Capturing Glory. IFC S2R19 entry (Assist IrvinesImages)

in #photography5 years ago

Anyone can take a picture. This I know because I accidentally and at random take pictures of my feet with my phone. I also take a lot of pictures of beautiful scenery or what I feel would be an amazing shot of a friend or family member. Then I look at the photo, think to myself "meh", and then immediately delete the picture.

I just don't have IT. I don't have the eye for proper framing of a subject, waiting for the perfect moment to catch the perfect shot. My talent runs more to the musical or twirling my tongue in circles (apparently most people can't do that).

Some people do have an eye for THE perfect shot and one of those people is @irvinesimages.

For the 19th round @apolymask has brought back a task to help another (a common theme in @apolymask's life). The task? To assist his father in promoting his photographs. Here is a link to this seasons post Assist IrvinesImages.

There's no doubt about it that Irvines Images is an incredible photographer as you can see from the image below.


The contrast, the color, the imagery... It's all incredible!

The big dilemma for me is trying to figure out the best way to assist this incredible artist. I decided to try to learn a little more about him online. A search for Irvines Images on Google yielded only 1 result specific to our subject photographer:

You can view my findings at Sedona Spiritual Vacations

Searching by the artists real name was a bit more challenging due to a somewhat common last name but when adding the word photography after his name the search yielded the same results.

A search for Irvines Images on Facebook came up with a page for the artist with 3.7k likes but no posts since 2013. Instagram came back as another person entirely.

So how can I help?

As the owner of my own blog website I would love nothing more than to say that I am a huge online influencer. For the time being though that is just not the case. NOT YET ANYWAY!

So the best form of assistance I could come up with is some advice.

Dear Michael,

You are a true artist. Your eye for photography is nothing short of astounding. If I may recommend a few courses of action I believe would assist you in taking your art form to the next level they would be this:

  • Create an account on Etsy or SmugBug Pro or some other such site that allows for the sale of your photography.
  • Become very active on your Facebook account.
  • Create your own Instagram account and start posting your pictures there. (Photography is HUGE on this platform.)
  • Create a budget for advertising through Facebook or Instagram with links to your online sales portal (whichever you choose). This can be created by using a certain amount of the profits received from sales through any online channel.

In short, beef up your online presence and become active in promoting yourself.

Additionally, with more online sales you can start hiring out tasks to assist in beefing up your online presence through websites such as As you scale your business you can even hire people to do your social media marketing and run your Facebook and Instagram accounts. My wife and I recently spent $65.00 on to create a logo for our blog and it came out great (the best $65.00 we've ever spent).

Finally, and this is something tangible I can assist with. Offer your next 10 customers who make a purchase of $50 or $100 or more (or any dollar number you choose) a free vacation incentive. This doesn't have to be for online customers but your next 10 customers period. I will send further information to apolymask on how this would work.

Wishing you the best and excited to follow along on your journey,


I would also love to get permission to use a couple of your photos as backdrops for some of my future blog posts (with full credit of course).


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