Punday Monday 46! Contest! Free to enter!

in #contest6 years ago


I loved reading your puns last week!


Awards for last week, yo!

(and stop on by @freewritehouse for some different award possibilities...!)

Best New Punster!

Welcome rookie of the week, @eventspeaker!

Pocket Choice awards

Unfortunately no winners this week. I think we need a few more of our participants to learn about #POCKET
@biophil can teach you. Check out his posts! Regardless,
The folks in the POCKET Choice winner's circle are @miniature-tiger, @lilygolightly, @chrisroberts, @stinawog, @f3nix, @doctorcrypto, @heroic15397, @littlescribe, @diebitch, @acolucky, @ablaze, and @paul.atreides.

and our grand prize...

The prize for best pun

Best pun of the entire week

Best Overall Pun

(or BOP )
goes to...




@creationofcare! Check out labiability...

And what prizes do they win, you ask?

Why, as usual, all the punsters got full strength upvotes on their submissions (which, thanks to the rising value of steem, were worth even more than usual!)

@creationofcare and @eventspeaker will each get to choose a post (of their own or someone else's) and I will give that post a fully powered upvote and an @tipu tip!

This week's pun topic is...



As in,
Hey Waiter, there's a dog in my soup!
I'll fetch you a new one.

No, I can do better.
A bunch of dogs playing fetch held up a bank and told the teller "stick 'em up!" so the teller threw the stick up.


You can do better.


dog-fetch-beer copy.jpg

Fetch - a - Sketch

#POCKET @improv

John: "I had a dog many years ago. I trained him every day, and eventually I could get him to bring back a stick from a distance of 10 miles"

Alan: "Sounds a bit far-fecthed"

It was... ! :P

Congrats, @eventspeaker and @creationofcare! Labiability slayed me.

This week's attempt:
Spot found Fifi quite fetching. If she were interested, he'd surely throw her a bone.

I fished to fetch a mess of perch.
But the boat did toss and rock and lurch
Across the long Lake Erie fetch.
So I did retch. And made no catch.
Damn fetch!

I know that's not a joke, but I enjoyed myself. And exclaiming Humboldt! at the end of a poem always makes me laugh, lol. Try it yourself and see! : )

We enjoyed it, too! We have friends in Humboldt... do you know them? @antic is from Humboldt!

I've never even been to Humbolt. And @antic would be the first person I know of from there. I'll have to go check out a local Humbolter. : )

Well, you'll have to visit. It's gorgeous! @antic lives in Seattle now, but his brother still lives there, and is a delight!


Beat me to it!

Classic @diebitch.

I tried to play fetch with my dog once. He was gone for hours, and came back with an eighties movie starring Chevy Chase. I said "No L" and he left again. Came back a few hours later with a Christmas wreath. I don't know where he's getting this stuff.

How do you call someone who's morbidly obsessed by retrievers? A fetchicist.
(..forgive me, once again)

Ha ha, love it!

Unexpected! Thanks 😅

This is a tough one. So I asked my wife if she could pun the word fetch.

"What?!" She asked.

"Fetch,"I said.

That is when she told me to watch my language around the kid.

Which naughty word does your accent make "fetch" sound like?

Right. I should have emphisized an ethnic heritage... maybe Eastern European.

Tough topic for me this week. Some other entries are good. Some real go getters out there (go getter = fetch)

You go got it!

Maybe it's just a bad word in @acolucky's house.

I'm assuming it's the word that means "to make love with vigor"...

Vigor and excess.

The young golden retriever had developed an ingenious way of fetching, but it would never catch on...

pocketsend:11@improv, play around with the token of fun - POCKET!

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I do love POCKET! I hope you'll give some to your favorite punster on Friday so that they can win the POCKET choice awards!

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