This is not Geo-Engineering, this is GENOZIDE

in #conspiracy7 years ago

I took this picture today in Los Angeles.
Look at it. Does it look like anything to "block the sunlight"?


Not in my view. Even though on many days the chemtrails disburse and create a large cover,
on many days you can observe only a few lines.

NOT ENOUGH to "block the sun" or "deflect the radar for military use".
But enough to spray toxic chemicals which WE HAVE TO BREATH IN.

The aluminum in the chemtrails amplify the effects of the fluor in the water greatly and cause chronic diseases which will kill us so slowly, that nobody can wise up about it.

Don't take my word for it.
If you have any doubt, please visit Kevin Galalae's youtube channel for information about the depopulation agenda.


Yes, we get these in the sky too.

They've gotta be sneaky about it. It's easier for them to just scream tinfoil hat loon at anyone who tries to point it out.

Maybe there'll be a saturation point and the elites will have no choice but to go in with hard kills. Happend before. I don't see how we'd be any different.

I was poisoned by my diet over many years, the result of brainwashing into being a vegan. They want us as far away from nature as possible. Makes us easier to control and harm... either by withdrawing necessaries, or adding extras. Bastards

Yes, they have to tighten the screw now. Since they have already succeeded with lowering fertility rates since the 50's, they now have way too many old people, which becomes unsustainable economically. They have now to cull the older ones as well. Spraying more toxins and introducing mandatory vaccinations for not only children but everybody will take them closer to their goal .
I don't know how the situation is in England, but here in LA it is almost impossible to get real, healthy food or fluoridated water or clean air. That's what makes me so mad. And these FUCKS are getting away with it.
We have to fight these suckers!

Get a water distiller...... the only water to consume......and eat more fruits and veggies to kick in the kidneys to detox the Lymphatic system. Simple as long as you aren't hooked on their menu. How are you herrleeb? Good to see you. If we ever round up and catch all these bastards we should throw them in the Arena and air it live.................

Good to see you, @stillwater ! I am afraid, for me it is already too late. Having burned my candle from both ends all my life I feel the effects of my reckless life, the toxins in the food, water and air plus wifi radiation to a level, where I am grateful for everyday I experience with manageable pain and every night of painless sleep, which is rare.
The only thing left to do for me is yell out the truth wherever I can.
I would love to see this bunch of degenerates, called the "Elites" burned on a stake 🙂

Yes. They're squeezing us tighter into our holding pens for sure. They're gonna have to knock me out or tie me down to get another vaccine in me or mine.

I feel sorry for US citizens. You're labrats in some evil experiment. It's terrible that you can't access good food or water easily. I agree with @stillwater's advice about the water filter/purifier. There are good ones on the market. Not so much about fruits... the ones available to most people are not in the natural form our bodies were designed to process.

Humans have created hybrids with far too much fructose content. Fructose fucks your liver up. I prefer to use my liver for alcohol purposes :p

They're making it more difficult here too. It's illegal for shops to sell raw milk, cream, butter – but there are farms nearby. I can go there or buy online legally. The government is building more obstacles for these farmers though; it's getting expensive for them to live this way.

Only about 10% of our mains water contains fluoride. So far, mine is ok, but they've got Chesire which isn't far. Keeping my eye on them.

Sorry to hear about your pain. Ketogenic diets are good for many pain issues. I hope your hedonism was fun though :)

LOL. Yup. I had a good life. Never missed out on any insanity I could possibly commit. Burned the candle on both ends but made my dreams come true.
I will never have to say "should have, would have, could have". That's what matters to me 🙂

Having bandwidth issues again...

Hiya @herrleeb What a coincidence.. I took some shots today that look almost exactly like yours. Gotta luv it when they play tic tac toe in the sky, and rub our noses in it. And I just did a post on the effects of aluminum and fluoride too. Good on ya my friend, keep on swinging! Have a great evening.

Thank you! You have no idea how nice it is to have awake and like-minded people to talk to 🙂

Right on! :-) It does get rather monotonous talking to those that are still stuck in sleep mode at times. It makes you appreciate someone that is awake all the more. And the alarm bells have been ringing quite loudly for a very long time, and the sleepers must awaken! Let's shake them awake, and roust them from their comfy cocoons shall we? LOL

LOL. But I have to be took me a while to wake up to the chemtrails as well.
The issue is so horrible that it is very hard for people to accept what is going on. Even at a time, when I already knew about 9/11, the Fed and all the other crap, I thought chemtrails are an exaggeration. Only once I understood the depopulation agenda, I was able to put 2 and 2 together. As long as people believe that the government is essentially good and only "incompetent", they will not accept the fact that they are being culled.

True, it all starts with that one thing that makes you go hmm.. WTF? And it is all downhill from then on. Everything is interconnected, like a giant tapestry of lies and deceit, and I wish it were only incompetence. Politicians are bought and sold on a daily basis, and care not what happens to us, the useless eaters as we are called. Have you ever watched Molyneux's video, how to be a good human farmer? LOL

I think one key to the politician issue is compartmentalization. Everybody is kept on a "need to know basis". Many politicans could be good people doing bad things because they believe they are doing something good. They have no idea about the big picture. That makes them also better selling their stuff, they themselves are convinced, so the can be more convincing.
Even Trump eats McDonalds and drinks aspartame Diet Coke. This is NOT a 5D chess player. Only on the very top the real picture is revealed. The lower ranks know nothing.

True, I think that the Pres and associates are like the Wizard of Oz, and I am quite curious as to who is behind the curtain pulling the levers. :-D

A lot of these politicians are oblivious to the true nature of what is going on, and blindly follow where they are led. Only a handful are truly aware, which makes addressing the issues even more difficult.

They wrap everything up in a nice lil bow, under the guise of national security, on a need to know basis.

Well, IMO the press works just like police and other low level institutions.
They hire only people, who already have the proper indoctrination and mindset. Others are not even considered.
Second is peer pressure. They know what to say if they want to get ahead.
Thirdly a supervisor who tells them what's what.
Most of them can be completely ignorant about the big picture and function flawlessly anyways...
And they are more convincing, because they are convinced.

Hi @herrleeb,
As mentioned in other comment threads I was unaware you had already developed your own answers to the Chemtrail phenomenon and i am now going through to retract these comments that I wrongly posted. I meant no distress to anyone.

Hi @herrleeb, im so sorry to hear that you believe these corntrails to be harming you. You have inspired me to create a post in order to remedy your concerns so you and others can live with out this concern. I am leveraging my experience as an academic, researcher, engineer and most importantly advocate for science and truth; to create an in depth post that will beyond any doubt convince you that these contrails are in most cases completely harmless and there is no danger to you or anyone else. I would really appreciate it if you would read my post, and let me know if you have any questions. I would only be too happy to help you.
The post can be found here.

You have serious issues, the same comment on every CT thread you can find. This spamming is not cool at all! So if anyone is interested, do check his profile and all the latest comments, it is the same type of behavior... COMMENT SPAM.

Thank you! I appreciate the effort and will gladly read your post. I am always open to new, better information. If it stands up to scrutiny, I will change my opinions accordingly. Thanks again and talk to you later.

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