Pure Intentions to Create a Better World and Way of Living!

in #conspiracy7 years ago

I'm delighted to hear your feedback and comments on these Pure Intentions, and that many members of my healing groups on Facebook are saying these Pure Intentions daily.

One lady told me she copied and pasted them all into a document and then they all disappeared before she saved it! She repeated the process and this time her computer totally froze! This is the kind of sabotage that we get when something is really important and can make a huge difference to us all!

I have decided it would be a good idea to copy and paste all the Pure Intentions I have done so far into one document so that it is easy for anyone and everyone to read these statements each day or as often as they can. I do huge amounts of protection energy work on myself and my computer daily, so I'm trusting this will go ok for me!

You can read the original posts with more information about these statements on these links:

Protecting Truth Speakers - Pure Intention Statements 

Healing Shock, Trauma and Abuse - Pure Intentions

Pedophilia - How Can Energy Work Help?

Do You Want Flowing Pure Abundance for Doing Good?

Energy Work to Stop Chemtrails

Source - Original Image - pixabay.com

Pure Intentions - Truth Speakers & Light Workers / Healers

Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that all those choosing Truth and Integrity:

Are Divinely Protected and kept safe 
Are filled with Pure Love, Light & Truth to repel all dark, evil and attacking energies
Feel safe and confident to Shine Light and Share Truth
Are supported in the work they do
Receive flowing Pure abundance for the work they do

Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that 

People awaken to hearing the Truth with open minds and hearts

Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that 

All Truth being shared is acted upon and Pure, Divine and Human Justice is done

Pure Intention Statements - Healing Shock, Trauma and Abuse

Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that Pure flows:

through energies and frequencies of shock, trauma and abuse of all types to heal and purify this energy now.

Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that 

victims of abuse are now freed from being trapped in repeating patterns of being victims and are supported to be free of all abuse and move into higher energies and happier lives.

Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that 

all victims of abuse, shock, trauma, PTSD and grief now release and let go of these emotions, to be purified by Pure Source and are filled with Pure Love, Light, Peace, Stillness and Joy and move forwards into happy lives and loving, supportive relationships.

Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that 

all abuse in all forms is now stopped on earth and all patterns of abuse are revoked and repelled from earth and human consciousness and replaced with flowing Pure Love, Wisdom, Truth and Joy.

Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that 

all shock, trauma and grief being stored by humanity for past events such as wars, 9/11 and crimes against humanity is now released and purified by Pure Source and humanity is now protected from evil and abusive actions in all forms, through all time, space and dimensions and through all that is.

Pure Intentions to stop pedophilia

Pure Intention intends that those discovering the Truth will be open to accepting this information and willing to take positive action to create positive change for all victims to stop all pedophilia on earth.

Pure Intention Releases all shock and trauma and fills with Pure Love and Peace.
Pure Intention fills all people with feeling Pure Love, Light, Truth and Powerful Soul Connection to Feel Empowered to Take Action to Create Positive Change.
Pure Intention Releases all shock, trauma, memories, nightmares and flash backs from all victims of child abuse of any kind and fills them with flowing Pure Love, Light, Peace and Protection.
Pure Intention intends that all those under threat or fear from secret societies and initiations now feel safe and empowered to speak and share the Truth and act with integrity.

Pure Intention intends that all those dealing with and working for law and justice systems, now feel safe and empowered to speak and share the Truth and act with integrity.

Pure Intention intends that all those speaking Truth are Divinely and humanly protected. May they feel safe, empowered and inspire others to also speak and support the Truth.
Pure Intention intends that both Pure, Divine and human justice is done for all child abuse, pedophilia and mind programming done to innocent children and humanity.
Pure Intention intends that Truth and Integrity become our dominant energies on earth and humanity works to ensure that these values are honoured and upheld at all times. Those out of integrity and commits crimes against humanity will not be tolerated and will be Divinely and humanly brought to justice.

Pure Intention intends that Pure is our dominant energy on earth and all evil is repelled from earth and cannot exist on earth.

Pure Intentions for Flowing Pure Abundance 

Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that: Pure Abundance flows freely to all Pure souls now 
Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that: All contracts, vows, blocks, barriers, ceilings and limits placed on Pure souls are revoked, released, cut, disconnected and repelled now 
Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that: Any and all energies, spells, curses and intentions stopping Pure Abundance from freely flowing to Pure souls are revoked, repelled and purified so Pure Abundance is now flowing freely to all Pure souls, being observed by Pure Intentions and the highest, Purest Divine power 
Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that: Pure Abundance flows freely to all Pure souls now 

Pure Intention Statements to Stop Chemtrails

Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that all those participating in the spraying of chemtrails become aware of the crime against humanity that is going on and that they are apart of, including:

Pure Intention uses Quantum Observing and Quantum Entanglement to intend that all toxins being sprayed from these planes are purified and all evil intentions to damage and harm people, food chains, weather and earth are revoked.

The more people who read these intentions, the more powerful they will be and the quicker the global energy will change to support us all in creating Peace on Earth and Flowing Pure Abundance for All.

To read my other posts - click here  

© Copyright Michelle Carter 

You have my permission to copy and share the above Pure Intentions with the following:

Pure Intention Statements by Divine Energy Channel, Michelle Carter (To find out more about her and her work please visit: www.michellecarter.co.uk or https://steemit.com/@michellecarter)


Fascinating how energy can seize up like that. I have had similar things happen when the intention is strong and also when what you mentioned could be happening.

Thanks for this very special work, Michelle.

Yes it's incredible what goes on and so many people have experienced this in various ways, I've had years of it in different forms. Actually pleased that I've been able to post ok! :)

Thanks Jakob, most appreciated.

True! I was just feeling relieved yesterday when I had some ah-ha's around people near me who have been having various difficulties and just knowing some of these subtleties that collectively , we haven't begun to understand.

It's incredible when you can learn to pinpoint these things for what they are so that you are never shy about doing light work even when it gets kind of kooky in the material realms.

Be well, sister. <3

I've had a lot of experiences of this kind of thing, so feel free to ask / message me if you want to chat about them. I had years of nasty incidents before every tele-summit call I did, to freak me out and either stop me doing the call or not being in a good energy for the call. As I started each call with some energy work and did it before the call started too then they didn't succeed, but wasn't nice to live through.

Also have had personal experiences and seen this in others, accidents and injuries being 100 times worse than should have been. Shelves randomly falling down etc - just weird stuff that most people wouldn't believe is going on until it happens to them!

When we know it is dark messing then we can do protection work, I play my audios on loop 24/7 to keep the vibration high etc
I feel it's about knowing and understanding so we can feel empowered to take action to protect, stop and raise our vibration above it all. Some much programming about fear that stops people from finding out all this good information and feeling empowered.

Thanks, you be well too. Love & Light <3

Hey Michelle,

I completely agree and have had similar personal experiences to what you described. Some have been shocks, including being in auto accidents while stopped.

I carry crystals, orgone, and am a constant looper of protective frequencies. it's a 24/7 thing with me and the energy hygiene because of exactly what you have covered here.

And yes, I'd love to connect further on these topics.

Hi Jakob, yes it can be intense and 24/7!

It was for me for years, but it's much less now and more annoying than major, which is a big relief!

Here is a post I wrote a while ago that you may like: Being Attacked by Dark Energies? – What Can You Do?


& also this one - Are You Under Spells & Curses?


If there's anything you'd like me to write a post about then I can or you can message me in Steemit chat or discord chat.

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