Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods Chapter 3.B: Green Phoenix Rising & The Psychology Of Capitulation

in #conspiracy5 years ago (edited)


Mainstreaming Youthful Rebellion

To fully comprehend this post part 3.A is essential reading.

After the teddy boys, the Mod’s and the Rockers, the hippies, the punks and the ravers, large swathes of modern youthful rebellion have been psychologically infiltrated/indoctrinated and drawn into the mainstream. Although they believe themselves to be its antithesis, the rebellion of youth is being utilised as a tool to drive forward the globalist agenda. As the decaying vestiges of the old world crumble around us, perceptually indoctrinated children heralded as the epitome of wisdom, the perspective of our elders becoming increasingly denigrated and usurped in preference of emotionally programmed reactions. The perceptual indoctrination of youth nudging children towards their tentative first steps into the fourth world wilderness. The UN IPCC 12 year window, the emergency and the timescale that will drive us towards Agenda 2030.


Making Connections

Before we continue; I would like to draw your attention to the work of Corey Morningstar, the wrong kind of green website and advise all with an interest to read this linked (sourced) article. Of course, every movement requires a leader and here in Greta Thunberg we have a child born to assume such a role. I very much believe that Greta is both genuine and genuinely concerned about the future of our planet, I also find her to possess a dedication, compassion and eloquence that is beyond her years. Unfortunately, I’m keenly aware of the naivety of youth and how youthful passion also can be misdirected and manipulated. Indeed, with a myriad of interwoven connections all filtering back to the United Nations, its ancient bloodline architects and associated corporate puppet masters, I believe Greta is being used as the face of an agenda of which she will have no comprehension.

Although I'm sure they've used their social standing and celebrity to help Greta become the powerful voice that she has, I also believe her parents to be perceptually indocrinated into the corporate green narrative, not complicit with a deeper genda. The mainstream press have acknowledged that Greta’s mother is opera singer, eurovision entrant and WWF environmental hero of the year Malena Ernman, her father is the actor Svante Thunberg and her grandfather is actor/director Olaf Thunberg. The press have acknowledged that Greta’s school strike coincided with the release of her Mothers climate change book, although it is also true that Greta has since explained the timing was due to the release date of the book being delayed. Whilst I'm willing to give the family the benefit of the doubt, it's the interconnected web and united nations/bloodline affiliated NGO's that have attached themselves to and are using Greta's image to promote their brand/narrative, that is going to be the key focus for me.

The first such connection focuses upon “we don’t have time”, who are a Al Gore affiliated movement/tech startup that are currently building “the world’s largest social network for climate action”. Is it a coincidence that on the same day Greta began her school strike Mårten Thorslund (“we don’t have time” chief marketing officer) happened to be walking past and snapped the above image? The picture was then tweeted by PR professional and “we don’t have time” founder Ingmar Rentzhog, within a week of the tweet Greta had been interviewed by at least six major daily newspapers, as well as appearances on Swedish and Danish national TV, the rest is history.


Of course, Rentzhog has since been keen to point out that prior to the picture he had never met Greta and had only briefly met her mother, although as the below image highlights they had previously shared a stage in 2018. Equally, in 2018 Malena Ernman, Ingmar Rentzhog, Kristina Persson, Mats Andersson (current Vice Chair of GU Foundation) and Anders Wijkman (President of the Tallberg Foundation, co-President of the Club of Rome) signed an op-ed titled “The Acute Climate Crisis Requires a Broad Political Gathering.”Eng Version

Steemit Greta.jpg

It is interesting that on Greta’s father’s side is Swedens first Nobel prize winner (the family may soon have two) and physicist Svante Arrhenius (who her father is named after). Indeed, it was Arrhenius’s discovery that carbon dioxide increases the earth’s surface temperature that led to the conclusion that manmade carbon emissions are a key driver of global warming. It is interesting that the press were fairly lowkey in acknowledging any connections, and actually it's this aforementioned article that brought it to both mine and a greater sphere of awareness. Indeed, it presents a contrast to the initial (dare I say carefully cultivated) narrative of a lonely schoolgirl that had taken it upon herself to crusade for the declaration of a climate emergency.

Remember the term “climate emergency” for it will form a core component of this post and will later show how psychologically manipulative this agenda is. Indeed, the school walkouts certainly appear to be appealing to the psychology of youthful rebellion, governmental admonishment the fuel that’s used to drive it forward.

Public Awareness

It’s certainly true that Greta has exploded into public awareness and overnight become a powerful and galvanising voice of change, her school strikes alone are now playing out in 123 countries. Personally, I don’t believe that if you weren’t (albeit unknowingly) an aspect of a deeper agenda you could pay for the media attention that has been lavished upon Greta. The star struck fawning of our perpetually politically preening vapid mainstream media indoctrination centers (aka the mainstream media) are awash with her imagery. Within mere months she is a household name, already the former special youth advisor and trustee to the aforementioned climate tech start up “we don’t have time”.

Within a few short months Greta has been on the front cover of Time magazine, already recognised as one of their most influential people of 2019, received a Nobel peace prize nomination, met with heads of business, met the UN secretary general, spoken at the UN climate summit, guest panelist at the (UN) World Bank’s “Youth Unstoppable” forum, attended a UNFCC meeting, panellist at the World Economic Forum (WEF), met religious and environmental leaders, celebrities, NGO’s and political movements across the globe and is now embarking on a world tour. She is also a member of the stepping up for climate action campaign, which is born of the UN’s Connect4Climate, and affiliated with the World Banks Climate Change Multi-Donor Trust Fund program. Certainly with the unveiling of the “green new deal” one would be foolish not to ponder the synchronicity of it all. All this from sitting on the steps of parliament?

