Start 2018 with a laugh and an opportunity to WIN! Punday Monday #28! And prize announcements for the last Punday of 2017!

in #contest7 years ago

Well well well

I had a terrific New Year's eve. And Christmas. Lots of games and improv and all the things I love... including my child.

Not least of the things I love,

Steemit made/makes me happy. @littlescribe return after a rather dramatic unintentional hiatus, and the fact that she stopped by to tell me her story, really drove home how connected to you punsters I feel. Seeing @doctorcrypto and @paul.atreides on a regular basis... or, seeing their posts, and seeing pictures of the place where @marcovanhassel lives, getting to see the projects that @heroic15397 (is that the right number?) builds, meeting @fishyculture, and and and... so many of you. Also through the #freewrite project that began when @mariannewest asked very politely if she could build into an entire community of people having just the most fun....

This is both a runon sentence and a sentence fragment. The point is... Steemit makes me very happy, and it's because of you, everyone I've interacted with.

Which is, of course, not why you're here. You're here for punning and prizes.

a refresher on punning

If you want to brush up on your punning technique, check out this handy dandy how-to:

On with the prizes!

We had some action on the POCKET Choice awards this week:
Coming out on top is @littlescribe! With a big ol' win to place her BACK in that winner's circle which currently holds @chrisroberts, @stinawog, @doctorcrypto, @heroic15397, @littlescribe and @paul.atreides.

Lots of puns to choose from here:
In the end, following the how-to will always take my heart.
Therefore, our winning pun
by @amos-robinson wins!

Every entrant won an upvote on their entries, and every winner-winner wins an additional upvote and @tipu tip (currently worth $0.86+ based on today's SBD prices) on the link of their choice. Gosh SBD is crazy right now.

This week, no randomness.

The word is "resolution"!
As in, How you get the Easter Egg to be looking so svelte? Well, we all know vertical stripes are slimming, so dye it.

Your turn!


Emma cried when the earthquake knocked her prized ceramic sheep off the shelf and broke every one of them. She spent days carefully gluing them all back together. She put all the legs back on first, then all the tails, and as she prepared to put another one of their heads back on she gazed fondly at her collection and exclaimed "There! Another ewe nears resolution!"
Ba-da-bing, you been punned.
See, it is funny because you thought I was telling a story about sheep or lambs but then at the end I twisted it and used "ewes" so I slip in a punch line that would SOUND a lot like "New Year's resolution" but I mixed the first letter (sounds) and now it is totally different. Not even the way people normally use the word "resolution" but it is not a WRONG use of the word so funny again.

This is amazing. I would eat puns like this by the spoonerism-ful.

Lol! Thanks!

So many jokes so tightly compact! It's like a fruitcake of laughter!

Glad you liked it. I felt so tawdry explaining a joke... lol! That is an adorable baby, BTW!

It’s Pun Day Monday! It’s not too late to squander priceless POCKET tokens on the Friday post and it is time to bring this contest to it’s resolution!
Ba-da-bing, you’ve been punned.
You see, it is funny because it is time to end the contest and reveal the winning resolution pun all at the same magical moment.

One more just under the wire! I'll be composing that post momentarily!

Happy new new year!! Today is New Years day, It feels like 2017 was just yesterday!

I'm getting rid of my crummy old TV and getting a 4k TV. That will be my new years resolution.

Nicely done, I think we have a CLEAR winner already!

NICE! Love having you around! And... the first pun of the new year!

Love being here!!!<3

After a long day working in the Ethereum mines yesterday I came home to find that my crypto kitty had went potty on my carpet. Unfortunately, I did not have the RESOLVE to clean it up.
Ba-da-bing, you been punned!
See, it's funny because Resolve is also a brand of carpet cleaner.

That is an excellent way to explain. I wasn't sure.

If Che Guevara was alive on New Years day He would say "Viva la Resolution!"

Most new year resolutions are forgotten after 2 weeks.

Change that "too weaks," add a "badda bing" and you have something there.

My new year's resolutions for 2018:

  • be bloody
  • be bold
  • have my wife kill that bum Duncan

Explanation: this one isn't so much funny as extraordinarily clever and intelligent and insightful because it's about regicide. The world would be a better place with more regicide.

How MACaBrE...TH

It’s POCKET Friday! As this contest draws to a close, don’t forget to PIXEL your winner.

Yes! I'll present that part in a few hours!

@improv, have a look... I thought this would be over in ten minutes!

Fun! There's my guess!

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