100 Burpee Challenge: WINNER!

in #contest7 years ago

Congratulations To All Who Participated In The 100 Burpee Challenge!

You are ALL winners because you just invested in your health and fitness--the MOST valuable thing you can own!


NOT An Easy Challenge

This was a TOUGH challenge! The winner was randomly selected from the athletes that completed the challenge using pick.esteem.ws. The reward is half the SBD earned from the original Challenge post, but since this was such a TOUGH challenge, I feel the winner deserves the full payout of:

It's not a lot of SBD, but with it you also EARNED confidence, respect, strength, power, endurance, stamina, and mental toughness!

Honorable Mentions

But first, I want to give a shout-out to these honorable mentions:

@arbitrarykitten whose two sons, 15 and 16 years old (fellow Steemian @knappyhead2001) videoed strong performances:

As well as @jeffernst who had an amazing finishing time at the age of 53:


I just love that we have ALL ages participating in this Challenge!

And The WINNER Is:



@eonwarped was committed to this challenge, attempting to complete it more than once, adjusting technique to prevent pain, taking breaks when his body told him to, and pushing himself out of his comfort zone. Smart athlete. Congrats @eonwarped!


Details on the next challenge will be released soon, as folks like @kubbyelizabeth are already clamoring for the next one:

Thank You,

Coach JJ


I just watched the two lads through their first five each. I had to stop there. I'm knackered.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


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Great challenge! I wish I wouldve seen the original post! I do 50 burpees everyday as part of my work out but I haven't gotten up to 100 quite yet.. maybe tomorrow Ill just keep going till I hit 100!! You are right, health is extremely important, I am glad to see you promoting it!

Thank you @moderndayhippie I'm super-impressed with your 50/day as part of your workout! I'd love to have you join us on our next Challenge to be released shortly!

What do your daily workouts consist of, other than the burpees? Follow a program? Go to a gym? Have you met @hangryginger here? She does all bodyweight stuff.

My daily work out is nearly all calisthenics. I created my own work out to focus on the things I wanted to improve personally but I have been adding to it slowly over the past year, so I have really increased it a lot. No I don't go to a gym because I only need dumb bells for a few of the exercises so I just bought some and saved the time and money of going to a gym.

I start with 100 jumping jacks to get the blood flowing. I do push 3 kinds of push-ups (30 each) 3 sets. I do 6 types of sit-ups/crunches all of which until I can't do anymore, 3 different kinds of pull-ups (15 each) 3 sets. 3 different Planks for 2-5 mins each. 20 Curls 3 sets each side. 3 different triceps workouts. I do a handstand for as long as possible which is now well over a min and then end the indoor workout with 50 burpees before I head out for a 20-30 minute run depending on how I feel that day. There are a few other exercises I do but don't have any clue what to call them lol.. I am still rather new to working out, just over a year now so I am sure next year I will be doing much more.
I am no pro athlete but I feel (and look) better than I ever have in my entire life and I am 35 years old.. So I am pretty proud of myself. :) I often tell people, its never to late to start taking care of your body!
No I have never heard of hangryginger but maybe ill go check out here page.
sorry for the long comment.. take care.

That's awesome! Great routine, covering all your bases. I love what you said about never being too old. Keep doing what you're doing and inspiring others to get fit. Love it!

This is really cool I didn't know there were challenges like this going on. Now that I'm getting back to the gym I want to try as well

Awesome! Come join us on our next one! It's a great way to challenge your fitness, possibly earn rewards, and connect with people who also love getting fit! @steemmatt also runs a great challenge for fitness enthusiasts! Follow along :)

Thanks for running that one. Looking forward to other challenges. My shoulders are still sore this morning :)

Your welcome@eonwarped. Thanks for joining in! Delayed-onset muscle soreness is a sign of positive adaptation, but let me know if your soreness is more painful than that. It should subside in 1-3 days.

Yeah I don't think it's bad. I'll probably keep the daily fitness activity going too.

it looks like a lot of fun but really challenging! what you gain for your health and well being is indeed very rewarding!

Yes, it was a huge challenge! But, overcoming a huge challenge makes it that much more rewarding. You should join our next one when it's released!

Woohoo, you other rockstars! I am so proud :)

I know! Everyone did great! I'm excited to see the participation grow!

I joined too late for this one, but I'll follow you and try to make it to the next one. :) The burpee is one of my worst movements in crossfit, they just leave me totally gassed.

"Burpees hate you too!" as they say. Lol. Seriously, though, once you've done 100, they don't scare you anymore.

We'd be excited to have you join the next challenge. It'll be coming out shortly. Do you CrossFit in a box or on your own?

Yeah, I work out in a box. Have been going at it now for over 5 years I think.

I have done the hero WOD "Glen" a few times over the last years, it has 100 burpees in the end. Every single time I'm doing OK up until that point. I can be in front of quite a lot of other members at my gym, even if I'm a horrible runner. But as soon as I get to the burpees it just grinds to a halt and I end up close to last. :)

Oh dear, I've never done Glen. I'm gonna have to check that one out. But, anything at the end of a hero WOD is gonna be bad. Lol. Did you watch the live announcement of 18.1 tonight?

No, the announcement started at 2 in the morning here, so I decided to get some sleep instead. I’ll try to catch up after work, I kind of like seeing the professionals do the workout before trying it myself.

We have almost 200 signed up for the open at my box so this is going to be a pretty big event.

OMG! You must belong to a huge box! We only have like 200 members total! Wow!

I think we probably have north of 400 members in our box. It is the only affiliate left in an area with maybe 200-250 thousand people, everyone else ended up going bankrupt for various reasons. We do have a big focus on joining the open for the social aspect of it, so members of all levels are taking part.

I just love seeing the newer members in particular, how they fight so hard to get their first du, their first pu or whatever skill they need for that particular week. It truly is the last finisher who gets the most cheers.

Yes!!! LOVE that part!

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