Steem Basic Income Giveaway: Insider/Outsider?

in #contest5 years ago

Thanks to everyone who dropped some local idioms in the previous SBI Giveaway... there were a couple of really great funny ones that I wanted to highligh (and also won a bonus SBI share!).

From @fredkese:

Twi:Way3 s3 nentwi beni
English" He's like how dung
Hard on the surface, but very soft when you step on,it

From @wwwiebe:

My favourite Canadianism is, by far, "You hoser." It's a playfully derogatory term to call someone a loser. In the late 19th, early 20th century ice hockey was played outdoors and there were no machines to clean the ice. The losing team was required to scrape and "hose" down the ice after the game, hence the term "hoser".

Some of my other favourites:

"Three (or four) sheets to the wind" for "falling over or passed out drunk."
"Four flusher" for "a$$h**"
"Sht or get off the pot" for "good god, make a decision."

This week, I've been thinking about broken or inefficient systems and organisational structures... and how it is best to try and work to repair them. Some people like to work from the inside, hoping to change the organisation before it changes them.... others prefer to agitate or create alternatives from the outside... with the risk that they are ignored.

My Question

  1. Is it best to affect change from within or without? Why?

My sample answer


I personally think that it is more effective to make changes from within a structure or organisation. To make change requires power, and for existing institutions... that means that sort of power resides from within, and they are resistant to change from outside bodies (self-preservation). That said, it is quite likely that institutional entropy becomes too much... and your efforts come to nothing... or the self-protecting consensus of the organisation proves too resistant and ends up targeting the change-maker.

However, change from outside is difficult at best... there are cases of paradigm shifts where a newcomer comes and disrupts an existing structure/organisation... but in many cases, it seems to evolve into the thing that it tried to displace in the first place! That said, agitating from outside feels more productive, as it has an element of direct action and opposition to something... however, I really think much of that is wasted energy and feels better than it is productive.

So, I guess it really rests on how I think things are best done in general.... I prefer re-directing and harnessing energy rather than making opposing forces... so, for me, that means that change is best achieved with gentle influence from within.


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
  2. Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a author starting out on your fresh new Steemit account, Steemit can be a daunting and lonely place to be. OFten, it can feel like you are posting into an abyss with no one listening and with no ability to grow out of the situation. A share of Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but over time cumulative support to your account to help grow you out of your initial wilderness!

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people). OF course, this is not simply an altruistic move, as the sponsor of a Steem Basic Income share also gets a share, so it is a great way to help others whilst helping yourself!

Last week's winners

The last post paid out 0 SBD and 0.807 STEEM in liquid earnings. So, that would make 1 shares.

The winners by random draw are:


Bonus prizes to:



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@bengy has set 1.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

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Congratulations to the following winner(s) of the bounty!

Change definitely is more effective if it starts from within, how can one think to change the world around us if we ourselves have not made any changes within.

The words below are said to be written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in the crypts of Westminster Abbey in London, England.

When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country.
But, it too, seemed immovable.
As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it.
And now as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed my self first, then by example I would have changed my family.
From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country and, who knows, I may have even changed the world.

That is a great quote! Very apt as well... Thank you for sharing it!

Glad you enjoyed it @bengy:)

The winners and the new Question (How to sugar a pancake?) can be found here:

To change from outside, you need a lot of power or influence. To change from the inside, you only need to connect with those who have the power or influence, so I think changing from the inside is much easier.

Thanks for the bonus prize.

Posted using Partiko Android

My pleasure... yes, to change from the outside you do need a disproportionate amount of power and influence... and eventually, your ideas will need to be co-opted anyway...

The winners and the new Question (How to sugar a pancake?) can be found here:

I am not trying to change any organizations, and probably never will. But I am on a project to change myself and do better in key areas of money and health. So this is internal, and some changes would appear to be external if anyone cared to look. I'm thinking this is a long term project that will take years. But in the first couple of months, a lot of good changes have already happened.

That's great that changes are happening for the better! Best of luck with the redirection and new outlooks!

The winners and the new Question (How to sugar a pancake?) can be found here:

As an individual, change can only come from within. However, there are circumstances outside our control that bring about the need to change. Still, effective change can only happen if you will embrace the change and make it work no matter what. Just my two cents 😉👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah yes... embracing of the change and harnessing it's new advantages and disadvantages, it is a great to be agile and flexible.

The winners and the new Question (How to sugar a pancake?) can be found here:

Both cases have their merits, as at times the inside might have become too traditionalist and new "out of the box" thinking is required from the outside to bring about real change!

Yes... the trick is knowing when is which?!

Hahaha, and you obviously know which is when Lol
Blessings and hope your Saturday is good my friend!

Nope! I'm just as good as a coin flip! Have a great Saturday!

Be well my friend!

The winners and the new Question (How to sugar a pancake?) can be found here:

The winners and the new Question (How to sugar a pancake?) can be found here:

Hi @bengy. Food for though. Change, most effective, must come from within from those in a position of power to influence it.

I think in a similar way... lasting and concrete change needs to come from within... change from without will either need to topple the existing structures and replace it...

The winners and the new Question (How to sugar a pancake?) can be found here:

Change from within is always the best type of change. I often find that when there is something outside of me that I don’t like, there is something living within me that somehow mirrors or attracts it.

That is very true! I do seem to think that the things that bug us the most from outisde, are things that we tend to dislike within ourselves as well!

The winners and the new Question (How to sugar a pancake?) can be found here:

My mother has always said to me, "If you want your brother to treat you well, you have to treat him well", and this applies not only to my blood brothers, but to all those around me, and although we don't always get the desired response, this only indicates that change comes from within, when one individual makes the difference, and this is positive, the rest comes as a side effect, but always the real change starts from within, the external change is not always a change.

Yes, change can be made from the outside... but for it to really stick, it needs to done from within... otherwise, there is resentment and possible rebellion.

The winners and the new Question (How to sugar a pancake?) can be found here:

Change is usually a difficult process; when done abruptly, it's usually traumatic.
Whether we do it from inside or outside existing structures depend on the nature of said structure. Even the most strict or dangerous structures, such as the military, can be changed from inside, even though most changes in history have been made through violent or abrubt revolutions.
In the case of Venezuela, it has happened several times that members of the same institution,after they have accumulated enough power and influence, respond to the need of the moment and do what it takes to operate changes.
Some of those changes have been possitive, in the case of Isaias Medina Angarita, after Gomez's dictatorship; others have been very negative, in the case of Chavez with his two coup attempts and his eventual election as president. During 13 years he destroyed the arm forces by corrupting every official and getting rid of those he could not corrupt.
That's why now it is so difficult to change anything from within in any Venezuelan institution. We tried with the University, and look what ended up happening: campuses looted and destroyed, students and faculty exodus, occupation by forces adherent of the government.

Agreed, it is quite difficult in those situations to change from within... especially if there is quite a great amount of vested interest from other parts of the organisation to retain the status quo... however, if the change is applied from without (say a foreign power...), then the change feels tainted as well... and that can also be counter-productive.

The winners and the new Question (How to sugar a pancake?) can be found here:

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