IFC Season 2 Round 19 - Assist IrvinesImages

in #contest5 years ago (edited)

Hello there! Welcome to our digital spaceship castle.
Artwork credit - @jimramones on steemit

Hey peoples. Welcome back! Nice to see you again.
We're getting down there! Only one more round is planned after this one.

Sure has been fun. :) It's a lot of work, but I love it.
I'm excited to see who wins this season and also what happens in future seasons as well!

I've been talking with a friend and we have some interesting ideas planned for next season.
Also I have a meeting set up with another friend on Facebook who builds websites and there's a possibility he might help us build a website for the marketplace.

That would be pretty major if that happened! There's so much potential in our community, though it's been a bit quiet since the value of crypto went down.. I'm hoping that changes and that the value goes up and steem comes back to life and it's active like it used to be!

We had to pull through a pretty rough and slow season here, though I still learned a lot and had a great time with those of you who've played and been a part of this. I'm excited about the future, and excited to get to take a break! Though us judges still have a lot of work to do after the season ends judging all the other rounds and getting ready for the finals.

Anywho.. Onto the next round!


The subject of our nineteenth quest is.. "Assist IrvinesImages".
The object is to make a blog post that helps to promote my fathers photography and his page here on steem which hopefully brings some more followers or eyes to his artwork.

Without my father there would be no me and no IFC.
So even though he's not new to steem anymore I still want to show respect to him and help bring him any additional followers to his page and help in the ways that I can.

This is a quest I'd like to do every season.. And like last season my father is going to be giving away an extra prize for the winner of this round... A photo basket worth around $50 of surprise photography goodies from his collection. PS if you win and for some reason you don't want to give out your address or do not want the prize you can donate it to someone else and we'll send it to them instead.

Here are a few of his recently shared images to give you an idea of his work and you have permission to use these images in your IFC entry post for this round.







I think he's an epic legendary photographer and he deserves more recognition for his work, we used to have a whale on here upvoting his photography when I originally was posting it for him before he joined steem himself but I messed it up by taking a break and the whale was gone when I got back.. That's one of my major regrets on here.

I think he deserves a whale's support but it's incredibly difficult to get the attention of a whale on here. Would be nice if we could at least just get him a few more followers to his page. Thanks for trying to help if you do!

Here's a link to his page.

Here's a link to this round from last season if you'd like to learn more and get a better idea of how it works or what other entries were like in the past.


We have received assistance and 165 steem from @curie and 10steem from @underground and I have confirmed that @ats-david @krnel @timcliff and @ura-soul will also be supporting us this season.

Curie, underground, ats-david, krnel, timcliff, and ura-soul are all witnesses, so if you support what we are doing here at the IFC please look into them and give them a vote for witness as well. By the way to vote for ats-david you should vote for his @ats-witness account.

Also it looks like @ecoinstar will donate 100 shares of steembasicincome to the winners, with 60 SBI going to the grand prizer winner, 25 SBI to second place and 15 SBI to third place.
And thanks to @bengy for delegating 25 steem. :)
A special thanks as well to @davemccoy and @newbiegames and @newbieresteemday who are not technically sponsors but we have worked with them in the past. Looks like newbiegames and newbieresteemday have been inactive for months though we still use their tags for the time being.



The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle or when all entries have been submitted.

25% of the post payout goes to curation and after that what's left will now be split up 75% to the winner of the round and 25% to put towards building up the @ifc account.

For those who play via email.. This will be recorded and saved for you, and.. If you're unwilling to make your own steem account we will at some point be willing to convert it for you to whichever currency however.. Not for small amounts, you must earn at least 10 steem for us to take the time to do this for you.


1. Round 19 of season 2 starts now and the subject is "Assist IrvinesImages".
  1. Create a blog post on steem for the contest or send an email if you are playing via email.

  2. Title of blog post or subject of email must contain, "IFC S2R19"

  3. Leave a link to your post in the comments below unless you are playing via email in which case myself or someone else will do so. (This part is important and a lot of people forget this, please put the blog link in the right place so our judges can find it)

  4. And you also have to use the #ifc tag in your blog post as well unless you are playing via email.

  5. You must accept that if you somehow get hurt doing any of our quests you can not reasonably hold us accountable. You must take responsibility for your own choices and actions in life. This is a voluntary game where you choose to play. Only you can make such decisions for yourself.

  6. You are responsible for paying the appropriate government taxes, fees, and service charges resulting from any transactions with the IFC or Marketplace. We are not responsible for collecting, reporting, paying, or remitting to you any such taxes, fees, or service charges, except as may otherwise be required by law.

