(Almost) Free Services and Grand Finale Competition Announced

The Maverick Flies In

There will come a time, soon, that I have to move on and find a spot that nourishes me. Slowly Steemit is depleting me, and I recognise this as a sign that I don’t belong here.

I tell a lie.

I knew that all along. Before I started. The Steemians big on the Law of Attraction (doleful face) will say I got what I asked for: disappointment. Also that is not true.

I have come across entrepreneurs of their own life well worth mentioning. Indeed, before I leave I shall.

Leave to tend to my garden:

Taken from the Green Colourchallenge blog https://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@sukhasanasister/colorchallange-wednesday-green-anahata

Leave to continue my work on healing the etheric:

Taken from the blue colourchallenge bloghttps://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@sukhasanasister/colorchallenge-blue-friday-vishuddha

Leave to gather more materials that make a difference:

Taken from the Yellow colourchallenge bloghttps://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@sukhasanasister/colourchallenge-manipura-chakra-yellow

Rule-free Competition

Before I leave I will be holding my own little competition, probably further unannounced. I shall be liquidising my account before liquidating it. Or something like that. I'll be folding. I won't be handing out “rewards” (no fan of that word) but donating to simply divide up my account, leaving my estate to those I think need it most.

In determining this “need” I am led by an intuition that I dare not call my own, so nobody need try their best on anything. Leave the crayons in the box, keep Photoshop closed, the cap on the lens, when it comes to this competition.It is, of course, not a competition, as such, with winners and runners-up. Only starseeds that can best carry on my work here can enter. You’ll have to be a bit of a yogi of Consciousness probably, if that gives you anything to go by. You’ll discover if you are deluding yourself if you are not amongst the benefitted, I suppose.

What makes us pick labels?

This idea of recycling the rewards of my efforts, came about after I spent too much serious time writing a piece inspired by an episode of BBC Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs, with Steven Pinker. This famous linguist took me back over 20 years, when I first read his “Language Instinct”. I recall there were cutting-edge bits in it right up my alley; but also how he couldn’t put his finger on things because he didn’t have twelve senses to work with, nor an ether-astral-I organisation (which I didn’t have during my own linguistic studies, either, explaining my progressive frustration with a flawed logic, according to my sensibilities, and the failure to graduate).

I began musing upon something he had said in the beginning of his interview to the mellifluous plaintive of Yellow Moon by the Neville Brothers (a disc of his choosing). He had emphasised he was a Jew, but also an atheist. This combination was not new to me. Jewishness can come in a myriad of outward forms and sentiments, but they are seldom private or unique. However, I do know of a Catholic Jew whose mother isn’t Jewish, but he resembles his (very Jewish) father in so many ways, there is hardly any way around the label. Suchlike instances make for very interesting research into the spiritual meaning of these long lines trailing back into the beginning of man's raised self-consciousness. How come, though, that we still relate so fervenly or even unwittingly (by appearance or demeanour) to generic labels?

In my monograph I inquired more deeply into how that worked, and whether or not such a need to identify with an superficial denominator is conducive to world peace (superficial as when not to a religious purpose or born out of a family tradition; in not needing to be innate or integral to your person. I imagined a Jewish baby given up to adoption and how much of his Jewishness would survive without Sabbath and Channukah, Jiddish and a Zionist cause).

The Steemian as a new Wandering Jew?

This exploration gradually led me to compare the Jew, like Steven Pinker, whose Jewishness seems to belong more to a community than his personal beliefs, to the Steemian: both live in one country but derive a meaning for their life from the sense of interconnectedness with a place of fiction-in-the-making. Ours may be a virtual place, but from an esoteric spiritual perspective so is the Israel from the Bible….

Fiction is not a negative,merely a thing we humans spend a lot of time on making. It is used here to indicate how we are beginning to see we aren't going anywhere on a billion different versions of reality: time to separate individual man-power from the caleidescope of fabricated truth. Every biography, history and family is a narrative of our choosing. Every church and synagogue, mosque and mantlepiece altar. That’s why it is near impossible to be factually accurate about history. A subject in school I found pretentious therefor, and only came to appreciate in my late forties as a fascinating bookcase full of novels of the past efforts of man becoming man.