Whatever your perspective, do you seriously believe this to be an organic growth? Do you understand how manufactured and dogmatic the construct of our media is? Again, I want to highlight that I do not believe that Greta is anything other than passionate in her dedication to save us from a perceived climate emergency. Certainly, even if I didn’t agree with her analysis if I didn’t feel she was being used, I would very much admire such bravery and dedication. Alas, I fear she is being misdirected and used both as a means to greenwash the corporatocracy and as the palatable face of an insidious agenda, one that her parents also appear to be blindly following.

World Economic Forum

In relation to Greta’s recent attendance at WEF and with a brief connection to part one, “the world economic forum” are under the supervision of the Swiss federal council and is funded by 1000 member companies.



Interestingly, whilst writing this post Carney appears to be at the forefront of galvanising the financial sector. I wonder if said banking industry will cast aside their bonuses and golden handshake deals? How about you use your power and influence to instigate that change, eh Mark? No, as always this is about the bottom line.

“Climate change is a global problem, which requires global solutions, in which the whole financial sector has a central role to play.”Mark Carney


“massive reallocation of capital” was necessary to prevent global warming above the 2°C maximum target set by the Paris climate agreement, with the banking system required to play a pivotal role. “If some companies and industries fail to adjust to this new world, they will fail to exist.”Mark Carney

Make no mistake, away from the platitudes and climate change virtue signaling this is (in its purest form) a technocratic takeover. The commodotisation and monetisation of nature, the elimination of competition and the creation of a level playing field that few can afford to play in. We are witnessing the birth and unholy matrimony of greenwashed capitalism and weaponised authoritarian socialism. It’s about creating a world encircled with so much red tape that it becomes a noose around the necks of small business and the common man. Alas, whilst it remains hidden behind the smoke and mirrors of an environmental apocalypse, the majority of people are cheering it on!


Follow The Money

Under the guise of environmental stewardship; what we have is an attempt to commodotise and privatise nature, turning eco systems into financial services. We're witnessing a corporate takeover of the earth's resources, by the very same entities that (through their business practices) are responsible for its state of pollution and environmental degredation. They have destroyed the environment, attached the guilt to the populace and are now using both guilt and fear to monetise and profit from the natural world. Through propaganda and psychological manipulation, the majority are cheering on the expansion of capital markets and associated corporate dominance over the natural order. Relegating the environmental stewards of yesteryear to the corporate puppets of the moment.


As recently as this past June, at the Rio+20 summit on sustainable development, the Rockefeller Foundation and the United Nations Global Compact launched a new framework for action to help meet social and environmental needs. Source

The privatisation of nature is otherwise known as natural capital or eco-system services. We can find this concept expressed in the work of the psuedo scientist Paul Erhlich and his 1983 eco-system services paper, and latterly within the UN's Hardwiring biodiversity and eco system services into finance. This scheme will enable the worlds most powerful corporations and financial institutions (yes Mark Carney looking at you again) to ellicit control and ownership of the earth's resources. Nature will be a service, the populace will pay for that service whilst the elite will receive perptual payment for their initial capital investment. Payment for eco system services; every tree, every plant, every river and every (economically viable) animal will be financially traded and monetised. Unknown to the vast majority of activists this is the true intent of the corporate and UN sponsored "grassroots" movements, to manufacture consent for a corporate, technocratic takeover of nature and a new era of fuedal control over humanity.


Marshall Plan

As a brief aside and as I’ve touched upon it, I don’t have time to discuss the green new deal but I just want to draw your attention to the language used by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. If you read part B and listened to the George Hunt recording you will hear (back in 1992) Edmund De Rothchild request a climate/economic “Marshall plan” and as far as I’m aware it is the first time the term was used within this narrative. I then highlighted the term being used by Al Gore and here as referenced below we find Cortez using the same terminology. Coincidence?

“The Green New Deal we are proposing will be similar in scale to the mobilization efforts seen in World War II or the Marshall Plan,” she said by email. “It will require the investment of trillions of dollars and the creation of millions of high-wage jobs. We must again invest in the development, manufacturing, deployment, and distribution of energy but this time green energy.” Source

All Roads Lead To?

As already alluded to, Greta has previously served as special youth advisor and trustee to eco tech startup “we don’t have time”, although as highlighted by their own press release and amid accusations of exploitation, the partnership has since soured and Greta is no longer connected to them. We don’t have time have now partnered with the Rockefeller seeded (and funded) (the Rockefeller foundation also financed the 2014 peoples climate march) and among others, Avaaz (who are part funded by George Soros). Before we continue, many publications are quick to admonish the links between Soros and Avaaz although the information provided by NGO monitor appears to tell a different story.

Avaaz was co-founded in 2007 by “Res Publica, a global civic advocacy group, and” The former received grants totaling $250,000 from the Soros Open Society Institute in 2008. The latter received a $1.46 million grant from George Soros in 2004. Res Publica describes as its “primary current project.”Source

The sister NGO to and public relations arm of Avaaz is Purpose and the co-founder of Avaaz (Jeremy Heimans) is also the CEO and co-founder of Purpose. As highlighted in this article many of the individuals within these NGO’s also have consultant status within the United Nations and the UN world bank.

