Creating a comment rewarding culture? 🤔

in #community6 years ago (edited)

We don’t need to teach our children what freedom is, we can just be the example!

Simple steps 101: Let's reward each others comments and make life easier!

Had some fun playing with creative writing in the last post and it turned out ok. Didn’t let any big expectations get in the way before mashing keys and it seems to be a decent piece. I also enjoyed the process which is promising since writing still ain’t my favorite thing. Also had some very generous shares from the community, which helps me feel good about finding my voice. In turn inspiring me to focus more on quality over quantity. While clearly I'm still practicing that blog/life balance for consistency.. 🤓

Building our confidence in a future in blockchain blogging requires steady hitting that post button. Though is this really the only way to play in this game? When I chat with friends about what I'm up to, I like to give solid examples of our progress and ways they can get involved. Not only about “how much money can we make?” but also with personal growth and diversity. I'm feel confident these days answering most of their common crypto questions, now featuring experiential knowledge LOL! 🙌

What’s this blockchain thing they ask, what’s it's best use?

To exchange, educate and empower each other with various forms of value.. while not getting censored, extorted or deleted in the process! ⛔️

What do I mean when I say empower each other? ✊ I mean forming incredible friendships and connections, learning and growing, sharing and supporting. These are all priceless aspects of network effect for those of us living outside the system. Being living examples for each other to achieve a freer way to thrive. Saved and secured by our encrypted, distributed and immutable ledgers. Co-creating conscious communities and rewarding each others creativity.

What do we write about and exchange? Anything we want!

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” - Charles Fuch

So it's the daily crypto grind! 🙇 Blogging has been my focus to talk about in recent years. There's still a huge ocean between those who get it, got in early and those who still feel completely lost. This whole reward 🎁 gifting based social model seems alien to everyday folk. All they ever known is force fed ads and privacy and personal data abuse. Few are aware they've been sold out to the $ tune of billions, even fewer actually care.

All the while most our crypto-crowd is so busy BTD and HODL they still ain't shown their moms how to get a wallet. Trust I still got love but those who really need to get this are trying to eat, not lambo to the moon. The mass adoption we're all waiting for ain't gonna arrive if we all starve to death while explaining it and nowhere near achieving it.

Complicating crypto ain't sexy, we gotta simplify! Which brings me back to our blockchain based social media publishing platforms. Stop looking around, we're it! What makes social media platforms social and viral? Engagement, conversations and sharing! If we only focus on earning post rewards, we will all end up talking past each other. We must encourage more conversations even emoji comments damn it's still attention and that's what gets things moving. Especially for our newbies, what they'd love is to see their comments bumped with some rewards!

Ok the paradox is not to make it all about money.. 💰 While for most of us financial freedom was the biggest piece of the puzzle. We know it's a challenge to post quality content everyday. Many either start spamming or just give up, I've fall off more times than anyone! Perhaps if we redirect our focus to creating a more rewarding commenting culture, one that's just easier on everyone! More players being rewarded for commenting as much and if not more than creating entire posts. Will that attract more casual readers, those who at this stage may be even more valuable than creators? Imho.

Most people don't have any extra money for investing in assets and time as the premium currency is even more scarce ⏲ What they do have is perhaps a few minutes to scroll their feeds and maybe just enough to drop a comment or two before the attention evaporates! Not hating: it is what it is, we live in a insta-fast world! Let's get a trend going to reward our micro-interactions too! Be honest, to make this real for the masses it has to be quick, easy and simple.

Best time of day! Morning snuggles with little man and the cuddle crew! 💗💯

To do so we gotta be inclusive no matter where in the journey users are. Sustainability is not truly sustainable until it’s freely accessible for all levels and all ages. There’s a huge role for each of us to assist by simply being who we be. Sharing our happiness, passions and successes on the blockchain is absolutely serving the whole

This wasn't what I thought I'd write about today. Though I had something in my mind about Whaleshares re-minding me of the early days of Steemit. A time before auto-assist bots and the invisible urgency to post just for posts sake. I dunno if we can get back to it or if this for-word motion will help. I value this space to share and know the comment-chains can be full of human reflections. It's in these genuine engagements that the real friendships were formed, many of which I found right here.

I feel much happier returning to this old school method. I am at heart a loyalist and like being in my circle. Before managing community groups and projects, I’m just another guy doing his best to better himself one day at a time. I still be-life in us, we just have to come together and do this.

Thanks for reading my thoughts today and I’ll gladly show my appreciation for your time in the comments below. See ya in the next post!

