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RE: Canadian silver giveaway contest. Enter now to win!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

OK, here's my entry to the contest:

The word "beaver" can paint 2 very different mental pictures. Can you imagine a country that has a beaver as its national emblem?!!

But then they also say that Canadians are too polite. So what do you say to a visitor when they ask to see your beaver? eh?

Speaking of being polite: We altered our national RCMP uniform to allow the turban to replace the official hat. How's that for accommodating?

With 2 official languages, can I use both languages in 1 sentence?

Speaking of languages: If you ever visit Newfoundland, be prepared... I couldn't understand half of what people were saying there. It's supposed to be English, but damn if if I could decipher it!

And lastly, to all you folks South of us: NO, we do not all live in igloos!


Some of us live in igloos though. Well, I don't but it would be pretty sweet I think for a while! Thanks for your entry

Thanks for putting on the contest with such a generous prize.

Note that I said, "not ALL of us live in igloos!" I wouldn't be surprised if there might be a few who do, but I imagine the numbers will be about the same as those living in tents.

I think it'd be awesome to spend a night in an igloo. I've done winter camping, and that was pretty great even at -20!