Rules for season 2 of the IFC.

in #contest5 years ago (edited)

Rules for season 2

Welcome To The IFC/Information Finding Championship

Hello there. Thanks for stopping by. I assume you would like to know more about our community and contest? If so and if you would like to play in our game you are expected to read this whole page and comply with the rules.

Our game is a mental contest with diverse subjects, it is also mixed with RPG elements so you can level up and obtain items.
Our contest is also free to play, you don't have to pay anything.

The grand prize this season for whoever wins is 100 steem, plus a crystal trophy and artwork drawn up of the winner to represent them in our digital world.

There's a much smaller prize for 2nd and 3rd places as well.

Every Round There Is A Winner

Each round there will also be winners. During the first season the winners would get the full payout minus the 25% that automatically goes to curation and now after voting as a community the winners will get 75% of the payout from the post after the 25% that automatically goes to curation with 25% now going to the @IFC account to help us grow.

Grand Prize is 100 STEEM plus a crystal trophy and a picture will be drawn up of the winner. Also 2nd place 25 steem and 3rd place 10 steem.

The challenge for the 100 steem grand prize is a contest that will approximately last until May 25th and then the regular season should end and we will begin the finals.

That's 17 regular rounds with room for at least 3 catch up rounds. though this date isn't exact and may change due to tie breakers or other factors and we will probably have around 20 rounds all together.

In the first season we did a sweet 16 for the finals based on the top 16 highest scoring players and this season it's going to be a lil different.. You must score at least 1 point to make it into the finals.

So that may be more or less than 16 players this time since there's only half as many rounds this go around.. However.. You just need to score at least one point to make it to the finals this time.

In order to try to make up for the fact that there will only be half as many rounds, this season judges will get 3 votes for each round to split up however they please instead of the just 1 vote they had last season per round.

I'm unclear how long finals will last since I'm not sure how many players will be in the finals and there is a potential for tie breakers and other issues. Though hopefully the finals will be done by the end of June and the Championship will start soon after.

At the end of the finals, the two challengers left remaining will face off in a final head to head battle for the title of IFC champion and the prize.

There's Always A Chance To Get In The Finals Until The Finals Begin.

You can win at any time, every game has a winner! Plus because we are doing this as a tournament, you only need to get one point to qualify for the finals to have a shot to win the grand prize!

Anyone can participate and everyone has a chance.

Must be 18+ to play.

We aren’t responsible for any activity or content that is posted; however, we expect everyone to uphold these guidelines and we may intervene if community guidelines are not upheld.

No spamming, no hacking, no phishing, or any kind of viruses or malicious infringement.

It is against the rules to have multiple accounts to try to game the system. You may get a warning or two if caught then you will risk being banned.

You must give us permission to share the content you submit.
By giving us permission to share your content we do not own the rights to your content, you will still own the rights. We will just be sharing things from time to time to essentially show what happens in our contest and to help promote the contest.
Also we will give credit to the artist if we do share their work.

No doxing or personal threats towards anyone in the community or any of their family or friends outside of the gameworld or in serious harmful manner. To be more clear you can sort of taunt others in the game in a strategic "fun/playful" manner, though.. We have zero tolerance for this such kinds of behavior if it leaves the fantasy fictional gameworld and enters the real world, you will be banned if you try to personally threaten anyone or their friends and family outside of the gameworld. IE Threatening to fight or harm them in the real world somehow.

This is an adult game and you can post adult content and use explicit curse words and verbally spar with your opponents to an extent, however.. We do not condone bullying or harassment, slander or people going "too far/extreme" in malicious manner so to speak.

If you are too malicious and too nasty, you will get warned numerous times until eventually you may face a potential ban.

We do value freedom of speech, however.. This contest and community is not a safe haven for abuse or immorality and it is not welcome if you go past a certain level of sportsmanship into cruel and unnecessary territory.

If you post any sort of adult material make sure to put NSFW in the title.

Also.. Don't post anything illegal in your entries, IE illegal drugs or child exploitation or anything like that.

So far our contest has been extremely polite and respectful and nothing of concern has happened yet, though if we grow enough and become big enough these could be issues down the road.

Make sure to properly source things and that you have permission to post something, do not post anything that violates contractual, personal, intellectual property or other rights.

I suggest using copyright free websites like Unsplash for images if you do not own the image yourself.

Sites like Giphy and memes can often be very questionable and are discouraged unless you are sure you have the rights and permission to use them.

If you don't have permission to use it, you may be able to use it in a "fair use" manner, if so.. Make sure you properly source it as fair use and make sure you are very clear that it is being used in an educational manner.

If anyone posts too many things they don't have rights to post they will get numerous warnings first, though could after numerous warnings face being banned if they keep doing it.

There's no rule to how short or long your post has to be, however.. Judges can choose to not vote for you if your entry is in their opinion too short or too long.

Please be considerate of our time, there's often a lot of entries and if your post is really long.. It adds up for the judges reading/going through all the entries. You might decrease your odds of winning if your post is too long and some judges may speed through it if it's too long.

For those who play via email.. Your potential earnings will be recorded and saved for you, and.. If you're unwilling to make your own steem account we will at some point be willing to convert it for you to whichever currency however.. Not for small amounts, you must earn at least 10 steem for us to take the time to do this for you and you must have a PayPal account to send the money to.

Also we will often allow a 24 hour extension or perhaps longer if someone has a good reason for being late and genuinely intends on getting an entry submitted. If you feel like you can't get your entry submitted in timeframe given then feel free to ask and you might be able to get an extension.

Oh and.. Each individual round often has unique rules or characteristics to it, so.. Some things may not be covered here or in the more detailed rules or anywhere until the actual round challenge happens itself.

Here is a sort of general template of how the rules for a given round look.


The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle or when all entries have been submitted.

If there is a tie, we will have a tie breaker round unless otherwise specified.


1. Topic of specific quest will usually be here. 2. Create a blog post or send an email centered around the subject given. 3. Title or email subject must contain the IFC acronym and the name of the round for example "IFC S2R1" (Season 2 Round 1) 4. Leave a link to your post in the comments below if submitting on steem. (This part is important and a lot of people forget this, please put the blog link in the right place so our judges can find it) 5. And you also have to use the #ifc tag in your blog post as well if submitting through steem.
6. You must accept that if you somehow get hurt doing any of our quests you can not reasonably hold us accountable. You must take responsibility for your own choices and actions in life. This is a voluntary game where you choose to play. Only you can make such decisions for yourself. 7. You are responsible for paying the appropriate government taxes, fees, and service charges resulting from any transactions with the IFC or Marketplace. We are not responsible for collecting, reporting, paying, or remitting to you any such taxes, fees, or service charges, except as may otherwise be required by law.

Acceptable content

  1. A blog post or email about the subject given.
  2. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.
  3. Do your best to make sure everything is properly sourced.
  4. We also encourage role playing for those who enjoy doing that. :)

DQmT7sB8PtmTesH6vytXMgzkeYqn5dedZd94XYbBB1FwkwQ_1680x8400.jpg Artwork credit @yeszuzia on Instagram

Finally, each judge is different and will have certain preferences and leanings to their personality.
Here are a few links to how the main judges will be voting and what they look for in an entry.

Click to enter the Discord chat room.

Click to go to the rules page.

20180421_151139_0001.pngOriginal by @yeszuzia and modified by @charisma777

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 56576.23
ETH 3024.80
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.29