Winner Announcement: inuke’s story writing challenge #9: Monsoon Moments!!!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,
I hope you all a doing good. If not, don't worry. Always remember "Everyday may not be good, but there is good in everyday"

Well, I had fun reading the entries to the "inuke’s story writing challenge #9: Monsoon Moments!!!" contest. And that is true we all have our moments with the rain let is be good or bad. It is still a moment and it will stay there for the rest of your life. I mean one day you are sitting in your office sipping coffee and watching the rain hitting the window pane and you get the jolt of memory like it's from your previous life or something.

I was the new joinee at work at that time, it was my job every (with a paycheck). And I just got the taste of how hectic life can be. I mean before that I used to think that study and being in college and getting the assignments done in time was stress but working for a corporate office is a whole new level. Punctuality, Discipline, and dedication were the key to survival. Having spent my first three months in the corporate world I learned one thing very well It's ruthless. The moment you miss an opportunity someone else will rise up to the rank. And as the day the passed I grew smarter with my work. And I would plan my schedule for the week ahead and things to get the week in order. But a midst all this It felt like my personal life was slipping away. I hadn't watched movies in months, no time for family or friends and drinking was creeping up and smoking habits were hitting new heights by then.

So one night I was working late (Usually my shift ends by 1900hrs but I extends it 2100, But that night I remember leaving by 2300hrs) and my place was a bit far and the only mode of transport is Bus. Then it started raining and it rained and rained. I was hoping that it would stop but it didn't. If I didn't get to the busstop by 2345 i would miss the last bus. So I did what anyone else in my situation would do. I started running in the rain. It was a cold night. The entire streets was empty all the shops were closed and I was just running in the rain like a crazy person. I made it to the busstop. I wanted to smoke so bad, I got the cigerette out of the pack only to find it ruined. My shirt was soaked and so was my pants and socks. so there I was sitting in the busstop alone at midnight, waiting for the bus to my place. So that I can get to my bed to get some rest again to repeat the same process.

And it got me thinking, Is this how the rest of the world lives. Is it really worth it. before I could finish the thought the bus got there. And after traveling for what seemed like an eternity I got to my place, roommate answered the door and after seeing me he started laughing. I was already pissed. I wanted to punch his teeth out. He treated me like a wet dog asking me to change and get dried up before steping inside. And when I got in he was sipping whiskey and handed me a glass and said "F***ing rain, Man!!!". Thats when I noticed that he has been in the same situation. His clothes were all messed up. That fellow carries a bag to the office, I saw the wet papers lying on the floor. And him sorting out the mess while holding the glass and smiling at the situation.

But like I said the monsoon moments doesn't always has to be the romantic one. It just thing that will stay at the back of you head and pops up at random time. Anyway. I am aware the contest is closed and has to declare the winners. So without further Ado. here are the winners of the

Winner - @Pappubhai for his entry

Telling the story of how he and his friends bunked the class to celebrate the birthday of a friend and how the rain never slowed them down.

Runnerup - @Ashley4U for her entry
Up next is Ashely with some of her memories of childhood. Hey, don't blame her. People always get upset when their dress gets ruined.

Runnerup2 - @Angelro for his entry
Well, He is from Kerala and rain in that place can get real nasty.

Disclaimer: All the images were picked up from their respective blogs and belongs to blog owner.

I am inuke.png

Stay tuned for more exciting contests. The rewards money will be trasfered by tomorrow EOD.


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Get ready new contest will be announced tonight. :-)

Hey dear, the new contest is out. Go Check it... :-)

Yay , I can't waittttt !!

I enjoyed reading this and reminded me that I was thoroughly wet when I reached my office in the morning and the office steno sent a peon to her house to fetch me a spare dress. After that incident, I used to keep a spare at my office too till I resigned

This would have made an interesting entry to the contest. Hope to see you in the next event as a contestant.. :-)

I will surely participate. Thanks for writing almost daily

Oh....inuke... I made it to the list...What a surprise when I saw the prize money n my wallet...Thanks a lot...And that first prize winner really deserves an applause as I gone through it and your that selection is the best thing...

Hope I could participate in the coming contests... Thanks you

Alway welcome.. check out the existing contest.. go to my blog..

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