in #community6 years ago (edited)

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Good morning friends on the blockchain!!

In this video I am talking about

a good thing:

Also about a really important thing we need to remind:

And some plans for this week or

Thanks for watching!

Guten Morgen liebe Freunde!!

In diesem Video spreche ich über:

eine super tolle Sache:

Außerdem spreche ich über etwas sehr wichtiges, an das wir uns täglich erinnern sollten:

Und ich spreche über meine Pläne oder

Danke fürs Einschalten!

mentions: @nathanmars dcooperation @dtube @videomacher music: https://epidemicsound.com

Please resteem, upvote and comment this post to support my channel

💚 💚 💚

I am a part of these AWSOME communities

Alle deutschen @Videomacher und Leute, die uns unterstützen möchten:
Ihr seid zum unserem Discord eingeladen!

▶️ DTube


Brother! You said it ma man! I think it's time to start a movement. I will talk about this in the ddaily group.

Winny out... for now 😉

Awsome Winny :) I am glad it reached a lot of users until now and I am looking froward for the discussions within the group :)

Peace !

Have a great monday!! I noticed that dtube only works in firefox while I am mostly an opera user. I like how you're also reminding us that interaction with community is important.

Not to mention, love the spontaneous recording. I've been tag to do snap dtube but maybe later :D

Hehe spontaneous are the best things in life :)
Just do it whenever you are ready to. It should be spontaneous and honest my friend!

Peace !

This is exactly what I needed. Honestly feeling a bit sluggish so I NEED to start this week PRODUCTIVE :)

Yeah yeah ! Stay productive and be happy about it my friend !
Thanks for the comment and I am happy that I motivated you a bit ;)

I'm glad you did TOO!

I'm already in my chair, brainstorming - lights are pointed at me, getting ready to produce a bit :) hehe - I wanna start this week of in fashion

enjoy your monday

Absolutely true. The lack of participation is a huge problem. I noticed that a long time ago and made a video about it many months ago. Good, you bring that up again to make all of us aware about it. I, myself have still space to improve with my interactions with the community and I will ramp up my comments with all of you! Your videos in the car remind me so much of my first ones here on Dtube when I was recording while driving thru Barcelona to work. ;-) Have a great day @tibfox greetings from Barcelona (btw. tomorrow next update to #dtf2019 ;-)

Thank you for your comment and the message that I successful remembered about the interaction and your first video :) How nostalgic but also up-to-date :D

We all need to optimize and turn up our interactions. No one is excluded by this!
Let's start the next century of dtube :)

I am super curious for the next update to #dtf2019 :D

Watched your whole video!

First I wanted say that be spontaneous with your uploading and creating contents. As you said you want to enjoy Steem journey so don’t put too much pressure!


I’ll empower Dtube engagement to the maximum!! Most dtubers will get kicked in the face and I’m creating a list of Dtubers username who don’t engage with other dtubers and make them get 0% upvotes from @dtube because they deserve 0%

Last week was so great and I moved in to our new apartment and now I’ve more time and energy to empower my fellow Dtubers :)

Have a wonderful day!!

Ohh thanks a lot for your comment and the nice and true words man (and also the huge upvote :) )
I really appreciate your kind of interaction with my content my friend!

I want to keep it spontaneous even when the recording, sound and language is a bit lacking ^^

Thank you for your great engagement, your support and the work about the (black)list.
We really need more people like you and more engagement here but I think the time has come and we all will work on it more and more.

I will take this topic and these thoughts into several communities and right now I am thinking about how to turn the mass of discord - discussions into discussions within steemit. We need to pump more of these on the blockchain to deliver a level of transparency to our followers. This is what this blockchain is about: Transparency and Community.

Thanks again and have a nice week my friend !

Stay positive & spread Peace !!

Thanks brother!

I truly appreciate your efforts and your integrity:)

You’re absolutely right about Discord and I’ll be creating a DtubeSnap to say that I’ve deleted my Discord. You’re the first one to know better you’re awesome Dtuber. lol

Thanks my friend ! I know that you are if any communication app using telegram.
I can not delete my discord because of these extreme connections there to communities but I try to lead these into steemit - posts. But we are still working on it :P

#engagetogrow (is our new tag to spread the message in comment sections of creators ;) Feel free to adapt it :) )

Please don’t miss understand me.

