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RE: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods Chapter 3.B: Green Phoenix Rising & The Psychology Of Capitulation

The congresscritters Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Beto O'Rourke have been steadily gaslighting people that the world is going to end in 12 years. They were deadly serious in the delivery of their warnings. However, they took so much flack from not just the alt-right and the right, but also the Democrats slammed it as a sham. The Senate rejected the deal 57-0. Since that humiliation and the way she's been thoroughly flamed by almost everyone, she's had to take two steps back in her chicken little claims about the falling sky. Such an excellent and thorough article, it boggles my mind the amount of research it must have taken you. Let's just say, that I can't say I didn't submit it to the Drudge Report in a small hope that Matt Drudge will give it a read.

AOC's recant: This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and "fact check" it. Like the "world ending in 12 years" thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal. But the GOP is basically Dwight from The Office so who knows.

She is that sea sponge, or should at the
very least consider wearing one, forever.


Hey my friend, as always thank you for the support and great comment! Yes, it was good to see this green new steal being defeated. Unfortunately, they have several mirror policies with a "new deal for nature" also being pushed by WWF and other environmental NGO's .. they may have taken a step backwards, but they will lick their wounds and come back with something else .. they're pretty determined and sadly people have short memories. On the Democrat front, there is actually a group called (I think) Democrats against agenda 21 .. so at least some on the left haven't been brought off by identity politics and can see what is happening. I did have a section on the green new deal and had a section with Cortez (on video) discussing whether it's "right to have children, but I ran out of space and had to be ruthless. The blockchain wouldn't let me squeeze any more information into this post .. but if some space becomes available I shall also add comments taken from newspaper commentary sections, where people welcome the demise and extinction of humanity .. it's pretty disturbing and speaks to a growing mindset.

Thanks for noticing about the time front :) I wrote these three parts as one post and it took me a good few weeks to chart a course through this sea of information. I also re-read the reports, and as many widely shared quotes are taken out of context, and although I had much information saved over the years .. I still had to read the papers and find source/reference many other quotes, that took a fair bit of time! lol Thanks again for the support my friend, I'll prob be offline for the next week (might briefly check in and out) so I'll catch you upon my return. Have a great weekend @thoughts-in-time

I think you may be right. The first bill (the green new deal), was so ridiculous on its face. The marionettes violently tried to slam that square peg into a round hole, and it worked people up into a frenzy, almost like the whole thing was meant to be a distraction. The process left people with a sense of victory in its defeat, and they are probably now less vigilant, or fatigued because of it. Congress tends to legislate in the most damaging ways similar to how magicians use sleight of hand to deceive the audience. Right now, I think Republicans would have to be on board but many of them are probably game to clown around and have already sold their souls to the puppetmasters. It's a nasty business, the business of government is. Whoever said "the price of liberty is eternal vigilance" sure wasn't joking. I'm Hoping for a miracle, but as you've illustrated, the plan is insidious with monstrous tentacles coming from all directions. We need articles like this one to get picked up by the right people and outlets. See you next time @perceptualflaws, have a great week/weekend!

Hey @thoughts-in-time .. hope you're having a great week, I'm still away and just checking messages in an internet cafe. In terms of the first bill, yes I very much agree and in effect, it is an aspect of the psychological manipulation that we're all under. From my own observations, they tend to present the most extreme case as the entry point, fully aware that it will not pass but also aware that it will make the subsequent re-worded slightly altered reiterations appear increasingly reasonable .. plus with the aforementioned (new deal for nature etc etc) mirror bills, we can see the direction we're being nudged towards .. these people don't give up easily. Thanks again my friend!

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