“Purpose is a global initiative that draws on leading technologies, political organizing and behavioral economics to build powerful, tech-savvy movements that can transform culture and influence policy.”

Again here we have it from the horses mouth; for anyone that been following my work will know I have placed a key emphasis on the scientific methodology of propaganda, psychological manipulation and it's modern iteration behavioural economics, insidiously nudging the populace towards a premeditated commonality of thought or indeed discourse.

Right, where was I? Yes, we don’t have time are also partnered with Al Gore’s climate reality project, the UN world bank, and the world economic forum that until 2012 held observer status within the United Nations economic and social council. I suppose when you consider that Ingmar Rentzhog, company director Stuart Scott, and board directors Christian Emmertz & Stella Diesen, are all members of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Organization Leaders, and with Rentzhog being part of its European Climate Policy Task Force, the Gore connection isn’t too surprising.

We are activists, cultural leaders, organizers, scientists, and storytellers committed to building a sustainable future together. Storytelling is a potent tool of psychological nudging


Interestingly, and with a nod to the culture transformation and behavioural economics espoused by the aforementioned Purpose, we have behavioural scientist Sweta Chakraborty. sitting on “we don’t have time’s” advisory board and behavioural economics researcher Per-Espen Stokenes on its board of directors. Also sitting on the advisory board is David J Philips who utilises neurology, psychology, and biology as a means of effective communication and (there is that word again) storytelling.

“The same hormones and neurotransmitters can be released by a good story. These include dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins, which Phillips refers to as the “angel’s cocktail.” The effects of oxytocin make you more generous, trusting, and ready to bond. This is what is released in your blood when you hear a sad story. It makes us feel relaxed and more human as we bond to the storyteller.” — based on the TEDxStockholm Talk, “The Magical Science of Storytelling,” by David JP Phillips, We Don’t Have Time board of directorsSource

Anyone with open eyes will observe the same "storytelling" methodology being utilsed throughout all forms of media; stories as a pretext to manufacturing consent and then legislation. Regular readers may remember my previous article which spoke to the reality war and associated behavioural change operators that had been unleashed upon social media, by broadening that concept and as I will highlight with this post they are (in effect) operating within every sphere of society and through all forms of media, but I’ve digressed.


A Tangled Web

Before we continue I would once again like to highlight that the vast majority involved in these movements have no agenda other than protecting the environment, alas I fear they're also (unknowingly) akin to the foot soldiers of the globalist agenda. Another green child prodigy is Jamie Margolin who is the teenage founder of “this is zero hour” and was instrumental in organising the Washington’s youth climate march. Like “we don’t have time” “this is zero hour” are partnered with and Jamie Margolin oft serves as, the face of Al Gore’s climate reality project. Indeed, again Margolin has also previously attended Al Gore’s climate reality leadership corps.

So inspired by these young leaders taking to the streets this Saturday for #ThisIsZeroHour. Make your voices heard in our fight to solve the climate crisis! Source
— Al Gore (@algore) July 18, 2018

This is zero hour are also partnered with the aforementioned and other (largely) youth movements including, the aforementioned we don’t have time, the sierra club, powershift and the sunrise movement who are the co-authors of and described as, the force behind the green new deal. This is zero hour also share affiliations imatteryouth, climatesign, careaboutclimate, frontlineyouth and the climategroup.

The Climate Group

The climate group are linked to the United Nations global compact are also prolific in elevating the aforementioned youth movements into public awareness and serve as the choirboys for the youth climate marches. The climate group were originally an in house Rockefeller project that was enabled to become a free standing (perceptual grass roots) institution, indeed Rockefeller Bros fund are still listed as a strategic partner. The climate group are also the co-founders of “we mean business” who are “a coalition of organisations working with thousands of the world’s most influential businesses and investors”.

Other “we mean business” partners include; the World Wildlife Fund. World Bank, United Nation Global Compact, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UNEP Finance, the full list of partners can be found here. The climate group are partnered with the aforementioned Avaaz and the climate group coalition comprises of more than 50 of the world’s largest corporations, although as highlighted here that list has now been removed from the internet. Briefly, another project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors is Climate Nexusand I guess that they could be described as a bridge between the NGO's and the media, in the statement below I once again draw your attention to the storytelling aspect.

Climate Nexus leverages all forms of communication to tell the stories of the people impacted by climate change and those driving the energy transition. To achieve these goals, we work with the media, non-profits, community organizations, business leaders and policymakers. Source

Another affiliated NGO is the aforementioned (again Rockefeller seeded) The new comprises of a merger between themselves and sister company 1sky, an NGO that was itself another incubator project of the Rockefeller Foundation. This connection is evidenced in their 2007 annual report and highlighted in the quote below; although I’ve included it sadly the link to the report is now (once again) dead!

“In December 2007, the Fund received a pledge from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc. in the amount of $1,000,000, designated to 1Sky, a project of the Fund, for which the Fund provides fiscal and legal oversight. As of December 31, 2007, $100,000 has been received by the Fund towards this pledge, with the remaining $900,000 receivable expected to be collected during 2008.” Source

Equally, as evidenced in the press release below 1sky were also partnered with the Clinton foundation

“Working with partners 1Sky will raise $50 million to advocate for a simple set of goals and policy proposals to improve the federal government’s policies on climate change.” — Clinton Foundation Source on Sept 27, 2007


Climate Mobilisation

“I don’t want you to be hopeful, I want you to panic, I want you to feel the fear I feel every day,” Greta Thunberg

So climate mobilisation are (yes you’ve guessed it) another environmental NGO. They collaborate with, Avaaz and Greenpeace. On the advisory board sits Lise Van Susteren, an American psychiatrist that in 2009 was elected to the board of directors of Al Gore’s The Climate Project. The founder and executive director of climate mobilisation is psychologist Margaret Klein Salamon who states “Our mission is to save civilization”. Salamon holds a holds a Harvard BA in social anthropology and a PhD in clinical psychology, she is also the author of a blog called the climate psychologist. As highlighted below, she once again evokes memories of a Marshall plan and WW2 style mobilisation efforts. Of course, with a background in psychology every word and terminology is used to dramatic effect and to create an air of panic.