I never ask someone to delete Something that brings value to their life. I deleted because I wanted to focus more on Steem engagement and I’m more than capable of managing most things within Steem.

Definitely adapt #engagetogrow tag and thank you so much for sharing:)

No no I did not thought you asked me to delete discord mate :) I just explained why I can not even when I would like to :)

Awsome to have such a connected user like you are on the boat of #engagetogrow !


I also thinking last night that early days of Dtube Revolution, the meaningful and impactful comments are more valuable than contents and I’m trying to focus on upvoting based on value

If someone makes a comment and that impacted the content creators journey then that comment should get upvotes from me.

I see less people leaving criticism, feedback and suggestions comments which more related to the Steem journey of the person.

So if you’ve any ideas please let me know

Hey my friend ! Thank you for the optimism for the future you are spreading out! You are awsome and fair and we all together will lead this blockchain in a good future if we just take some examples of your acting.

Let me tell you an idea:
So I am making a monthly contest for the most valuable comments under my content and I am delegating 100sp for the winner. The winner of the last month ( @matschi ) had a good but really difficult idea to make a contest for the best valuable comment overall. That is pretty sure not deliverable but that brought me to this idea:

Creators of content could tag a comment under their content as valuable by adding a tag for example #valueablecomment as a reply to a good comment. A bot could collect all of them on the first day of a week and post these commenters and their comment in a blog post of a bot account. I know bots and yeah.. but no one could do that manually if that idea would lead to a big demand.
I already figured out how to do such a bot and was almost planning to code it but didn't had the time yet.
Eventually you could watch in that list to find stuff easier. Of course this list would contain also non-dtube-content. I don't know if this is interesting for you but I wanted to let you know about this :)

have a good and happy day friend !

Peace !

I think there are ways to be spontaneous and still have a plan at the same time. Maybe plan isn't the right word. Maybe more of a point to maintain a level of repetition so that you don't stop but still maintain variety. Does that make any sense?. lol

Definitely it makes sense bro!

I truly believe that everyone is different and everyone has different life priorities and it’s more important to Dtubers to find what works for them and what doesn’t. “Self Awareness is the key”

I’m glad to know that you’re self aware and you only going to go forward and I’m super excited for you journey!

Btw I’m really impressed with your dtube journey so far and I know you’re capable of more!

I feel like a video may have to be made by me that is very brutally honest about all this and I will probably make some people angry.

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One important thing is that you can’t please everybody!

That's very true but I also can't turn away when I feel strongly about something so my next video might be very raw and abrasive.

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We’ve Freedom of speech! So express yourself:)


@tibfox, nice video!
Congratulations to Videomacher for the Dtube upvote!

Yes, I make sometimes plans what to write/upload during the week ahead.

Have a productive week! Stay healthy!

Thanks man ! You are awsome :)
Definatly I have one point on my todo - list what will make you happy :P

Stay also healthy bro !

@tibfox, I didn't mean this. :))))

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha no I know mein Freund :)

Peace !

hey nice to see you

Its difficult for me to watch everyone's videos but every video I do watch I try to comment on.

In regards to planning videos, what I do is keep a running list of topic ideas in my notes on my phone and when I come up with a new idea I write it down there then I will choose what I want to talk about for that day.

Bin mir nicht sicher, ob das nicht ein "generelle" Problem von steemit ist.
Da jeder versucht seinen Gewinn zu erhöhen und jeder ein Stück vom Kuchen haben will, will man gar nicht andere resteemen usw. Die könnten dann ja erfolgreicher sein als man selbst.

Bin selber nicht so aktiv und meine Filterblase ist erlaubt klein, aber das ist das, was mir so auffällt. Meist werden Beiträge geresteemed, die sowieso eine hohe Reichweite haben. Wohl eher um dem Autor zu gefallen und ein Upvote zu ergattern.

Pläne für diese Woche?
Endlich Mal wieder was Posten ;)
Achja und das ein oder andere Möbelstück umziehen.
Und hoffentlich die (noch kleine) Erkältung loswerden.

Nur content rauszubringen damit man etwas rausgehauen hat, ist denke ich nicht der richtige Weg. Bin da deiner Meinung, Kommentare und resteems sind vermutlich wichtiger. Wobei ein resteem von mir dem Autor nicht soo viel bringt. Denke mit resteems unterstützt man vor allem kleinere.

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