Day 29- Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 108.146 SBD

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

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Day 29

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The Contest prize is growing every day!!!

We are grateful to our contest sponsors. The prize is now 108.146 SBD!!!!!


Thank you @tristancarax for sending another donation!!

You too can donate to the prize - any amount is welcome. Just transfer with a memo: to 200-day celebration.

SBD will be added to the SBD payout. Steem donations will increase the SBI memberships we give out.

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Eliminated players

Everyone is still here and everyone agrees that there should be a split of the prize in the end.

We probably give the option to each of you if you want your payout in SBD or SBI.

Also, several of you mentioned that we should make it a bit more difficult.

  • So, for starters, please go back and look at the picture you submitted for sign up. In the future - at least as much as you signed up with must be in the picture. More of you is fine.

  • Submit a new selfie taken that day for the contest.

Here are your first pics and a bit more of an explanation.

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Some Fun Selfies from Yesterday

So many of your selfies were great!!! This is a random pic and yours will also be here someday 🤩

See if you already recognize each other's faces.

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Photo on 6-10-18 at 11.13 AM.jpg


See if you can list all the names 😊

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If you haven't checked the Daily Prompt yet...

Prompt: quadrillion

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Remember you have 24 hours to drop your selfie with you freewrite link into the comment section.

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces - or masks - every day 🤪

Your selfie + freewrite must be posted by 8 AM Pacific Time on 6/2/2018

I know that many of you are in timezones where that might be a different date already. Use a time converter to make sure that you enter on time.

If you are late - you are eliminated. No exceptions.

This contest is for Registered Players Only. Registration is Closed.

But there are many fun activities at the Freewrite House - check them out!

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Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



Is this selfie sufficiently selfie-like? Just kidding, I myself know it's a legit selfie; I don't need no validation!

Today I learned that a quadrillion is ten raised to the power of fifteen, or 1,000,000,000,000,000. I suppose it’s million-billion-trillion-quadrillion—that’s how it works, right? Anyway, did you know that the galaxy is about 588 quadrillion miles across? That’s 100,000 light years, which sounds much less daunting. Yes, I had to stop the timer and look that up… that would be an insane fact to just know off the top of one’s head, unless you were an astrophysicist or something.

I once had a roommate who was an astrophysicist. She was quite brilliant but quite odd. It was a forced arrangement via graduate student housing. She really liked Ayn Rand (I don’t, but I never told her that). She was a compulsive cleaner and I’m pretty sure she was addicted to Adderall for an illness that I’m not positive existed, but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt on that one. I am also a hyper-clean person, especially when I’m stressed (which is perfect for grad school!), but she didn’t like the way I cleaned. It wasn’t sufficient. Personally, I think I’m pretty compulsive about it, but I have a feeling that no amount of clean would have been clean enough. She would clean night and day.

Anyway one day she left to go visit her family a few states away (I’m being purposely vague here) and she said she’d be gone for a weekend. Well, the weekend passed, and then a week passed, and then two weeks passed, and I hadn’t heard from her. I got a little worried. One day I was looking for a stapler and I recalled she had one on her desk. I figured I would just pop my head in and borrow the stapler—no harm done, right? I open her bedroom door and the place was cleared out. She had moved out without telling me, leaving me alone with a beautiful two bedroom apartment on the Upper West Side of New York which I only paid half of the rent for, which itself was subsidized 40%. Not too shabby.

I texted her to express my concern that she had apparently just dropped out of school for the semester and moved several states away without a word, and she informed me that she had posted the apartment on Craigslist (which was supposed to be strictly forbidden according to graduate student housing), and then several random women moved in. Fortunately, I got along with the one who stayed the longest, and the others weren’t terrible either. Certainly better than the original roommate. I kept quiet about the blatant disregard for student housing rules. Anyway, a friend of mine was roommates with her classmate, and he tended to like to talk a lot, and he told me that she had told him that she didn’t get along with her roommate. Which was news to me. I mean, besides the whole not cleaning sufficiently thing, I thought we got along just fine, even if we didn’t communicate much. She didn’t seem like a terribly communicative person so I just stayed out of her hair.

Several months later, she moved out of the apartment for real, and dumped out a trash bin on the floor, and also left the front door unlocked, which wasn’t a great thing to do in New York. She insisted it was an accident, but it didn’t seem to me that this was the kind of woman who did much of anything accidentally. But I suppose we all have these kinds of roommate stories, and I’m sure hers would be just as colorful in her characterization of me.

Anyway, that’s my story about astrophysicists, inspired by random facts about the size of the universe, inspired by the word “quadrillion.” I don’t know how many minutes it’s actually been because I didn’t actually set a timer despite my assertion that I stopped it at some point. I'm sorry for lying to you and for disregarding the laws of the freewrite universe. The end.

I looked up quadrillion too and it said there are fewer numbers in the American version as opposed to the British? That's all I saw after Googling, meaning closed out and didn't follow the trail to find out more.
I think the adderall added to her cleaning habit ;)

I saw that too! One would think that we could agree on numbers. But I guess not...