The spiritual perspective reveals we choose much more than we think. Who else is writing our story? Or rather, that choice is not so simply to select that which we sympathise with most. There is no sympathy without antipathy…

Group souls

It could be possible that the soul of they who identify as Jew belongs to that umbrella soul-group, which is driven by a yearning to unite in the name of the Logos. This may be a valuable force in the establishment of a Global Brotherhood; although…if we look at other strong (religious) hubs we may wonder if its execution, in a tribal approach, does not rather belong to a long-gone past… Jewishness may be the last label to leave the building, yet, well after we have given up on caring to distinguish in terms of gender and sexual orientation. It makes me inquire into the possible reasons for this.

But here is not the place to post up such complex research efforts, requiring brainstorming sessions, think-tanks and sensitively philosophical souls, if we are to lead this examination into very wide and fertile delta and not into a bottle neck with gallons of fizz pressing upon the cork….

Who is the God of our enthusiasm

(entheos= "divinely inspired, possessed by a god")

Some of us here believe we have come to this platform, this safely neutral crust hovering over our actual daily life, to connect on a soul-level, or heart-to-heart. Borders cease to exist, no flags need to be flown. Let’s find out what we really have in common. It’s a nice flowery-powery idea, and just like Virgin, Atlantic, Motown, EMI did, there are “fat cats” (although #hartfloe does not agree) cashing in on our optimic songs.

Stay safe

The entire crypto chain idea is thoroughly Luciferic, with the vile intent of puffing up our egos. Blowing firey air into your soul, warming you with what feels like love and postitive vibes. But every second you spend time on creating content which is steem-specific, tailored to the concept, including uploading and voting content is in service of Lucifer. Also fine. But just know it. Even if the rest of your life remains as much your own as ever it was before, you are being corrupted and I keep on praying that you know the safe levels to which your reserves can go down before you need to bail out (every day again or finally for good). Make new friends you can trust and who remain loyal: that is the only antidote to the intoxication Lucifer intends. Keep touching base with something entirely out of the loop of this Block and keep it out of the Block, too.


Unlike Steven Pinker, I am not satirical about prayer. He quoted Ambrose Bierce (satirist, born in 1842) defining “to pray” as “to ask that the laws of the universe be annulled on behalf of a single petitioner, confessedly unworthy”. True, it’s how most people pray (in vain). I do not pray to a God for things to go my way. Not even to be granted the serenity, to accept the things I can not change. I go to my mat and breathe. I always found prayer to be an attitude of mind, a vigilant mood, a remembering of the spiritual being I am throughout the day. I therefor say, we should all pray more.

A great example of this kind of prayer came upon my path during the writing of my piece (an act of communion with God, if anything). It is found in the exceptional courage of Alexander Lewis as he recovers from the devestating attack of Strep A bacterial infection, causing four amputations and severe facial disfigurement. A documentary that makes you want to go out and run and stay in to crochet while you can. It starts off with some horrific and heart-bleeding months to turn into a positive free fall about two years of rehabilitation later. His life remains one of prayer, I would say, if it is not to fall into bitter lament.

May the gods be with you all, dear folk.

P.S. Final Offer

While I am here, consider me your friendly librarian and feel free to put in any research requests on the topics you have seen pass by so far. Or try me. I have gone round the world a few hundred times from the spot I have to be rooted to. Many of my sources cannot (as yet) be found on-line. I would hate to see some of it go to waste, and therefore I must travel on until I find a regular visitor of my ancient well.

Until further notice, I remain until May 31st.


I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving Steemit. As I've said to you before, I can't comprehend most of what you write about, but I do enjoy reading your articles despite this. I hope you find the place you're looking for eventually! :)

Thank you for your kind words of parting, in advance. I, too, hope they who need to can find me. I'm not gone, yet.