“The Climate Mobilization is a growing group of people who know that climate change threatens the collapse of civilization within this century. We believe, along with many well-respected scientists and environmental analysts, that the only way to preserve a climate that is safe, stable, and supportive of human civilization is to fight climate change with a World War II-scale mobilization.”

In the revealing (climate mobilisation shared) clip below we find congress women, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaking about a WW2 scale mobilisation plus..

The language and terminology that is used highlights how centralised this agenda is. They're all singing from the same hymn sheet, although I would expect that to change.

In response to the climate emergency, the U.S. must launch a Climate Mobilization on a scale not seen since the mobilization leading up to and during World War II. Source

The aforementioned air of panic “emergency” is an intended outcome and one that can be found within the pages of her report titled “Leading The Public Into Emergency Mode: A New Strategy For The Climate Movement.” From my perspective this concept is a template that is now being utilised by a myriad of NGO’s and fake “grass root” movements. The terms they use, the branding, the speeches are all used as a tool of psychological indoctrination, but when you have psychologists and experts in “behavioural economics” at the helm and on the advisory board of these institutions, such manipulation shouldn’t really come as a surprise. Equally, when directed toward children and youth I find such actions both predatory and with the potential to fuel and exasperate mental health issues, but more on that later.

I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is.
Greta Thunberg

And of course, we once again find similar terminology within the words of Margaret Kline Salamon.

Allo Allo 2.PNG Page 22 Leading the public into emergency mode.

Equally, in light of the first part of this chapter and the intended fusion between environmentalism and a Luciferian seeded one world religion, the (below) wording used by Pope Francis has not gone unnoticed.

Page 20 Leading The Public Into Emergency Mode)

Extinction Rebellion

So now we’re getting to the street level of this agenda. Firstly, there is a connection between extinction rebellion and the aforementioned climate mobilisation, the connection is through an individual named Gregory Schwedock who (as shown on his linkedin page) acts as both director of digital organizing for the Climate Mobilization Project, and as co-ordinator for extinction rebellion. Equally as highlighted on their website also acknowledge both a partnership and activist commonality with extinction rebellion. like the school strikers, Extinction Rebellion and our many other partners, organisations and supporters across the globe are ramping up action on climate change. Over the coming months across the globe, there will be strikes, walkouts, demonstrations, events and action camps. Source

When you consider the language and terminology used by psychologist Margaret Klein Salamon’s “leading the public into emergency mode document” perhaps it’s prudent to ponder whether they’re all singing from the same hymn sheet? A sheet that seemingly connects every aspect of this growing perceptual control mechanism back to the United Nations, the ancient bloodlines that helped create it, the corporatocracy and the coming technocracy. Police arrests and governmental admonishment provide the antithesis, the psychlogical gatekeepers. Alas, despite the goodwill and good intent of many grassroots activists there is no rebellion, only capitulation to the machinations of the globalist. Rule of thumb, if a grassroots activist movement is being promoted by the Guardian, it is not a grassroots activist movement.


What we have is an engineered perceptual emergency that manufactures consent and filters control back to the same puppet masters that are connected directly, indirectly and certainly philosophically with the solutions that people are being socially engineered to increasingly demand. Ripples connected to a singular agenda, ripples in a pool of illusion. The reformation of an ancient hierarchy twisting and redefining truth, morality and social structure until it conforms to the machinations of their depraved new world.

We organise in small groups. These groups are connected in a complex web that is constantly evolving as we grow and learn. We are working to build a movement that is participatory, decentralised, and inclusive. Source

Extinction rebellion are born of rising up. One of the leaders behind extinction rebellion is Gail Bradbrook who has previously worked for the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). The IPPR were once referred to as Tony Blair’s favourite think tank, indeed Gail Bradbrook’s tenure included writing policy papers for the Blair Government. The IPPR is populated by Lords, intelligence assets, individuals connected to corporate entities and past affiliations with the aforementioned RAND corporation.


As highlighted (in the now removed profile) above:

Extinction Rebellion Founder Gail Bradbrook is a former director, and now in charge of programme development at CitizensOnline, where she is as a “digital inclusion strategy specialist, consulting with a wide range of clients such as EE, London Connects and the Cabinet Office.”

The Board of Directors of CitizensOnline also contains a former head of Exxon Mobil as well as Lord Anthony Tudor St John, ex-senior consultant to Merrill-Lynch and Legal Counsel for Shell, who’s heavily invested the satellite and aerospace industries which will be involved in the roll-out world-wide of dangerous, damaging 5G coverage. Source

An excerpt from one of their papers can be found below:

“The Government is rightfully dismissive of the conspiracy theorists who view technological change purely as a way of monitoring and disciplining citizens; but they do surprisingly little to create the legal and constitutional regulations that would render this interpretation bankrupt.” Source

Due to the broad scope of these posts I’m going to leave it there. For further investigation; whilst researching extinction rebellion I happened upon this excellent post by steemit’s own Frances leader, including first hand accounts, video testimony and a comment section that includes a vast array of information. The comment section in Frances post led me to the work of Mark Windows who very much has his finger on the pulse and presents a radio show which I would describe as a must listen! I have also included source links to Mark's work and other relevant websites throughout this section.


