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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway: Insider/Outsider?

in #contest5 years ago

Change is usually a difficult process; when done abruptly, it's usually traumatic.
Whether we do it from inside or outside existing structures depend on the nature of said structure. Even the most strict or dangerous structures, such as the military, can be changed from inside, even though most changes in history have been made through violent or abrubt revolutions.
In the case of Venezuela, it has happened several times that members of the same institution,after they have accumulated enough power and influence, respond to the need of the moment and do what it takes to operate changes.
Some of those changes have been possitive, in the case of Isaias Medina Angarita, after Gomez's dictatorship; others have been very negative, in the case of Chavez with his two coup attempts and his eventual election as president. During 13 years he destroyed the arm forces by corrupting every official and getting rid of those he could not corrupt.
That's why now it is so difficult to change anything from within in any Venezuelan institution. We tried with the University, and look what ended up happening: campuses looted and destroyed, students and faculty exodus, occupation by forces adherent of the government.


Agreed, it is quite difficult in those situations to change from within... especially if there is quite a great amount of vested interest from other parts of the organisation to retain the status quo... however, if the change is applied from without (say a foreign power...), then the change feels tainted as well... and that can also be counter-productive.

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