The Power Of Community - How To Ensure Your Longterm Success On Steemit

in #community7 years ago (edited)

One of the things I really love about the Steemit platform is the community interaction we engage in together. To me, this is just as valuable as the opportunity to earn a reward for creating good content.

Many initially come to Steemit lured by the prospect of earning some money but those who "get it" soon realize that it offers much more than that and while earning rewards feels good the sense of community is priceless.


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The act of creating content forces you to focus your thoughts and writing them down makes you think before you speak. But even more valuable is the two-way communication that happens here.

Steemit users have added comments to my posts that helped me think about things from a different perspective, adding to my understanding and opening my mind to new possibilities I may not have considered.

Inspired by these new avenues of thought, it has ignited a spark of creativity to my posts and encouraged me to create better content to share with the community.

I have learned so much from so many on this platform that I feel obligated to give back and to improve my contributions, sentiments often missing from other social platforms.

What's In It For Me?

If you're new to the platform and struggling to find your place here I implore you to think differently than you may have thought when you first came here. Again, we are lured by the possibility of earning a reward, but how do you actually do that?

Rewards gravitate to those who offer a perceived value to the community. That's why people upvote you and no amount of vote begging is going to change that.

We have a natural tendency to think WIIFM. (What's In It For Me?) I suggest you flip the switch on that mentality to WIIFT, (What's In It For Them?) them being other people on the platform.

People will always protect and support things that support their self-interests. There is nothing wrong with that. It is just our human nature. To succeed on Steemit, you can tap into that providing true value to this community.

Focusing on helping others navigate the Steem-O-Sphere provides invaluable benefits to the community and where there is value, eventually, rewards will follow.

At its core, the process is very simple. Take something you're passionate about and build a community around it. For me, it's music, traveling, and cryptocurrencies.

Passion Is Worth More Than Money

It's important to choose something you are truly passionate about. Why? Because to build a community around it will take time and considerable effort and if it's not something inspiring to you your passion will fade before you can build any community momentum.


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The next step is even simpler. Give more than you take. We have all heard the biblical phrase that it is better to give than to receive. This is a paradigm shift in thinking for many people and it is obvious by the many people asking for things like, ""Please follow me and I'll follow you.", which to me is an exercise in futility.

Again, it is natural for people to think What's In It For Me? and this can be tapped into very easily by simply shifting your focus and showing people what is in it for them.

To do that you need to delay your own personal gratification and cater to other peoples needs and you need to have a longterm view on your contributions to this community. Remember, it's going to take some time to build a community around your interests so fostering a long-term view is essential to success.

Focus On Giving More Than Receiving

If you study any successful business you'll soon discover they focus on the needs of their customers, one reason why they are so successful. Shifting your focus on the needs of your customers, or in this case, your followers, will attract more followers with similar needs and ensure your long-term success on Steemit.

How you choose to do that is limited only by your imagination but is not possible if your focus is locked on What's In It For Me?

Changing your thought process to fulfill this basic human impulse we have of supporting our own self-interests and linking your passion about a topic to cater to that impulse, while delaying your own gratification in the form of gaining rewards on the platform, is the path to building a genuine community that responds to what you offer.


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There are plenty of successful examples of this on the platform to study and take notes from and doing so will help you in your community building efforts.

A side benefit of focusing on building a community around supporting them and their needs as opposed to your own needs is it takes the pressure off of you. You don't need to be a great writer with endless charm you can tap into at will. There's less pressure to be all things to all people.

Helping others creates the value needed to justify people upvoting your content and following you. The service that you provide is the value and the better you are at doing that the larger the community will be that grows around it.

Do What You Love And The Money Will Follow

Of course, it helps if the topic you're passionate about is not too obscure.

I once attended a book signing by author Marsha Sintar who wrote Do What You Love And The Money Will Follow.

She talked about some of the responses she received from readers of her book. One reader sent her multiple letters saying that he loved her book and was applying the principles the book teaches but was not getting any results.

What is it you love to do?, she asked.

"I'm a solo tuba player", he responded, "and no matter how hard I try I just can't seem to get any gigs."

Apparently, there's not too much demand for live, solo tuba players.

So pick something that a good number of people have an interest in and your job of building a community around it will be a lot easier. That's not to say that a smaller niche topic would not work.

Does Size Matter?

I've built many websites that were monetized around a communities interests and one of the most successful ones only had a community of around 250 people. Compared to other communities I have built online this was one of the smallest, but they were also very engaged and they repeatedly bought a lot of products. Bigger doesn't necessarily translate to better when it comes to group dynamics.


