My Monsoon Moments !

in #indiaunited6 years ago

Hey guys ,

Lately I have been so busy , and tired from clinical training that I am unable to think , or to even write. So I saw this new contest from @inuke , so I decided to give it a try. It's about my monsoon Moments.

To tell the truth , I have never had a true monsoon moment growing up . Maybe while I was still in Kerala , oh yes , I have some horrible moments , but then as I migrated , we moved to a desert , where there was no rain at all. But in my mind rain always had a romantic feel , even though I never had any real romance happening in the rain , 😂😂. So today I would like to tell you guys about all my most memorable moments in the rain.

This first moment happened when I was still in Kerala , probably in 1999/2000 , I was in UKG and my parents were not with me , they were working abroad so they would sent me new clothes , but I was fat chubby kid , probably I won't fit them very well , but I'll still wear them. I want to right 😂. So this Sunday , I had to go to church for Sunday school , so my grandma made me wear this cream dress , it was a full dress , I still remember , it was a bit tight for me . But I was so thrilled since it was from my parents . So I walked and walked , we we're living on a mountainy area , so I was walking and walking . Suddenly it started raining , and I literally became wet , but I was like , oh it's just this much. And then again I was still walking and suddenly there was this dirty pit or something on the road , and I fell down . And literally there was mud all over my dress . I was crying , I still remember. That was one of the worst days. I think the kids at church were probably laughing at me too. Haha , but now it seems quite funny. I was so clumsy those days.

Then my next big monsoon moment happened still maybe a year or two after that. This time there was severe rain , with lightning and thunder , and suddenly I saw there was this shock sound and something happened and our tv or something started burning , I don't really remember if it was our tv , or if it was the wire , but something was happening. Again a bad memory.

Then now I went to live with my parents , and we rarely had rain. So this time in 2009/10 , this is the only time I have a huge memory of rain , mainly cause I was in my 10th grade and my little sister in 4th and she just moved to my school , and we were using private transportation , since I had early morning classes. So this particular day , it was raining heavily and after class , we had to pass through the back side of the school to enter our van. But the water was Soo high , like above my stomach for sure. And I felt so gross. But we had to pass through that , like how we see in tv in flood places. It was like that. But it was quite an adventure. Being soaked in rain water.


Now after that , I came to China , omg , China is a place were there is a lot of rain. Especially the place were I am at. Here there are long winter's , shirt Summers and rain rain rain. So here whenever it rained I used to get this romantic Vibe , I don't know why. Sometimes I feel like just letting the rain fall on my face , to have that hope , that one day I too will have a normal life. But , ever since I was small I had this major fear for thunder and lightning , but this year I feel I have overcome that. But I still believe that maybe one day I will also have my very own little romantic moment in the rain. But till then , I will just hold on to all the horrible moments and think of them as funny. Till then I will make sure I don't fall for the wrong person. I feel the weather has always shown me signs , to say , if I am making a wrong move , it will rain. I never thought it that way. But the nature always did conspire for me.

Sometimes ,when I am depressed and sad it rains. And I feel like it's god trying to comfort me somehow. Sometimes I feel the angels or clouds can see us being sad. So they cry with us. I don't know. I am a very crazy person. But I believe in nature. I believe God does everything for a reason. Even the rain. It's all about the right timing!!!


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