
pocketsend:1001@pixiehunter,Wow! This is wonderful! THANK YOU! And here's pocket that you can use to vote on your favorite puns each week on my Friday POCKET posts.

Successful Send of 1001
Sending Account: improv
Receiving Account: pixiehunter
New sending account balance: 1001858
New receiving account balance: 1001000
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 9284233001b89c3671646ca6b2db2ca2147fdcab
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

@pocket-a Do you make votes ever?

Yw, and ty. I look forward to picking :) Did you get a chance to check the post I did with picture? I may do a different post every few weeks around your contest. Let me know what should be added. :)

Oh my! That's so sweet of you! You can also always include information to make inexperienced punsters feel like they can do it, too, like the how-to article I often include in the posts!

You got it. I edited the post to include the two links. I need to get in there and pun too. I also need to figure out my darned pocket log info. I do have one. :)

You don't need to log into anything. All the commands are within the Steem blockchain!

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