Phill from GCHQ - page 46 - Paradigm Shift

After having worked like a crazy I get to post this on a Thursday as is the way it should be. This page is quite excitingly the last in the first album. So very much a jubilee. I hope to make some sort of crowdfunding in the spring and am talking with some people about making it a Steem-crowdfunding - we'll see and I will return with more info about how it will happen when I know a bit more. Right now I am just happy!
A great thank you to @vcelier and @shortcut for translating, proofreading, pointing out which side of the road the Brits drive and much more. Thanks to all who has been reading. @steevc even right from the beginning!
All the drama happened in the last page, and now all there is left is a paradigm shift in Phill, the main character's, way of thinking, and probably also in his sex life. When posting it to my Diaspora page a couple of minutes ago I got to think that it presently look very much like a nerdy version of Peter Paper.
Paradigm Shift - Page 46 of the cartoon about Phill from GCHQ - a free comic that I have been working on since September 2016.
Thanks to @vcelier there is a French translation, and thanks to @shortcut there is a German translation - new pages are published on their respective Steemit pages.
The page is made with Krita my favourite Linux drawing application, and is licenced under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Please consider to support the comic with fiat-money on:
or with cryptocoins:
Bitcoins: 1EpzfvHpvYui8dguG2sbxk7VvcehxZGNca
Ether: 0x0f92f8b700dceF61ceb0a496A361D31A0be12B5b
Steem: here on Steemit :)

Thanks for this great gift, you offered our community!
It's one of the finest examples of how the paradigm from an artmarket, in which a few (rich) people decide, if something has value, can shift to a creative commons culture, where creatives get payed directly by the appreciation, upvotes and donations of the readers.
I'm happy and proud to be part of that journey and I'm pretty much looking forward to everything, that is yet to come. Keep it up!
You got the biggest vote for all that nice flattering. I am glad we are doing this and that it works. Crypto has been much more successfull for me than ordinary means like Patreon. In time I will use some time trying to find and promote more crypto solutions for artists.
Happy that you are part of this too :)
That's what I've been saying, platforms like Steemit will make the likes of Patreon obsolete. Very happy to hear that it is working out for you. =)
congratulations on finishing the whole album I will look forward to getting it on paper. I already have a place for it next to my sole vintage crumb album.
First serious comment always get the big upvote and Robert Crumb is a serious matter!
Yes, that was a good comment.
And he did not call you brother, like many! 😉
Hahaha, but I would have liked it if I was addressed Sir. That also happens quite often and is fitting for my status as firstborn.
Flashfiction got an even bigger upvote, but that was because I had had a serious spammers infestation, and was pretty tired of the phenomenon.
I read a part of this story in French.
Will follow you close.
Keep on steemit.
If you go to the website: you can read the whole thing in both French and English (and German and Danish)
Congratulations, it's great to see you made it here with all the bumps in the road. Also wanting to see that print version and what's in store next
Thanks, Mikko! It has indeed been a bumpy road. I hope I can be instrumental in some sort of Steem crowd-funding. Would be great if you could make graphic print editions and sell them here directly to customers all over the world...
i think i missed all what happened
lemme go back and read
Do that. The webpage is the best way:
I love the style. I will check it ASAP on your web site.
I am involved in comics too, as a writer. You can check out some examples on my profile if you wish, i would consider it an honor.
Thank you very much for sharing!
I have seen them a while back, they are good. I have a hard time keeping up with all the things happening on Steemit right now, especially after Streemian stopped creating RSS pages.
Just found you via @reinhard-schmid.
Clicked "reply" to say it reminded me of Robert Crumb but @evilhippie beat me to it.
He is one of my inspirations. When I started the comic I had three comic artists in mind: Gilbert Shelton, Robert Crumb and the Danish cartoonist Claus Deleuran. I still need to make a post about Claus Deleuran.
Just went back and started reading the beginning from your website. Wild stuff!
A full upvote from me, and I'll follow. I can't imagine how long it takes to create these pages.
I try to publish a page each Thursday - and it is possible to make a page in a couple of days when all goes smooth. @reinhard-schmid is great by the way I like him and his work a lot.
wao @katharsisdrill I find interesting the work they are doing, I hope they get the translation into Spanish also please. !! Greetings from Venezuela!!
@katharsisdrill really it is very interesting what they are doing, we saw the post is for the adaptation in French of @vecelier. We wait for the adaptation in Spanish.
I am working on it!
I will definitely look up the previous issues you've put out. Phil's tighty whities make me laugh! :)
Easiest way is to go to the website - My wife laughed too, because I have the same type of briefs. In some respects I am a bit like him - I would also gallantly give my pants to a freezing woman.
I believe it! Briefs don't get enough credit - I can't even imagine the support that tender dangly bits need. I figure it is like a bra for balls... (pardon the crudeness) supportive, and snug. LOL Thank you for pointing the way to the website. Bookmarked!
When Danish sailors in the fifties went near equator they were given a special ball-bra called a suspensorium, to prevent the ball-sack to become long in the heat. I am sure the risk was minimal and that the contraption in large part was a result of Danish prejudices about southerners... but then again, I do not have that much personal experience with the testicles of people from warm countries, so who knows ... what I do know is that the story is true, my wife's uncle is an old sailor and he wore the thing! It is from him and her other uncles my wife has learned all the crudeness in the world so no need to apologise. I hereby give you permission to be as rude and vulgar as you want in my comment field. I like comments about ball-bras.
OH MY GOSH. That is the fanciest name for something that holds a wrinkly, sweaty thing. It's scrotastic! ahahahahahah! I have been giggling to myself all day because of this. Your wife sounds like a really cool person.
Haha, yes, it sounds almost noble.
Here's and American from the thirties:
Seems athletes also needed this.
I am very fond of my wife :)
HAHAHA I'm dead. I think I much prefer the term "suspensorium" to a stinky old jock strap. You Europeans are naturally more classy, it seems! Yay for awesome partners!
Yes, yay for that! :)
Cool, this platform has so many different things. Glad I found your feed. Following to see more in the series.
Thanks for sharing.
The website for reading it from the start:
Just jumped on quick, NSFW, LOL. Ah well the person who sits behind me will now be wondering what type of crazy stuff I am into. Will check it out when I get back to the safety of the man cave.
Ah, well I'm a Dane. We do normally not consider nakedness NSFW if it is not sexual so I did not think of that. Not much sex in the comic actually, it is mentioned and the three Gods are naked or scantily clad.
I'll definitely be checking it out later for sure. I just wouldn't want to offend anyone in the office. I work with many different nationalities so what is suitable for me may not be for them. No biggie at all, it certainly aint porn!
Sure, I understand :) Happy reading when you return to the cave.