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RE: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods Chapter 3.B: Green Phoenix Rising & The Psychology Of Capitulation

in #conspiracy5 years ago

I have read a dystopian young adult fiction a few years back which talked about some of these very things, in particular the carbon credit system. I'm a guzzler of those stories... I find them fascinating insights into where we could be possibly going.

As a senior school English teacher I can attest to the brainwashing of youth and their terror at what is to come. Whilst most are uber critical at the schools for playing this role, I am sure it's more the technologies that are responsible for it - mass media consumption via smart phones and parents doing the same with no discerning eyes. They swallow stories blindly with no ability to analyse what they are fed.

Part of my job is to teach them critical thinking... to be able to pull apart a story and reflect on the authors intention (agenda) but considering all the work that's gone into shaping this new generation before me, what influence do you think I have? Out of the 60 students i teach, only 3 are readers - that us, they read real books in their spare time. The rest are guzzlers of mainstream narratives fed to them by society. No wonder Greta is a great tool for the delivery of agenda, and it doesn't suprise me one bit that her parents were instrumental in this.

Nature as commodity? Nope, doesn't suprise me. It's already accepted as it appears in the IG feeds of social influencers. The beautiful coastline I grew up on is no longer wild but apportioned into saleable lots. One yoga teachers said to class how lucky we were to live in such a beautiful part of the world and I couldn't help but internally cringe... the place has been sold to you, honey, and you live on a 400m2 block with a huge mortgage and there's bumper to bumper cars on the wkds coming to see the beautiful spit which is repackaged on IG feeds sans cars as if it is wild nature when you can't turn around without seeing someone. Uh. Triggered.

Really interesting piece and so detailed. Resteeming.

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Hey @riverflows thanks for stopping by, I don't know if you read the previous post but it serves as the foundation for the topics discussed in this one. In that post I devoted a section to education where I stated:

That is not to say that your child’s teacher or school has any agenda other than to teach, and they may be doing that to a very high standard. What I do believe is that within certain areas of globalist fuelled indoctrination, the youth will be increasingly taught not to question the predetermined narrative.

I imagine you're a fantastic teacher, you certainly inspire me .. and good on you for teaching critical thinking, it's becoming a lost art in our schools :( The one world education system I highlighted in the last part, is an intended outcome but its certainly not there yet. But, we now have behavioral change agents in every country nudging us towards a commonality of thought and bookending critical thinking .. when you know the direction they want to take us in (the one that I have taken a great deal of time to source and reference in their own words/papers/recordings) you can see the momentum beginning to gather pace.

You know, this is a really controversial subject and one that because most of us care for the earth .. are emotionally attached to, and will have a kneejerk reaction against. I really do care about our mother earth and all that walk upon and grow from her .. so my conscience dictated I had to write this post. There are so many ways that we could live in balance with the earth and returning decentralised (literal) power to the people is a key proponent .. alas we have a centralised system that is damming mighty rivers, cuttting down ancient forests to burn as green energy and raping the very earth it purports to save. I have written a post highlighting this and I've attached it below, it includes some basic solutions, but I have many many more and will share them when I can. Unfortunately, this entire system is designed to rape the earth and profit from her every resource .. now they literally want to privatise nature, the mere concept shows you their mindset .. nobody owns nature and hopefully if people become aware of what is happening .. nobody will! Thanks again for the great comment and support my friend.

Yes, I did see that post and that passage in particular but have been too busy to respond!! I happen to teach at a school with a lot of intelligent teachers (honestly.. that's an oxymoron sometimes) who try to get kids to question, question, question!

I don

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Respect to you my friend .. the world needs teachers of your ilk like never before! And you know, in most schools if a teacher even questioned the valid connections I've displayed in this post .. they would be sacked.

Oh sorry I hadn't finished that comment... I had 6 more paragraphs but got pulled into cleaning house b4 work by man. ... hit reply but didn't mean to!!! Back laters xxx

I meant to comment on the other thing she said as well I didn't mean to ignore everything you said lol. A husband with a vacuum cleaner is a dangerous thing

No problem my friend, after tonight I'll be offline for the next week .. if you do reply I will answer back asap. Have a great week @riverflows

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