ColorChallenge: Manipura Chakra, Yellow

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)

I cannot so easily transpose all the chakras onto the days of the week. Yellow connotes for me Jupiter, hence Thursday. Chakras don’t really have a special day since they connect us very much to a cosmic awareness outside of time. (Unlike cereals, grains, which are best eaten on certain days of the week for the different planetary qualities they contain - according to bio-dynamic nutritional science. More info upon request.)

I love yellow muchly! It’s all about spring for me and sprightliness. Albeit there are some hues that nip quite sharply.

A great spring cleanse: juice of one lemon, a couple of tbs of (unsweetened) birch elixer, a glass of pear juice, or for a less sweet version top up with mineral water and a small teaspoon of maple syrup (type C), organic honey (try tyme or manuka if you are a bit under the weather) or better still molasses (to restore iron levels). Revives the dormant parts again!

Yellow is the first colour out of the darkness that gets plied strongly by the light, giving us lightning bolts and the warning rings of wasps. But, despite it being the colour we attribute to the sun, it is not light! And it can actually make for a rather dark (but warm) room if you take a cadmium or gambooge, not to mention oker tone.

Camelia heart

Not everybody can pull off a yellow hat or dress without looking like a banana. Yellow is best contained, like light by darkness (or it blots and blobs all over the place, or paler hues wash out). It is often found at the heart of flowers, of course, to attract insects; but it indicates, too, that you are now entering the centre where life force is pooled to be transformed by creative (astral) forces. It’s a colour that makes an impact, sometimes adstringently so. Think of a shot of lemon before breakfast, with its sparkling, refreshing attack on the nervous system! I’m awake!!

The manipura (3rd) chakra, located at the midriff, has for it’s major organ the liver, our jovial, self-sacrificing, ever rejuvenating Grand Transformer, Tropical Forest organ. This chakra is a kind of brain (mental portal) for the lower metabolic pole. Here we can feel what we don’t know yet. The butterflies and churning give us clues.

The liver is a time-sensitive organ, alternating states of relative rest and intensive work (and the cause of jetlag when our days turn into nights and inversely). It works optimally between 3am-3pm, so it’s sensible to bear this in mind in your meal planning (and why a hearty breakfast and a hot lunch work best). Know also that the liver is intrically connected to your sight and has its own “eyes” on the tongue, so chew mindfully to help it out.

The digestive process really starts with the eyes; think how photos of food cause you to salivate. Other senses kick in too (but later). The liver gets prepared (juices are cooked up) in a timely fashion by the look of an appetising dish. Critical foreplay! The presentation and cooking methods of your dishes are half the digestive work already! (Microwaves never are ideal, but ready-made - monochrome/brown - meals tend to spoil the fun a lot for the liver. Donate, now, to the liver! Cheer him up with a colourful salad on the side.)

Your tummy rumbles when you smell aromas coming from the kitchen. This is a life-force intelligence, flowing into the body (notably, in this case, through the Manipura chakra) but is not of the body! (The body itself is never really hungry, it may alert that rations are low, but once starvation mode sets in, it goes pretty much in shut-down mode without further dialogue.) You tell it to lay down and die, and it will be an obedient dog. (Fortunately, we generally lack the necessay will-power for such commands, that would have to be stronger than wanting or wanting not to. A hunger strike is mental exertion. Surviving famine is instinct. Inedia, or a radical diet of light/prana is ... complicated and debatably not a great application of new spiritual-will forces.... )

Yellow activates and as a mental colour can help us think more clearly: it carries the light into the darkness of our dense brain. If our nervous system is condensed light (and blue) then our life light is yellow. Thus, yellow foods light up the hollow cave! And help us digest better, stimulating the digestive juices. Life is yellow! We are all on a yellow submarine.

In Tarot our happiest, yellow card is 19, the sun, of course.

Things To Contemplate In The Mood of Yellow

It’s all in the mind: what I think I become, coming out of life, day by day into the I that I am.

What I become is that which I have shone my light on. I am a collection of photographs, that will pass back into the darkness, unless I step out of the light that travels on and on, and become a shining sun myself. (Study Plato's Cave story for more food for thought on this).

Neurosis is to stay stuck in the head, which is stuffy and musty, like an attic full of stuff you won’t ever use again. Open the window of your manipura (breathe in, breathe out more and pause). Try yoga!

The middle man relates to the middle system of the world - its weather system. Extreme and catastrophic weather reflects our collective turbulent nervous system too fastly bound to matter (and insignificant matters).

Time to vote up our consciousness! Level up to a spiritual version of you.

Stay in flow, dear folk, tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree for love,
Your Sukhasana Sister.

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