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RE: Day 29- Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 108.146 SBD

in #contest6 years ago

I’ve already written a huge long ‘chapter’ or installment to my serialized story today. It feels like I’ve already posted a quadrillion words (although technically, it was only around 2,500), so I thought I would just do my freewrite entry today in the comments. (although I could have easily written the word quadrillion into the chapter I wrote today, I know that no one not already following the story is going to go read all of that AND it took over 5 minutes!)

It makes me realize that everything I write is a freewrite. I’m not an editor. I will go back and correct things like spelling or obvious typos, but pretty much ANYTHING you see me post is a freewrite… or ‘freethought’ if it’s a video. I just ‘verbally vomit’ as my husband says (he’d probably also claim that my mind goes a quadrillion miles a minute, if you want to know the truth… and it probably does, but I can’t type that fast.)

I took a selfie for the contest, thinking that maybe I have a quadrillion hairs on my head. Of course I probably don’t have htat many, but then again, I am the most horribly bad estimator of numbers that you’ve ever met. Like, I can tell if there are ten or less people in a room, but if there are more than say… 50? Then you could tell me there were hundreds or just fifty and I’d probably believe you.

That being said, I obviously don’t know how many hairs are on my head. They are getting a lot longer, though. I look like Albert Einstein, which seems kind of sacreligious, because if anyone was good with numbers, it was him. Hey, maybe that makes it even MORE fitting as a selfie for today.

I did the selfie challenge at the beginning looking pretty crappy and I still look kinda crappy today (and most fo the days since I started) because I almost always just take my selfie first thing in the morning. I suppose I could look a quadrillion times better if I at least combed my hair or put on makeup or something, but I don’t see that ever happening for consistency purposes, so I’m glad I set the bar pretty low to begin with :)

So there you have it, a teeny tiny bit of a tiny percentage of the thoughts that fly through my head when I think of the prompt “quadrillion”. I wonder what there IS a quadrillion of? Who even THINKS of numbers like that? Stars, maybe (I mean a quadrillion stars, not like movie stars think of things like this)

P.S. I went and looked it up. DEFINITELY not a quadrillion hairs on my head:

The average human head (an average scalp measures approximately 120 square inches or 770 cm²) has about 100,000 hair follicles (Gray 2003).


Also, I'm so glad that I didn't show this much of my hair in my original selfie, because I would be really tired of this much hair by now!!!


Love your hair selfie! I usually take mine in the morning too.

Thanks. My daughter was sitting here while I brushed and ratted it, but I didn't say a word about why I was doing it. She thought I was just crazier than usual :)

That makes it even better :)

That was my exact thought! :)

I live your hairrr 😘😘😘😘 and your face has a natural glow.. ❤️❤️

Thank you!

You are funny!! It is not about the amount of hair :) Just to be in the selfie.... like your face - or a part of it since you started out that way 😂
Like the Einstein look!!

I thought it was a pretty sexy look. I am thinking about doing my hair like that before my husband gets home and pretending everything is just all normal :)

Please say you did! Hahaha I love it! Also...I have found that any of my stuff worth posting has been created out of freewriting or freevlogging...I've decided that that's when the magic happens! Thought you might appreciate that. 😊

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