Finding a community that regularly reads articles of this caliber will not be that easy on any platform.

I shall take that as a compliment, kind sir.

Hi. I stumbled on your blog because @onnovocks stopped by my teammate’s recent post. Then I saw that @theblackcrow is a fan of your work (I’m a fan of his ‘Daddy, Why is the Sky Blue’ work.) if both individuals who I’ve recently met and like both make it a point to stop by your page, then you must have talent. From my scroll through your blog, it is obvious you do. Sadly though, it didn’t get the attention it should have. (I have to admit though, I’m like @theblackcrow. Some of your writing goes over my head. I think you and @bashadow from our group would get along)

We can’t change the politics in here overnight. That is a fact. Maybe not all. What we can do is try to build a community to support one another, especially for the newbies that are just starting out. I’ve come to find out that talent alone will not bring you far on here. I say again and again that I’ve seen beautiful minds and hearts sharing their stories on here but their footprint are just specks in this blockchain history. Perhaps they will always be. I’m sure as heck going to try my best to make my community more than a speck on here and bring the individuals I’ve met and admired along with me.

If you would like some exposure for your posts, feel free to use our hashtag #newbieresteemday. That goes to both @omnovocks and @theblackcrow. You and @omnovocks have reps above 45 so we can’t upvote with our small curation trail from @newbieresteemday, but we can always pass it along to a Curator on our team that is from curie.

I really really tried to get @theblackcrow’s blue sky post selected. I know members of curie liked it because they stopped by, but curie also looks at the author’s writing history along with the work. He was too new at the time. I don’t know. I’m not from curie and there is no rhyme or reason what they select.

Long story short, I hope you decide to stay. If any of you decide to join a community, our Newbie Resteem one is a good one with really good folks. @davemccoy and @mudcat36 are the founders, and if you check out their blogs, you’ll know I’m right. We chat on Discord if you ever want to meet us.

Discord: https://discord.gg/49JKzvp

PS, I won’t bother upvoting your post. I’m not even worth one penny at the moment. I completely drained my VP. I will be sure to stop at all three blogs when I can give my measly 1 cent again.

Now I have to wait for parent Steemit to replenish my bandwidth before I can post this comment. Lol. Will leave the window open until I can make the post.

What a generously uplifting reply if ever I read one! Amazing amount of new tid bits here for me to look into.
This Discord place I've seen mentioned in passing but this is the first link I've got.
Newbieresteemday raises a question for me: how on earth does resteem work (what does it do for you financially, and how DOES one resteem). I find it moderately inconvenient when following has too many resteem up.....
But doesn't a 0 cent vote not do anything? Like encourage others by way of one thing leading to another....(I tend to look who voted to discover a network (or a bunch of bots).
Will be looking into all names dropped, including your lovely self.
Thanking you so very kindly, and still a bit bewildered by your efforts - which I like especially for it's interconnecting vibe.

Hi again. I think my VP is up enough to give you my small 1 cent. 🙂

So the big question. What does resteem do for us financially? Frankly, not much. People resteem because they either want to support the author or they upvoted the post and resteem in hopes that some whale will come along and drop a big vote. Then the person makes more from curation.

Our two founders came up with the newbieresteemday community because there is a disconnect between newbies and the established. Newbies could have the best ideas and brightest minds on here but not succeed because they don’t have a big enough audience. The premise of the initative is that if we can each help with the resteems then we can grab a bigger audience for our newbies.

It has since changed. Evolved you can say. Members contribute with what they can, with their own talents. Some like to resteem, others write a weekly post on our newbies, others host contests to help them make more SBDs. We’re still learning and growing. I help by writing the weekly recap to keep all activities tracked in one place. I personally don’t like to resteem since beeyou is a group acct. I only resteem when I feel the message will help my followers or is meaningful to me.

What we encourage most is engagement with one another. Go out and support newbies and each other too. Dave has a great post about our initative if you would like to learn more.


Here is my weekly recap if you would like to learn about us.


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