Acceptable content

A. A blog post or email about the subject of "Assist IrvinesImages"

B. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.
C. Do your best to make sure everything is properly sourced.
D. We also encourage role playing for those who enjoy doing that. :)

Also we now have judges guidelines so you can see what the main judges generally look for in an entry, links to those will be below.

Good luck in the contest!!

Click to enter the Discord chat room.

Click to go to the rules page.

20180421_151139_0001.pngOriginal by @yeszuzia and modified by @charisma777

PS.. If you'd like to be a part of the community in some way but don't want to play in the game, we're still looking for a few regular judges and always looking for guest judges and sponsors.

If you would like to help out, please feel free to resteem or share this blog post on any social media to help get the word out to more people who might want to play! <3 Thank you.

Also if you want to play via email or be notified of each round or get updates then please send an email to [email protected]
with the subject "Add to IFC mailing list".

Plus here's a YouTube video I made on the subject of the IFC that I'm going to include with each round post.

Due to a suggestion from one of the players I'm also going to start tagging all the current players here to remind them of a new round, if you don't want to be reminded let me know and I'll take you off the list.


If I missed anyone or you'd like to be added to the list, lemme know.


Well, what an interesting conversation this has sparked. @ayushjalan, I too applaud your courage in voicing your concern and doing so in such a non confrontational manner. Although I must say I whole-heartedly dis-agree. If Irvines Images was a participant in this contest then I would certainly agree but the spirit of this contest is the finding and sharing of information and @apolymask only seeks to find information on how to help his father in a passion which they both share which is photography. I was also a part of this contest last season and had no problem with it then nor do I now. I would ask that you re-think your decision and write up a killer post even if it's just to share your appreciation of this incredible photography. No need to be embarrassed as it did take incredible courage for you to share.

Thank you. That was very kind of you. I was still kinda scared that other contestants might look at me the wrong way, but glad that you didn't. I did indeed re-think what I said, and that's what made me apologize, especially after reading how much Paul has invested and worked for these contests.

Perhaps I didn't look at the situation from every angle and jumped into conclusions, which I'll be more carefully about from now on. Honestly, now that I think about it, if I invested that much in a contest that I started, I would also most probably want to promote myself too. Whether I would actually do it or not, I'm not sure.

About changing my decision and writing an entry, I don't know if I'll be able to do that or not. I mean, I'd love to, but I'm still standing by what I said, and more importantly, between all the things that are currently happening in my life right now, I barely get the time to write the articles that I had already planned for my own blog.

If Paul makes an exception for this round, I'm more than happy to make an entry in this comment section itself, but I don't think I'll be able to make a blog post about it.

Anyway, I'm glad about everything that you said. I read your entry too and I must say, it's amazing! You offered some really practical and helpful advice, and if I had to guess, I'm sure you will win this round. All the best :)

I'm not totally sure what you mean by making an exception in regards to an entry in the comment section but I think I get it and yeah you can, I've opened this up to people submitting entries via email and that would be similar. It would almost be better if you did it by email and then it would be less confusing, but if you don't want to post it on your own blog then.. Yeah you can do it here in the comments. We've actually made that exception before during the last season when people didn't understand they were suppose to make a blog post.

Ideally I think it's best if people make a blog post, though I want to open this up to as many people as possible and let them enter in ways that work for them, so.. Even if it's a lil more confusing for the judges I think perhaps next season I should adjust the rules a bit to not only allow people to enter via EMAIL but also to leave an entry in the comments section instead of making a blog post on their page.

Anyways.. If you do want to do that, feel free. I'll figure out the broader details in the future in regards to how we'll do it next season.

That's awesome! I think allowing people to make entries through comments will increase the total number of newcomers to the contest.

Although, I think people who are already familiar with it, would most likely want to make a blog post entry regardless, including myself.

I'll most likely make an entry after the next week when I return back home after travelling. The internet connection here is too weak to post pretty much anything. I'm actually surprised the eSteem app is working, haha!


Here's an entry from owietus via email.

“Michael Irvine has been capturing the beauty of Sedona for over 30 years. Michael’s photography captures nature’s perfection of these famous red rocks and surrounding areas. His photography may be seen here on steemit, https://steemit.com/@irvinesimages, Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/irvinesimages
[email protected]. (928) 282-7671 10-5 PT


My response to owietus.

Thanks for the entry! I like what you said about my father's photography and the image you created as well. That's cool how you combined those images and put a link in there as well for people to find his work. :)

I'm all on board with a son trying to help make his father's work more visible, but I sincerely think the way you implemented this idea is rather unfair.

Don't get me wrong here, I get that you're trying to help your dad, and that's really admirable and a quality of a good son, but I think in this way you might be unknowingly giving out the wrong idea of wanting to take advantage of these contests.

