been meaning to shout you out as well as a few other people.

Awesome contest, it's not nearly as basic as the guess the price one's always going around. Resteemed


Hey brother, thanks for the awesome comment!
Rise From The Ashes was one of my favorite posts to write for the exact reason that you highlighted: I got to combine different things that are meaningful to me, but also meaningful on different levels. I have been trying to avoid getting into a research mode with my blog, but that one allowed me to spend sometime fact-checking myself because I was not just sharing my story.

And thank you for the kind words. I have definitely been stumbling my way through and learning at just about every turn. I like the idea of switching the title around. I may even drop the number because it isn't so much an ordered series as it is a brand or theme.

Thanks for entering all three categories! You're the first to do that. I look forward to reading your goals post.



Haha, no problem man, you do great work, get ready for a shoutout soon

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