All are welcome! Contest! Punday Monday 47! Prizes for new punsters and previous punsters. Come join us!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

After I fetched the link to last week's contest, I posted it here:

Awards for last week, yo!

(and stop on by @freewritehouse for some different award possibilities...!)

Best New Punster!

Welcome rookie of the week, @mourningnoodles! Thanks for making a photo pun! Is that your dog?

Pocket Choice awards

Well, we have a tie, kind of... @haphazard-hstead tried very hard to get the syntax right. She didn't, but we will honor her selections. Of course, she forced a tie, but since @mourningnoodles has already won one award, we'll award this one to @ablaze!
... I think we need a few more of our participants to learn about #POCKET
@biophil can teach you. Check out his posts! Regardless,
The folks in the POCKET Choice winner's circle are @miniature-tiger, @lilygolightly, @chrisroberts, @stinawog, @f3nix, @doctorcrypto, @heroic15397, @littlescribe, @diebitch, @acolucky, @ablaze, and @paul.atreides.

and our grand prize...

The prize for best pun

Best pun of the entire week

Best Overall Pun

(or BOP )
goes to...





@chrisroberts! Such an obscure reference! Such a tangent to get to Noel!

And what prizes do they win, you ask?

Why, as usual, all the punsters got full strength upvotes on their submissions.

Our category winners will each get to choose a post (of their own or someone else's) and I will give that post a fully powered upvote and a @tipu tip!

This week's pun topic is...



As in,
Hey Waiter, there's anti-war activists doing gymnastics in my soup!
Yes, you ordered the splits peace soup


I'm so good at puns....

If you've never punned before, it might seem like magic! You can do it, too! Learn how in My Free How-To Guide on Punning!
Image created by @pixiehunter, if you want to post it yourself on your blogs, so we can get more punsters here, feel free!


Hey @improv, I designed this for ya to hopefully draw in more punsters. What do you think?
Pun post.png

pocketsend:1001@pixiehunter,Wow! This is wonderful! THANK YOU! And here's pocket that you can use to vote on your favorite puns each week on my Friday POCKET posts.

Successful Send of 1001
Sending Account: improv
Receiving Account: pixiehunter
New sending account balance: 1001858
New receiving account balance: 1001000
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 9284233001b89c3671646ca6b2db2ca2147fdcab
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

@pocket-a Do you make votes ever?

Yw, and ty. I look forward to picking :) Did you get a chance to check the post I did with picture? I may do a different post every few weeks around your contest. Let me know what should be added. :)

Oh my! That's so sweet of you! You can also always include information to make inexperienced punsters feel like they can do it, too, like the how-to article I often include in the posts!

You got it. I edited the post to include the two links. I need to get in there and pun too. I also need to figure out my darned pocket log info. I do have one. :)

You don't need to log into anything. All the commands are within the Steem blockchain!

Thank you again @improv for this great little contest!

Feel good about these ones.

One Entry:

Peace Talks.jpg

Second Entry:

Where does a hippie go when they're in traffic?
They peace on the side of the road.
Har Har Har.

Your hippy outfit matches with your dog!!!
Bitch Peace

I may not have time to write a pun this week. I have to finish reading an epic sex novel, a thousand page classic, called War and Piece.

The royal baker was frantically baking in preparation for his king's negotiations with a rival neighboring king. He knew that if he could just think of the perfect recipe then the meeting would be a peace of cake.

Yay! I'm the weiner!

Thank you so much!
Here's one of the sketches I wrote last week for Steemstar After Dark. We'd love for you to get involved, @improv... I've been doing most of the writing for the first few weeks, but we're seeking more comedy writers. Also performers, if you feel like doing some voice acting :D

Oooo! Thanks for the voice acting offer! A) I'd love to, but B) I'm a member of SAG-AFTRA and have to abide by Global Rule One. It's a little bit of extra paperwork, so I understand if it's not something you want to do. But if it is, I'd love to! Let me know and I'll send you a link to the application to become a SAG-AFTRA signatory! (To allay any concerns... there are contracts I can sign that make it all legal for me to do, but that don't require you to pay anything up front... they basically say, "if this makes beaucoup bucks, then you gotta pay your actors" and also, "I promise not to hurt them"... contracts specifically designed for this era of "anyone can make stuff, sometimes with no budget!")

What do you do after eating all of the slices of pie at midnight the night before your roomate's big party?
You piece out.

Sweet pea, Snow pea and Sugar pea all headed out from Mr. Green Gene's garden and down to the local record shop, to check out the latest hits for garden listening. No sooner had they gotten in the door, and started browsing, when the burly store owner sauntered up to the Jazz section, where the three veggie's were gathered. He really lit into them...."we don't want no peas in here. You guys just hang around, never buy anything, and always end up rolling under the bins, causing electrical problems. I want out of my store. NOW! Hit the bricks, ya peas!"

At which the three p's jumped up on a dust pile, clasped 'arms', and broke into a rousing song and dance number: "All we are saaay-yiiing, is GIVE peas a chance."

-I'm not sure if this is a pun or not...maybe more of a dorky joke????

Ha haa, I had no idea there was a name for a long pun. But if it's by Isaac Asimov, I am impressed. Glad @doctorcrypto enjoyed the long tale. Maybe a bit of beginner's luck. I enjoy these pun creations. Stretches the mind a bit. Thanks for putting it out for us. On to punning away....

@ddschteinn Yay that you're now a regular at our table!

Totally a pun! Playing on the peas/peace punology!

Johnny and Mick fell out with each other... Years went by, and then they found themselves together at a beach party late one night.. There they stood draining the lizard next to each other... Johnny pissed on Mick's shoe...

Mick says: "What the fuck!?"
Johnny replies: "Consider it a piss offering"

They broke their backs laughing and have been firm friends since..

What actor should they call in 007 movies if they decided to abolish violence from the series? Peace Brosnan.

  • All these days for this...sorry! But I had fun.. in a perverse way, obviously.
  • @improv can you create a banner of your contest, a footer alike and linkable directly to the Pun monday?.. I'd like to insert in into mine.

I'm offering a prize of 1000 POCKET to anybody who creates a banner for this contest! The image @pixiehunter made is good and she got 1000 #pocket. If you want to make one that's in the dimensions of a banner, I'd be happy to award you 1000 Pocket as well!

We want banner! We want banner! (with the link to your contest embedded!) ..I'm a banner fan, have to say. Better than writing a long monotonous list. An image is more engaging. I'm in the process of making my own one right now..

The link to my contest is embedded in that image @pixiehunter made that's in the post, so you could use that for now.

Improv, I'm going to shortly DM you on discord.

Alright. I'll jump on there briefly!

(I know you don't like it 😏)

It's not that I don't like it... it's just overwhelming!


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