A more fair way to ask for help and recognition, I think, would have been to ask for it directly without making it into a competition. You could've simply made a separate post about it with the same rules and reward, just not included as one of the #ifc contest rounds. It could've been an independent contest, one not related with the original contests and we wouldn't mind it. Again, don't get me wrong.

Your dad is a remarkable photographer and I would love to promote his work, but there are certain boundaries that you shouldn't cross when you are the host of one of the biggest contests held on an international platform.

What you are asking for as an entry is something pretty big and that's the reason why not many people have participated in this specific round. Imagine being a contestant and reading a contest title that says, "Help @thisperson and maybe you'll win." Obviously you wouldn't want to participate, would you? You would think of the host as some sketchy dude who is taking commission from @thisperson to promote himself.

If someone wishes to promote someone else, it should be done because of their own will and not because someone told them to. I know we have a choice to not participate in this round, but that gives out an unfair advantage to the few who do participate because they literally have no one to compete with.

This, imo, ruins the integrity of the contest and makes it appear not as official in a way. Just to be clear, I'm not saying all of this because I'm not participating in this round. I'm saying this as an active contestant of the contest, and also as a good friend of yours.

I know for a fact that you are a big enough person to not take all of this as an offense, but as a chance to improve yourself and the ifc if you agree with me. If I'm being honest, I first hesitated to write this comment because I didn't wanted to upset you (and I still don't), but if we want to stay true to each other and to ourselves, it is important to take that risk, isn't it?

Last season we did this contest and no one expressed any issues and the person who got the bonus prize was absolutely thrilled. It was a fun round and we had some really good entries and it was good energy and supportive.

Furthermore we've had numerous other quests that were similar ranging from "find a sponsor for the IFC" to "find more players for the IFC" to a "help the judges" and "help a beginner" round as well.. No one complained about any of those rounds either and were from what I could tell happy to help.

I've been wanting to start a contest with my father for quite some time though it hasn't worked out so this is a good way for us to work together on a project in my opinion.

I disagreed with a lot of what you said and was surprised by some of it though I don't have the desire to get into an argument. You of course have the right to your opinion and I'll consider what you said in regards to if I'll ever try to do this round again in the future.

I understand. I sincerely apologise if I gave off the wrong vibe. Perhaps my way of saying what I said wasn't very nice. If other people are actually happy with it, then that makes my whole argument pointless.

This is the kinda stuff that I'll need your help in. I'm still obviously learning and I want to continue to do that. If a few minutes of embarrassment teaches me a lesson of a life time, then I'm more than willing to do that. The same happened with me in my first job too.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I just don't wanna hold back on something that I'm scared to say because the more I hold myself back, the more the stress builds up.

Thanks for explaining why I'm wrong instead of just pointing it out. If I ever have doubts about anything in the future, I'll make sure to ask about it first rather than making direct statements. In fact, I think it's better if we do it one-to-one on Discord or somewhere else so the round isn't affected.

What d'you say?

I respect your authenticity and honesty for speaking up. And also your humbleness to apologize and try to communicate better.

Your argument isn't pointless just cause other people went along with it and didn't complain, and I have wondered in the past about such things and how much I should do quests that could benefit me personally... So it's a fair point to make and I can see where you were coming from and I probably won't do this quest again next season cause if even one person has an issue with it that's too many in my opinion.

However.. I kept asking myself after your message.. In the context of, I put countless hours into this, donated at least 1/5th of my steem and spent a bit of USD as well buying the trophy, and artwork.. So why shouldn't I be able to do a round or two that pay respect to my father or.. Whatever? I mean.. Why shouldn't I be able to do a quest that even benefits myself directly? Like one that brings people to my page instead of my fathers?

I came up with the idea, I invested most of the time and money.. I feel like I should be able to do something like that every now and again. However, you have some good points.. And I don't want to alienate the players.. I want to bring in as many players as I can and if anyone thinks it's shady that I would do a quest like that then I probably shouldn't do those kinds of quests anymore.. I want this to be a professional sort of thing some day with lots of people that play, not something where people are claiming I'm unfair in some way. I wanna be as fair as possible.

In regards to the other rounds like.. "Find more players" "help a beginner" "find a sponsor".. I'm not sure.. I might do away with those also, or I might keep doing them.. I don't know.. I might keep doing the Assist IrvinesImages one as well, yet right now I'm leaning against it.

I'm going to have to think about this more, but as I just mentioned above.. I don't want anyone to think I'm being unfair or shady, so I'll probably not be doing those quests in the future.

No worries or need to apologize, I respect your courage for saying what's on your mind even if it could have ended in a not so pleasant way. I appreciate your willingness to tell me how you think it is and I will continue to think about the subject and whether or not I should continue those quests. PS yeah Discord might be a better place to talk about these things, but it is what it is.