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More important than the size of the community you build is the genuine passion you have for the topic you build that community around. Being able to sustain and encourage community involvement will only be sustainable if you really love what you are writing about.

I hope these ideas help you find your way on the Steemit platform and gives you a larger perspective on how to make Steemit a better place for you and your ideas and crystallizes your ability to attract like-minded community members.

Put In The Work

Be willing to work for it, not just wish for it. If you are truly dedicated to helping a community grow and thrive on Steemit it is going to take some sustained work on your part.

That's why it is so important to be passionate about what you are doing. It will not feel like work if you're really into it and that passion will carry you through times you may feel discouraged.

Your passion is also contagious and will spread throughout the community keeping it alive and thriving. In short, do what you love and love what you do.


Find a topic you are genuinely passionate about.
Be consistent.
Focus on What's In It For Them?
Find ways to help others succeed on Steemit.

Don't just think about your needs.
Don't focus too much on rewards.
Don't beg for follows and upvotes.
Don't quit.

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Learn more about Basic Universal Income here


When your post crossed my feed, I was hesitant to open it, having read similar headings from other people. But, I figured, "Why not take a look at it?" And when I read it, I found myself reading it intently.
You've given me a lot to think about, and you're right, content creators should provide what their readers want, but they shouldn't be held captive to it.
Like you, I'm hoping that this platform eventually becomes a reliable source of income, but that's secondary to hoping to find a good community to belong to.

Like you, I'm hoping that this platform eventually becomes a reliable source of income, but that's secondary to hoping to find a good community to belong to.

That attitude and perspective will serve you and the community well on Steemit. Here's another good post that says it all.

Authenticity And Transparency - Is Who You Are On Steemit Really Who You Are And Does It Matter? - Pros And Cons Of Being Real --- by @papa-pepper

if we agreed more, we would be the same person @luzcypher great post as usual... and as you know I'm trying to live this truth myself

You're doing great so far. Keep doing what you're doing and bring your energy to the platform. There are some incredible people here doing some really cool things and you fit right in. Steem on!

Yes I have to agree with the first paragraphs at least, I will lead the rest later:| which gives me the chance to make a plug about busy, a new UI is on and you have bookmarks :D

Thank you for the wonderful posts by the way, I loved your series on gardening growing and all that agri-culture and the Open Mic's another great initiative, you and verbalD are a inspiration for me, the sheer amount of work and dedication really pay off.

Busy is really cool. I like their interface and it keeps getting better.

I totally agree with you. When you enjoy the community by having fun not here purposely to earn but share your ideas. You will actually earn whiles in a long run. Great post.. Thanks for sharing.. It really motivate me to continue share my ideas here.

Glad you found this helpful.

Welcome..lets chat on discord my handle jakemore#2775 pls add me. Thanks

this is a great and helpful post. I'm new in this wonderful community and have notice how different it is from other sites. There's just so much positivity and empathy. I'm glad to be here. thank you so much for this!

Welcome to Steemit. It's the coolest thing online these days. And there is so much good content and talent here.

It's definitely in our nature as human beings to look for our own interest instead of searching for a collective benefit; to give something to the community instead of just take everything from​ it.

As a person who has been considering quitting this platform for the last couple of days because I feel like I have pretty much no audience, I needed some perspective. Thank you so much, this comes really in handy!

Don't quit. Steemit takes time to grow your following. Think of it like planting a garden. Plant the seed, water it every day, feed, nurture, and encourage it.

Soon it will sprout and begin to grow. Keep attending to it and eventually it will fruit for many years to come.

But if you quit before it has a chance to take root and thrive, you would have wasted your time.

Think of it as a game you play. The more you play the better you get. The better you get the more levels you achieve and the more points you score.

If what you post about is something you are truly passionate about it's easier to keep going.

Thank you for the wonderful suggestions @luzcypher.

There is a saying in the networking world: givers get. Those who give the most leads tend to get the most leads.

It is the same here. Build it and they will come. If you put out quality stuff that people enjoy reading, they will repeatedly visit your blog. As the community grows, more people will be enticed to follow you.

Only then will the rewards come back around.

Thanks for sharing this.

Exactly. You get it. Thanks for reading my post.

I've seen so many people commenting nice post for every post they open.
BTW Nice Post!!

I really enjoyed reading your post.
In what I do, I always try to help and support people.
Here on Steemit I focus on music, dance and fitness posts.

Great things to be passionate about.

Do you play an instrument or sing? The musicians on Steemit are hanging out here. Come join us. It's fun.

I was looking for a post like this one and I just found it.

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