Canadian silver giveaway contest. Enter now to win!

in #contest7 years ago

Hello Steemit.

Today I am starting a contest which will run for 1 week. The contest will close Thursday November 30 @ 18:00 EST (19:30 in Newfoundland). I decided to give away some of the best silver a stacker or collector can own, the Canadian Silver Dollar! (and a matching quarter). The contest is open to all residents of Earth (no Martians or Andromedans, call me racist if you must, but I hate those guys) and I am hoping that somebody overseas wins.


This is a nice example of the Voyageur dollar from 1965 featuring the iconic image of the fur trading voyageur and his guide with a canoe load of furs. The quarter is a date matching 1965 and features the caribou. Both coins are ungraded circulation 80% silver with Elizabeth II on the obverse.


So on to the contest!

Upvotes and resteems are not necessary, though appreciated. Simply reply to this post, or post a link to your post with your best (or worst) Canadian joke or stereotype. You can be funny, offensive, insulting, or flattering to us Canadians. But keep in mind the "fair and impartial" judge will be the un-official Canadian Ambassador to the world, @goldenarms.


@goldenarms will decide the winner and let me know his official decision once the contest closes. The winner must contact me on or discord to exchange info and I can get these into the post.

So bring it on world! We Canadians are a funny bunch, so be original and don't hold back.

Here's a picture of @fat-elvis and @goldenarms during our meeting last night regarding this contest

Alright, contest is officially open, so post away!


Fun fact: Minnesotans drive north to balmy tropical Canada when they need to escape the winter chill.

Nice contest @fat-elvis,
Thanks for giveaway.

Haha this was a lot of fun @fat-elvis ! Heres a link to my entry post , with 4 original memes I made from my own Photos ! Hope you like it !
Heres the first one of 4 !

Lol I’m happy to join the contest...hahaha
I know this is a Meme but, lol I had to
One question though, eh eh why don’t your guys snow ever melt, hasn’t Canada heard of global warning


We welcome global warming in these parts🤣

**First of all thanks to @fat-elvis and @goldenarms for organising this superb contest and making steemit a place of excitement and memoriable gifts this show that how good are Canadians **.

_**Now as per my mind and friends canada has many things which make a beautiful country 🙌. While there it is famous for is many things and after reading books and magazine I found that Canada has many things like:-

  • Other countries may claim Santa as their own, but Santa is officially Canadian. Proof came at a citizenship ceremony just before Christmas back in 2010. As reported in the National Post, the immigration minister at the time, Jason Kenney, put the issue to bed for once and for all.

“We wish Mr. Claus all the best in his Christmas Eve duties again this year,” Mr. Kenney said. “And rest assured, as a Canadian citizen living in Canada’s North, he can re-enter Canada freely once his trip around the world is complete.”

  • Government has direct line , you can contact them.

Canada Has Wonky Gravity:-

Without gravity, we'd all be floating around and bumping into each other. But with it, we stay anchored to the ground. However, parts of Canada have less gravity than anywhere else on the planet. The phenomenon is mostly found around Hudson Bay. That means if you went there, you'd actually weigh less.

This makes me a lot to search and excitable to read more and more about canada .

So if I move to Hudson Bay I won't be fat-elvis anymore? Just normal-weight-elvis. Cool. Thanks for your entry!

Ok, I retsteemed anyway so that other may participate. Here is my best Canadian joke.

Thanks ms anothervoice! I'm heading to check it out!

Ooooh would love to participate but this will be forever in the blockchain

Living up north there are so many offensive typical Canadian jokes

But am a chicken 😂

Don't want to paint the red wall😂

Actually these types of jokes break down walls and stereotypes.
Of course, after the Yanks tell all of these jokes, then there needs to be a round of yank jokes.

Go on, don't hold back!😋

Yes, com'mon. We have thick skin up here :-). Only thing to do in the winter... Sit'round the stove, having a beer and making fun of your uncle, cousin... or whatever knucklehead happens to have walked in to have a brewski.

OK, here's my entry to the contest:

The word "beaver" can paint 2 very different mental pictures. Can you imagine a country that has a beaver as its national emblem?!!

But then they also say that Canadians are too polite. So what do you say to a visitor when they ask to see your beaver? eh?

Speaking of being polite: We altered our national RCMP uniform to allow the turban to replace the official hat. How's that for accommodating?

With 2 official languages, can I use both languages in 1 sentence?

Speaking of languages: If you ever visit Newfoundland, be prepared... I couldn't understand half of what people were saying there. It's supposed to be English, but damn if if I could decipher it!

And lastly, to all you folks South of us: NO, we do not all live in igloos!

Some of us live in igloos though. Well, I don't but it would be pretty sweet I think for a while! Thanks for your entry

Thanks for putting on the contest with such a generous prize.

Note that I said, "not ALL of us live in igloos!" I wouldn't be surprised if there might be a few who do, but I imagine the numbers will be about the same as those living in tents.

I think it'd be awesome to spend a night in an igloo. I've done winter camping, and that was pretty great even at -20!

I'm honored to be able to pick the winner! So cool of you bud 😎

Thanks for doing it! You get a cool present for your trouble.


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