Hey me too..I also looked it up..hahah..and your story has something similar to mine... something similar happend to me too..

I love the way the freewrites move us all over the place :) She sounded a bit like that material nightmares are made off...

I’ve already written a huge long ‘chapter’ or installment to my serialized story today. It feels like I’ve already posted a quadrillion words (although technically, it was only around 2,500), so I thought I would just do my freewrite entry today in the comments. (although I could have easily written the word quadrillion into the chapter I wrote today, I know that no one not already following the story is going to go read all of that AND it took over 5 minutes!)

It makes me realize that everything I write is a freewrite. I’m not an editor. I will go back and correct things like spelling or obvious typos, but pretty much ANYTHING you see me post is a freewrite… or ‘freethought’ if it’s a video. I just ‘verbally vomit’ as my husband says (he’d probably also claim that my mind goes a quadrillion miles a minute, if you want to know the truth… and it probably does, but I can’t type that fast.)

I took a selfie for the contest, thinking that maybe I have a quadrillion hairs on my head. Of course I probably don’t have htat many, but then again, I am the most horribly bad estimator of numbers that you’ve ever met. Like, I can tell if there are ten or less people in a room, but if there are more than say… 50? Then you could tell me there were hundreds or just fifty and I’d probably believe you.

That being said, I obviously don’t know how many hairs are on my head. They are getting a lot longer, though. I look like Albert Einstein, which seems kind of sacreligious, because if anyone was good with numbers, it was him. Hey, maybe that makes it even MORE fitting as a selfie for today.

I did the selfie challenge at the beginning looking pretty crappy and I still look kinda crappy today (and most fo the days since I started) because I almost always just take my selfie first thing in the morning. I suppose I could look a quadrillion times better if I at least combed my hair or put on makeup or something, but I don’t see that ever happening for consistency purposes, so I’m glad I set the bar pretty low to begin with :)

So there you have it, a teeny tiny bit of a tiny percentage of the thoughts that fly through my head when I think of the prompt “quadrillion”. I wonder what there IS a quadrillion of? Who even THINKS of numbers like that? Stars, maybe (I mean a quadrillion stars, not like movie stars think of things like this)

P.S. I went and looked it up. DEFINITELY not a quadrillion hairs on my head:

The average human head (an average scalp measures approximately 120 square inches or 770 cm²) has about 100,000 hair follicles (Gray 2003).


Also, I'm so glad that I didn't show this much of my hair in my original selfie, because I would be really tired of this much hair by now!!!

Love your hair selfie! I usually take mine in the morning too.

Thanks. My daughter was sitting here while I brushed and ratted it, but I didn't say a word about why I was doing it. She thought I was just crazier than usual :)

That makes it even better :)

That was my exact thought! :)

I live your hairrr 😘😘😘😘 and your face has a natural glow.. ❤️❤️

Thank you!

You are funny!! It is not about the amount of hair :) Just to be in the selfie.... like your face - or a part of it since you started out that way 😂
Like the Einstein look!!

I thought it was a pretty sexy look. I am thinking about doing my hair like that before my husband gets home and pretending everything is just all normal :)

Please say you did! Hahaha I love it! Also...I have found that any of my stuff worth posting has been created out of freewriting or freevlogging...I've decided that that's when the magic happens! Thought you might appreciate that. 😊

One, Five , Two thousand
A quadrillion?
Numbers are extensions of our perception.
We chase numbers because it's something
A raft in an enormous sea,
That has incrementally become a cruiseliner.
I never understood.
Why bother leaving the land if you bring your shopping mall with you?

And those who chide the $$$ chasers
Yet obsess over tech
Like slightly older siblings bragging about the potty...
They are both just numbers
Running on the treadmill.
Trust me, we 've got plenty more where that came from .

Oh shoot I can't understand the new rule , is it like this...okay we all sent the pic to sign up , that pic had our face we shd be having that much in all the prompts pics..? Something like that??

Please do tell me if I am wrong , I'll change in the morning.

Here is my promt for today..


You are right. You entered with your face showing and you are taking a new pic every day. so, you are good. Others showed their cleavage, for example. If she now only does a foot, she would be out.

Geez, hope it wasn't my foot shot that ruined it for everyone ;)

Nothing is ruined LOL. Just people demanded that I am a bit stricter with you all LOL

Oh thank you 😊😊

great colors, you look happy :)

Thank you!! I was! And still am haha

thank goodness! i would always hope so ... wouldnt want it any other way

And I hope you are just as happy!

pretty much, i had korean food today and finally got my clothes to the dry cleaners. much better than having to fight for food, water, or air. Word. Hehe

Haha yes! Perspective! Ohhh I should tell you I am having a little contest with my selfie on the freewritehouse post! 😉

whaaaaa? i contest within a contest? well guess what, i'm having a fundraiser for depression in my depression post ... muahaahahh (really, truly, no joke)

My selfie today's prompt:quadrillion! I am not sure what is quadrillion but this is my 5 minutes freewrite

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