The Smart Grid

Not once in all the literature from this myriad of environmental NGO’s and grassroots movements have I seen one mention of electromagnetic radiation and the environmental concerns surrounding the coming 5G smart grid. Not once have I seen mention of the valid concerns I highlighted in this post, which portrayed how the centralisation of energy control was in effect destroying the very environment it purports to save. Firstly, I believe this alludes to the fact that corporate sponsored green revolution has little to do with protecting the environment, and is instead focused upon greenwashing the corporatocracy that powers the world of industry. Centralised green energy projects too often supersede and trample upon the needs of the planet. Such is this sleight of hand that when many people consider the environment, instead of their first thought focusing on the ground level needs of the earth and the animals that walk upon it, they instead associate environmentalism with industrial scale energy projects.

Despite popular belief to the contrary, the industrialists are poised to reap enormous profits from this green energy revolution and are the driving forces behind it. Once greenwashed these companies will turn eco sytems into sevices, whilst further monetisation could also incorporate some form of eco-crypto that is attached to said service. The individual and small business will pay a green tax whilst the mega corporations (with enough funds to navigate their way through the red tape) will receive green tax credits, clever eh? Mark my words, the burden of responsibility will fall upon the shoulders of the populace, not industry.

Secondly, (and anyone that has been following my work will know I’ve been warning of this for a long time) they need a smart grid to monitor our lifestyles and associated energy usage. On multiple occasions I have made the prediction that once the 5G enabled smart grid and the internet of things goes live, it’s my belief that at the beginning of each year we will be given a carbon quota and then (as a ruse to track our footprint) every aspect of our lives will be monitored and surveilled. This is how they will rollout a Chinese style social credit system, except by the time it arrives the vast majority of people will have been socially engineered to accept it as a virtue, not an intrusion. We can see the formation of this concept begin to take place within the narrative of the aforementioned “we don’t have time”. This is just the entree and it’s my belief that a similar system is fully intended to be rolled out at the individual level.

“Decision makers – politicians, companies, organizations, states – get a climate rating based on their ability to live up to the users’ initiative. Knowledge and opinion gather in one place and users put pressure on decision makers to drive a faster change,” Video


Where Is This Heading?

The control system does not have to arrive via force, for this is how we’ve been taught to define a threat. Through the insidious nature of social engineering, the populace will come to demand the premeditated solutions that are intended to enslave them. The youth already are, whilst at the same time not pausing to question what it is they’re demanding. Again, this is a deliberate and psychologically manipulative intent, for a perceptual emergency oft precludes rationality. By manufacturing the consent of a frightened populace, the NGO’s can portray said consent as popular demand (the will of the people), and from that foundation, manufactured demand can be translated into legislation.

This is the new form of governance, and it doesn’t require vast arrays of individuals all working towards a nefarious intent, indeed it hides behind virtue and a good intent. Through scientific methods of compartmentalisation and psychological indoctrination; a relative handful can draw vast resources and tenuously aligned movements to create a powerful and alluring narrative, over time this will evolve to a point where people will increasingly come to demand their enslavement as a sign of their virtue, of dedication to their mother earth. From that perspective, is the virtue signalling we now see playing out across social media organic in nature, or a socially engineered experiment whose intent was always intended to fuel a future agenda? I will leave you to ponder that thought.

The 4th World Phoenix Is Rising

If you know where to look and can follow the trends, the seeds of the approaching 4th world feudal technocractic dystopia are being sown around us. Sperm rates are falling (60% in forty years); and yet many are so consumed and entranced by manufactured fear and engineered self loathing that they’re cheering it on! People have been programmed to welcome the destruction and desecration of the human race; to attach the guilt to each other, to the strawmen, to attach it to anyone apart from the (hidden) architects of the system. The exponentially evolving war on free speech has subconsciously equated the very concept as a preserve of the far-right. People appear so entrenched within their echo chambers and idealism they fail to realise that as they cheer on the de-platforming and banning of alt –right celebrities, that the long term intent is to steal words of dissent and consequence from all our mouths.

I wonder when people will see it? When they will understand that one day they too are destined to become a stranger in the land of their fathers. Our transient wealth and happiness was simply a means to an ends, the bait we naively took. We took it for granted that in a world of plenty; starvation, brutality and war were facts of life. But my friends none of this is a fact of life, it is a gross perversion to the very concept of life. A perversion we have been manipulated to blindly accept, our cultivated complicity the subconscious psychological justification for our all too willing induction into this depraved new 4th world.

Within the cult of identity politics we find division masquerading as inclusivity; an age where anything that counters the machinations of the globalists is deemed hate speech. But don’t worry about that, look over here, you now have 72 genders to argue over and define yourselves by. We have the war on privacy, surveillance society, facial recognition cameras, collectivisation over individuality. Following the UN IPCC report; we have young women sterilising themselves, too terrified to bring children into a world where they believe they will have no future. We have a birthstrike movement that again, due to being (unknowingly) aligned with the depopulation agenda have been lavished with media attention and television appearances.

