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RE: - A Revolutionary App Development & Deployment Platform

in #contest6 years ago

Hi again

I decided to check your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests :)
In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

Keep up with great content. Will follow you from now on.

Cheers, Piotr


Thank you. Yes, I'm interested in the finance world in general, not only crypto. Stocks and forex also interest me. Still trying to build a follower base. :)

I would love to stay in touch with you a little bit closer as I value your knowledge and your input. And we could support each other on Steemit.
I wish there would be more advanced notification system developed by steemit.

Plus you're very responsive which is absolutely great and steemit community surely will benefit by having you here.

Perhaps you could send me short email to [email protected]

No pressure of course,

ps. this CrowdMachine is blowing my mind. I used to be a programmer and I recently started to think how great would be to have a tool ... just like crowdmachine offers.

Cheers, Piotr

Hi there. Thanks for the compliment.

About connecting... are you using Discord? Try Steemians use Discord heavily. There are like hundreds Discord groups just for Steemit, you can find niches like Rock Music group, Photography group, etc. Most also have their own bots for upvoting members.

Since you are "sending" your email, I guess that you haven't heard of Discord. See the comment from "MinnowSupport" on this page? Click the "discord channel" link to join one of the biggest discord communities for Steemians. I'm also quite active at MinnowSupport group. It has almost 17k members inside.

I've read few posts about Crowd Machine and yours surely is one of the better ones out there.

Im not sure if I understood it right. Correct me please if Im wrong.
Crowd Machine will provide developers with some sort of "templates" that can help create decentralized apps on blockchain?

Potential to use this tool in the future looks very promissing.

I know that you're taking part of @originalworks contest. Good luck to you :)

Obviously UPVOTED ! :)

Cheers, Piotr

Hi there.

From what I can understand, they are not providing template codes. They are providing "coding via pseudo-code". It's more about "no need to learn a new programming language" instead of "coding quickly using templates" This means the entry barrier is quite low, but the development time is basically the same imo.

The templates are Patterns, created by other users (the programmer ones) to be used by other programmers. Also, Patterns could be sold / rent via their system.

Of course, I might be wrong. :D That is only from what I get from their materials.

Thank you for your kind reply. I really appreciate.

I really found your post about Crowd Machine very informative and this project is still blowing my mind. I've read number of posts related to that crypto and Im just wondering how possibly would it affect job market. Wont be there thousands developers and programmers losing their jobs ?

Or is demand huge enough to provide jobs for all those people. What do you think?

Are you personally a programmer/developer ? And did you try by any chance their beta version? I tried to register myself here: s://

But this program is temporaty closed and in order to receive news about future beta programs I need to subscribe. The problem I faced is that each time whenever I try to do that their website is crashing with some errors being displayed.

You mind checking if you have similar problem?

Keep up with good content. Will be following you closely. Hope to read more interesting posts about blockchain technology projects :) or crypto in general.


I've written it before, somewhere, that the overall crypto capitalization based on is only as big as the 12th biggest company in The US. Even when doubling the crypto cap, it's still smaller than 5 US companies.

That is comparing the WHOLE crypto capitalizations (not only one coin, but all of them, BTC, ETH, ADA, NEO, EOS, and others) to a SINGLE US company.

So, I don't actually worry about job placements etc. :D The crypto world is still small, tiny in fact. That is why people are saying that we are still in early phase. The crypto market will grow in full maturity when at least all top 100 coin have capitalization as big as or bigger than each top 100 US companies.

I have an IT background, but I'm not a programmer anymore since quite a long time ago. So, no, I'm not registering myself to their beta program.

Hi there. Good morning and thank you for your kind reply

I never could understand why so many people pay that much attention to Market Cap in general. It doesnt really means anything. It's just last price * supply. Apparently net inflow is just around $6b. So there isnt really that much money in crypto as many people like to believe.

My excitement about Crowd Machine is growing steadily for past few days. More I learn more I like this project. This is one of very few ICO's that seem to really serve some purpose.

Would you perhaps know when another beta testing version will be available? And could you please see if you're capable of adding your email to Crowd Machine subscribtion list? I tried few times and I'm always receiving some errors.

Are you planning to write for @oryginalworks this weekend? If you do then I wish you good luck. You can always send me a link either to my email: [email protected] or write it in your comment/reply. I would love to read it and support you.

Have a great sunday :)

Cheers, Piotr

Hi again

I just wrote a post related to Crowd Machine and I would be absolutely happy if you could comment it and perhaps upvote it too.

I will not be self-upvoting plus Im planning to get several bots to upvote my post on sunday. This way all curators (including you) will be rewarded well.

This is post Im talking about:

Would you be so kind to spent few minutes and drop a comment? About Crowd Machine, future of developers job market or DADI (CM competitor)
That would help me and my followers a lot.

Thank you

Hi again. :D

Ah, I'm late for the pre-bots. :D Nevermind, will follow you and look for other opportunities from your posts. Thank you for the opportunities. :)

Absolutely. Im planning to post every friday or saturday and on sunday I will be using bots (I noticed that it's the most cost efficient to do it on sundays).

I've noticed that you followed me too. Great :) Thx.

I know you do not feel comfortable with any sort of private communication tools. To bad. I was just wondering what it your view on using auto-voters ( So we could both auto-vote each others posts automaticaly ? I know some people are okey with it, others are not.

yours, Piotr

Actually I dont even use cellphones any more. I realized that I spent to much time online and now once I close my laptop ... Im 100% offline. Great feeling.

I know that discord is popular but Im more into building solid long term relationships with people from this community/industry. Email seem to be a better tool to communicate 1 to 1.

Im more after "quality" over quantity :)

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