Keni 😄

SMG is a mutual support and co-curation group. Join our discord here.

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Just seen you get bumped up to 63 mofo!!!!!!! Congrats

Cheers, I think? Perhaps you could explain what that even means to you? 🤔

Just saying I've noticed your rep has been 62 for a while and now you are up to 63. So happy 63rd birthday of sorts...

Yeh I'm just pullin your leg mate! I was away for ages and now I'm active again, kinda makes sense to me. Though I don't see why people make a big deal about it, that's all I'm saying

Very true. After all it is just a number. I do want to throw congratulatory comments at you though as you have been supportive to me over the years, even when I have been a pain in the anus area at times.

So yeah, well done and stuff...

Well thanks, it hit me in the back of the head.
I gave you my appreciative glare, then kept plugging away lol.. 🤓

I always upvote my commenters. But in the the end , if the post isn't interesting ( and I admit some of my posts aren't that interesting ) people won't comment.

True and I feel that's ok. Actually those "less interesting" posts may not attract many comments, though the posts themselves may be silently serving in a different way. When people see simple and easy posts generating income, well hopefully that's interesting to them too right? 👍

Yeah, right. In the good old days ( that's less than a year ago ) a friend of mine joined Steemit because he saw a post of mine with a sandwich generating 30$. He didn't stay long , but that's another story.

This is a beautiful post and one we all need to hear, I had to step away for a couple of weeks as i re-evaluate my steemit participation. Your post is very uplifting and beautiful. The photo of you and baby sang to my heart as well as mentioning good posts, including my initiative so thank you so much for that.

Eagle spirit

Wowzers thanks for these kind words. Guess I was also just telling myself, though I too had a steem-cation to re-evaluate the energy that I was pouring into this place. It feels good to be back refreshed LOL! 😅 Aww yeah Kai is a handsome little guy, never hurts when he's in a shot with me! I feel very lucky haha! Also of course, any friend of NM is a friend to me LOL! In @riverflows we trust in finding the biggest and truest herts on the blockchain 💗 Looking forward to reading the entries, and more about you too!

I am newbie in this crypto world but I always upvote or reply any comment. I think you must be grateful with someone who spent their time in your post.

Posted using Partiko Android

Right, even the slightest gesture is a great way to show your personality and make new friends. Hi btw, how are you finding @steepshot, is it as simple and easy dapp to get involved with the steem-chain? I see you're sharing consistently with it, how's the engagement going on these types of simple posts? 🤔

Hi! Until a few days ago I only used Steepshot because it was what I knew. I have noticed that this application only shows the publications of the application itself, you can not see the rest of steem's publications. That is its disadvantage. Its advantage, it is an easy to use and very intuitive application.
Now I'm testing Partiko. I find it very manageable and very complete. This application does make your publications visible to everyone and not the rest of users of it.

Wow! That is so cool, you're literally the first user I've met from "the other side" haha.. I mean one that has arrived through a new gen dapp and not the main stinc portal.

It's very refreshing to see more users arriving through different uses of the chain and reading your first impressions. Also I'm glad that @partiko is maintaining it's great appealing and simplifying the UX for mobile users! This is all GREAT news! 👍

hahaha greetings from "the other side" :)

I am not totally a newbie yet I feel as though I have much more to learn. Now your post was a good read and very imformative. The photos are always a great see. Love family time. I am open to helpful comments and I always vote on a good comment. Sharing is a big part of steemit


That's a great perspective, me too! Ever being, ever becoming.. eager to keep learning. Glad I could share my perspective with you, I'm opening a tab to look 👀 in your feed later so thanks for stopping by and sharing a moment commenting here and saying hi! You're exactly right, sharing is a big part of steemit.. the biggest imho! 😄

Finding a place to belong can be daunting. Thank you


Yes yes and yes. I think we all have ten minutes in a day to comment like a boss and show we care. I've noticed a little more upvoting of comments lately... that's also super cool!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahaha!! Like a boss 👍 Thank you for all you be and do around here! 💗

Well said! When I started off on Steemit I'd never blogged before so was very shy about posting anything. If it wasn't for a few kind souls who encouraged me by upvoting my comments, I'd probably have left pretty quickly.

Cheers! ✊ I get it, I'm not that into my own written voice either, even though I used to do vlogs and talk non-stop lol! So I feel ya, thanks for being an example of how easily and simply we CAN help each other and GROW this platform! 🌟

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