We have voluntary human extinction movements where they discuss the “wisdom of cancer”. Under the guise of environmentalism, sustainable development and regeneration, we have agenda 21/2030 being welcomed with open arms. As discussed throughout this chapter and as a ruse to save us from our destruction, we have rise of the one world agenda. In our march towards the one world system and the global citizen, we have the decaying vestiges of national identity. If people speak out, then their voices are attached to the far right fear porn that is utilised to destroy rationality and equate nationalism with fascism. How conveniently it is forgotten that nationalism has previously been used to fight the very fascism it is now liberally equated with. Welcome to the age of falling I.Q rates, the safe space and the micro aggression, the era of digital book burning where we look to the nanny state to silence the opinions of those that invade our nonsensical senses and sensibilities.

We have weaponised political correctness; redefining speech, our social interactions, critical thinking and our perceptual reality. In our march towards high density housing we have the virtue of the tiny house. We have the weaponisation of and the ideologically expanding terms of hate speech and the perpetual war on terror. We have a financial system that’s crumbling under the weight of its own greed and malfeasance, and an associated polluted and degraded environment.

We have a vapid mainstream culture that has become akin to a virus, spreading to the point it’s becoming a pandemic, a pandemic that destroys self worth, feeds upon insecurity and rewards the worst virtues of man. We have an increase in mental health issues, self hatred, children self harming, young male suicides at crisis levels. And we have the people that have created the imbalances from which this mess has evolved, now offering us the solutions! Certainly, for those with an eye to see, the re-engineering of society is occurring in plain sight, and still the majority fail to notice!

The Progressive Left

The old enemy of globalism (the left) is being destroyed. The left that in the 60’s marched for civil rights, free speech and spearheaded anti-war movements are a decaying shadow of their former selves. The progressive ideologies have been and are being increasingly subverted and inverted. By equating capitalism as globalism (whilst at the same time repeating the mantras of the globalist) they fail to see the wood for the trees. By solely focusing on the far right bogeymen and capitalist strawmen they believe themselves the antithesis of the globalist agenda. Alas they fail to realise that they have relegated themselves to choirboys of both globalism and the new financial model of greenwashed capitalism and authoritarian socialism.


Free thinkers that escaped the left/right mind control paradigm are being drawn back to the alt left & alt right. Within the wider populace, social engineering has equated a subconscious connection between free speech and the far-right. The right have been entrained to believe it’s a leftist agenda and the left a far right takeover. As the pendulum of totalitarianism swings from left to right, the political landscape becomes more confrontational; the more confrontational it becomes the more the control system can broaden the terms of hate speech, and redefine the concept of free speech. And so, as we’re gently nudged towards political extremes, we find that we’re increasingly caught within a false dichotomy. We find the same control system being implemented within every facet of our society, and we find it within the choices offered by technocratic environmentalism, capitulate or die!


Birth Of The One World?

Whilst the anger is directed towards the strawmen, increasingly (in the eyes of the youth) it’s a repacked, greenwashed and revitalised globalist agenda that’s assuming the virtue and moral high ground. Through taxation, the loss of individuality and self determinism, our false saviours are here to offer us environmental salvation. Of course, when you profit from the negative and reshape the world through a manipulated perception of the positive, you have the power to control the narrative. We have an unbalanced populace born of an imbalanced system that was designed to bring us to this moment of crisis. Indeed, with a nod to the first part of this chapter; within the philosophy and spiritual foundations of the one world order, the approaching crisis and clash of civilisations is anticipated, it is my belief that it is an intended outcome.

The Re-education Camp

They want us angry, they want us to dismantle and demand the abolishment of the institutions that underpin the structure of our society. Not because they’re concerned about the endemic corruption that pervades these institutions (they have profited very nicely from this state of moral decay) but in order that their new world phoenix can rise from the ashes of their destruction. From this perspective, the truth movement are (unwittingly) a key component in this seismic societal reengineering, and I will explain exactly how in a future post.


But remember, despite attaching guilt upon the shoulders of each other and being manipulated to hate ourselves and believe that we’re a cancer upon the planet; it is not the common man that is solely responsible for our polluted and degraded environment, but the policies and business practices of those that are now offering us the solution to the problem they have both created and profited from, clever eh? Through fear, division, pain and methods of subversion we will be coerced into surrendering the individual perspective at the altar of collective identity. Methods of scientific, propagandic psychological re-education and perceptual indoctrination have turned the world into a giant re-education camp; manipulating the subconscious to nudge the conscious mind to arrive at premeditated answers.


The Future?

Now I want to take a glimpse into an intended future, although as stated at the opening of this chapter; “I am also relaying an intent and not defining our future, the power to change our current direction is still very much in the palm of our hands.” Through the lens of the moment, some of these ideas will seem a bit out there, equally whilst some may not come to fruition I fear others will. But, if twenty years ago I’d published some of my ideas surrounding this moment in time, I feel they would now make for some very interesting reading. So let’s see whether the blockchain archaeologists of the future will find any relevance in my words.


The Cult Of Death

stochastic terrorism (uncountable)
The use of mass public communication, usually against a particular individual or group, which incites or inspires acts of terrorism which are statistically probable but happen seemingly at random. Source

In a world of hyper connectivity and as the political rhetoric becomes increasingly extreme; I feel the spectre stochastic terror will begin to morph into the arena of direct environmentalism. We live in a society that seemingly cultivates imbalance, unbalanced individuals and mental illness. When you juxtapose these states of being against the heightened states of anxiety, fear, paranoia, self loathing and responsibility that are being increasingly placed upon the shoulders of youth and children, I fear the concept of stochastic terror will become an increasing future concern. I believe that over the coming generations we are going to witness huge increases in environmentally inspired terrorism, environmental assassins and environmental honour killings. The extremities of the environmental movement could become equated as a literal death cult. Within the warped minds of the stochastic terrorist, death will become celebrated like never before.