I'm so happy you didn't take it the wrong way. And yeah, after what you said, it does make sense that you should be able to promote your dad or even yourself for that matter.

My only request/suggestion in my first comment was that the promotion could be its own different round (or bonus round) independent of the contest because I genuinely think it would be better that way.

If on some occasions some of my posts that I poured my heart in don't get attention, then I just directly ask for it once in a subtle way, by linking stories that hint towards the post that I want people to see.

For example, when you want more people to join the ifc contests, you make a "Find more players" round which is direct, straight-to-the-point, and does the work and it gets the people excited, and is completely fair because the contest is promoting itself.

I think the same should be applied in this situation too. You can just ask for the help directly as a self-promotion sorta thing.

I don't think we should stop doing the rounds like "Find more players," "help a beginner," and "find a sponsor," because all of those rounds are ultimately working for the betterment of ifc and for the steem community too.

It's not selfish if the contest is promoting itself. It's, in fact, a smart technique to gather new players. After all, Steemit itself is doing it in its mass adoption thing or whatever it was called.

I'm truly glad you could see the insecurity behind saying whatever I did. I used to be terrified of disappointing people (and I still kinda am) and that's why I'm trying to be more open and honest to myself and others so I can get rid of this fear even if it means I'll have to take risks and be uncomfortable.

Maybe part of the reason why I was so harsh initially is because of all the rapid changes that are currently happening in my life right now. My default mood is a worried one these days because I've been having haunting thoughts about my future even though things are technically going in the right direction, but I know that's not an excuse to act like an asshole.

I'm constantly trying to be and stay emotionally stable, though I'm bound to slip sometimes, and I'm okay with apologizing for it if I have to. It doesn't make me a small person, though I still kinda feel bad about it.

Much love to you buddy, and thanks for understanding and being so patient <3

I don't think we should stop doing the rounds like "Find more players," "help a beginner," and "find a sponsor," because all of those rounds are ultimately working for the betterment of ifc and for the steem community too.

Well you shouldn't see any issue with this quest either then as I stated in the original quest blog post that this contest wouldn't exist if it wasn't for my father. You could even say my father is the largest sponsor because not only did he give me life, but he is providing me with a place to live and he buys me food sometimes as well and if it wasn't for those things I almost certainly would not have time to run this contest and I definitely wouldn't have the time to go into so much detail in my responses to each entry if I did have the time to keep it going in some manner. He is a critical part of this whole equation and the IFC continuing until I can make enough money to support myself.

I read the article you linked and I'm in a similar boat, even though I've sold photography for a long time I've never really had an official job outside of a few odds and ends here and there which were short term and I just started my first sort of official job doing freelance writing and it's been a bit stressful and starting out slow but hopefully will pick up when I get more used to it and gain more experience. Good luck with your situation!

You're welcome for being understanding and patient. I want everyone to feel like their voice matters in this community and even if it was hard for me to read some of what you said initially, I think it's good for me to think about these kinds of things.

I want to make this contest work and in order to do that I need to genuinely listen to what everyone thinks, I may not always agree but I still need to listen and try to put myself in their shoes and you did have some good points as well even if I disagreed with a decent amount of it. So thank you as well for bringing your thoughts to my attention.. I think the IFC will be stronger because of it in the long run, and I myself will be as well for continuing to learn how to communicate and talk with people better.

Makes sense. If he weren't here, ifc wouldn't have existed.

I'm currently travelling right now so I won't be able to write that comment entry, but I'll write one as soon as we return home.

About disagreements, I think it's better that way if we are honest even if it means potential arguments. My best friend and I have had a lot of disagreements too in the course of our friendship and some were so extreme that it took weeks for us to talk to each other again.

But in the end, we always come up and say sorry to each other because we know our friendship is worth so much more than our opinions, and that's the reason why we're so secure in our friendship.

I want to be able to make that sort of friendship with everyone I meet, but unfortunately, people don't usually like their opinions being challenged.

You, however, do listen even if you don't agree. That's what makes a good decision-maker and a good friend. I know you're much older than me but I never saw you that way. I've always seen you as someone equal to me, at least in terms of personality.

And if you think what you're doing is right, then I trust you with all my heart :)

Sorry for the late response I've been overwhelmed, and I noticed you responded earlier saying similar so I have a feeling you understand.

That's cool you and your friend have such a good relationship! And yeah.. I think it's important to be able to disagree and still be friends, unfortunately you're right in that so many people just can't handle it and see it as a personal attack or whatever.. But if you can get passed that and try to understand where the person is coming from then you can both hopefully grow!

Thanks for thinking I'm a good friend! I feel similar about you. :)Hopefully we can continue to be friends for a long time into the future. Cheers bud.

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