There will be an undercurrent that carries an increasing vilification of life and parenthood. The nuclear family will come under attack and become denigrated through subconsciously engineered negative perceptual connotations. The marketing of the artificial womb will be filtered through the cult of celebrity and into the minds of the populace, natural birth will be deemed dangerous and archaic and this will open the door to mandated birth restrictions. Motherhood will be framed as oppressive and an expression of patriarchical control. Youth and children are more emotionally malleable, and so they will become heralded as the epitome of wisdom. As the family unit becomes targeted, the generations will become divided like never before, with youth equated with intelligence and age with stupidity. The rebellion of youth will be directed towards the older generations who will be blamed for the state of financial and environmental degradation, they will become the objects of anger and vitriol from a generation that is increasingly unable to aspire to the fading promise of home ownership.

A Must Read


The decaying middle classes and private ownership will become increasingly vilified and targeted by organised movements. In a feudal technocracy we must all be as one, and so inheritance will also become a dirty word. In an age where we measure the worth of an individual in the carbon they emit and the value they give to society, I foresee a new era of eco inspired eugenics and euthanasia. Through social engineering the elderly will be manipulated to believe that their untimely death will be the noble thing. If that sounds crazy, remember we’re being nudged towards a UNESCO sponsored one world education programme, so let’s take a look at what they have to say about eugenics.


Page 21 Unesco its purpose and its philosophy by Julian Huxley. The full report can be read HERE


Civil disobedience and direct action will become increasingly confrontational and become a powerful entity/movement. Under the false premise of protection, the natural world will become increasingly privatised and through eco system services, carbon trading and associated elite environmental crypto control mechanisms it will also be monetised. Re-wilding programmes will create vast no human zones, and these will be monitored by real time satellite surveillance technology. In order to monitor our carbon footprint, we will have to surrender privacy and any semblance of anonymity. The 4th industrial revolution will track said footprint (in realtime) and charge/punish or indeed reward us accordingly. We will have travel quota's and low carbon celebrities and high hard carbon villains. We will have a global food body and an increasingly mandated (heavily genetically modified) diet, that will be marketed as carbon efficient. Greenshirt movements will become akin to an environmental Stasi, monitoring and reporting upon non compliant actions and interactions.

Outside of relative trivialities and matters of inconsequence, the very concept of free speech will become insidiously defined and mandated. The overuse and over reliance on technology will alter neural pathways; subsequent generations will be increasingly adept at retrieving and relaying information, but critical thinking and the understanding of the nuances within it, will become a dying art, this will be the age of the literal. As the world is nudged towards simplistic black and white answers and trapped between the extremes of false polarised positions, people will be programmed to become emotionally animated by certain phrases and topics. Programmed responses and intellectual, perceptual re-education will render those that have retained a semblance of critical thought illegible to the majority, this is already occurring.

The Conclusion to this post can be found HERE.

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I have read a dystopian young adult fiction a few years back which talked about some of these very things, in particular the carbon credit system. I'm a guzzler of those stories... I find them fascinating insights into where we could be possibly going.

As a senior school English teacher I can attest to the brainwashing of youth and their terror at what is to come. Whilst most are uber critical at the schools for playing this role, I am sure it's more the technologies that are responsible for it - mass media consumption via smart phones and parents doing the same with no discerning eyes. They swallow stories blindly with no ability to analyse what they are fed.

Part of my job is to teach them critical thinking... to be able to pull apart a story and reflect on the authors intention (agenda) but considering all the work that's gone into shaping this new generation before me, what influence do you think I have? Out of the 60 students i teach, only 3 are readers - that us, they read real books in their spare time. The rest are guzzlers of mainstream narratives fed to them by society. No wonder Greta is a great tool for the delivery of agenda, and it doesn't suprise me one bit that her parents were instrumental in this.

Nature as commodity? Nope, doesn't suprise me. It's already accepted as it appears in the IG feeds of social influencers. The beautiful coastline I grew up on is no longer wild but apportioned into saleable lots. One yoga teachers said to class how lucky we were to live in such a beautiful part of the world and I couldn't help but internally cringe... the place has been sold to you, honey, and you live on a 400m2 block with a huge mortgage and there's bumper to bumper cars on the wkds coming to see the beautiful spit which is repackaged on IG feeds sans cars as if it is wild nature when you can't turn around without seeing someone. Uh. Triggered.

Really interesting piece and so detailed. Resteeming.

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Hey @riverflows thanks for stopping by, I don't know if you read the previous post but it serves as the foundation for the topics discussed in this one. In that post I devoted a section to education where I stated:

That is not to say that your child’s teacher or school has any agenda other than to teach, and they may be doing that to a very high standard. What I do believe is that within certain areas of globalist fuelled indoctrination, the youth will be increasingly taught not to question the predetermined narrative.

I imagine you're a fantastic teacher, you certainly inspire me .. and good on you for teaching critical thinking, it's becoming a lost art in our schools :( The one world education system I highlighted in the last part, is an intended outcome but its certainly not there yet. But, we now have behavioral change agents in every country nudging us towards a commonality of thought and bookending critical thinking .. when you know the direction they want to take us in (the one that I have taken a great deal of time to source and reference in their own words/papers/recordings) you can see the momentum beginning to gather pace.

You know, this is a really controversial subject and one that because most of us care for the earth .. are emotionally attached to, and will have a kneejerk reaction against. I really do care about our mother earth and all that walk upon and grow from her .. so my conscience dictated I had to write this post. There are so many ways that we could live in balance with the earth and returning decentralised (literal) power to the people is a key proponent .. alas we have a centralised system that is damming mighty rivers, cuttting down ancient forests to burn as green energy and raping the very earth it purports to save. I have written a post highlighting this and I've attached it below, it includes some basic solutions, but I have many many more and will share them when I can. Unfortunately, this entire system is designed to rape the earth and profit from her every resource .. now they literally want to privatise nature, the mere concept shows you their mindset .. nobody owns nature and hopefully if people become aware of what is happening .. nobody will! Thanks again for the great comment and support my friend.

Yes, I did see that post and that passage in particular but have been too busy to respond!! I happen to teach at a school with a lot of intelligent teachers (honestly.. that's an oxymoron sometimes) who try to get kids to question, question, question!

I don

Posted using Partiko Android

Respect to you my friend .. the world needs teachers of your ilk like never before! And you know, in most schools if a teacher even questioned the valid connections I've displayed in this post .. they would be sacked.

Oh sorry I hadn't finished that comment... I had 6 more paragraphs but got pulled into cleaning house b4 work by man. ... hit reply but didn't mean to!!! Back laters xxx

I meant to comment on the other thing she said as well I didn't mean to ignore everything you said lol. A husband with a vacuum cleaner is a dangerous thing

No problem my friend, after tonight I'll be offline for the next week .. if you do reply I will answer back asap. Have a great week @riverflows

The congresscritters Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Beto O'Rourke have been steadily gaslighting people that the world is going to end in 12 years. They were deadly serious in the delivery of their warnings. However, they took so much flack from not just the alt-right and the right, but also the Democrats slammed it as a sham. The Senate rejected the deal 57-0. Since that humiliation and the way she's been thoroughly flamed by almost everyone, she's had to take two steps back in her chicken little claims about the falling sky. Such an excellent and thorough article, it boggles my mind the amount of research it must have taken you. Let's just say, that I can't say I didn't submit it to the Drudge Report in a small hope that Matt Drudge will give it a read.

AOC's recant: This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and "fact check" it. Like the "world ending in 12 years" thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal. But the GOP is basically Dwight from The Office so who knows.

She is that sea sponge, or should at the
very least consider wearing one, forever.

Hey my friend, as always thank you for the support and great comment! Yes, it was good to see this green new steal being defeated. Unfortunately, they have several mirror policies with a "new deal for nature" also being pushed by WWF and other environmental NGO's .. they may have taken a step backwards, but they will lick their wounds and come back with something else .. they're pretty determined and sadly people have short memories. On the Democrat front, there is actually a group called (I think) Democrats against agenda 21 .. so at least some on the left haven't been brought off by identity politics and can see what is happening. I did have a section on the green new deal and had a section with Cortez (on video) discussing whether it's "right to have children, but I ran out of space and had to be ruthless. The blockchain wouldn't let me squeeze any more information into this post .. but if some space becomes available I shall also add comments taken from newspaper commentary sections, where people welcome the demise and extinction of humanity .. it's pretty disturbing and speaks to a growing mindset.

Thanks for noticing about the time front :) I wrote these three parts as one post and it took me a good few weeks to chart a course through this sea of information. I also re-read the reports, and as many widely shared quotes are taken out of context, and although I had much information saved over the years .. I still had to read the papers and find source/reference many other quotes, that took a fair bit of time! lol Thanks again for the support my friend, I'll prob be offline for the next week (might briefly check in and out) so I'll catch you upon my return. Have a great weekend @thoughts-in-time

I think you may be right. The first bill (the green new deal), was so ridiculous on its face. The marionettes violently tried to slam that square peg into a round hole, and it worked people up into a frenzy, almost like the whole thing was meant to be a distraction. The process left people with a sense of victory in its defeat, and they are probably now less vigilant, or fatigued because of it. Congress tends to legislate in the most damaging ways similar to how magicians use sleight of hand to deceive the audience. Right now, I think Republicans would have to be on board but many of them are probably game to clown around and have already sold their souls to the puppetmasters. It's a nasty business, the business of government is. Whoever said "the price of liberty is eternal vigilance" sure wasn't joking. I'm Hoping for a miracle, but as you've illustrated, the plan is insidious with monstrous tentacles coming from all directions. We need articles like this one to get picked up by the right people and outlets. See you next time @perceptualflaws, have a great week/weekend!

Hey @thoughts-in-time .. hope you're having a great week, I'm still away and just checking messages in an internet cafe. In terms of the first bill, yes I very much agree and in effect, it is an aspect of the psychological manipulation that we're all under. From my own observations, they tend to present the most extreme case as the entry point, fully aware that it will not pass but also aware that it will make the subsequent re-worded slightly altered reiterations appear increasingly reasonable .. plus with the aforementioned (new deal for nature etc etc) mirror bills, we can see the direction we're being nudged towards .. these people don't give up easily. Thanks again my friend!

Thank you @frankbacon .. much appreciated and really glad you like the post :)

Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

Wow, that is the coolest fountain ever!

Yeah pretty cool eh? Love to take a shower under it! :)

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