It's my birthday and I will cuss out my mother if I want to...

in #comedy6 years ago










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I always tell people to not judge my actions before knowing my reasons. You always hear me say, "do no harm but stand your ground." Well, this is me standing my ground.

I wasn't planning on EVER making a post regarding this issue. But when unwanted family members like my mother purposely sign up for Steemit to troll me when she knows how much I hate her and want nothing to do with her I have no choice. My life is NONE of her business. This woman is mentally ill, and a rancid succubus of Satan. And those are the nicest words I have for such a horrible person that my mother is. My mother is a racist narcissistic libtard who lives at the expense of everyone else. If you disagree with her, you are the racist. Just like these stupid libtarded millennial snowflakes today. She is a baby boomer libtard on steroids. She has never paid her way through life only whoring herself out to abusive losers for a free place to stay. Like she has been doing now for the last 9 years. For the past 9 years this woman has paid NO rent having a free ride living in a million dollar condo in Miami. Then she has the audacity to dictate to all her relatives how they need to live their lives when she lives for free. A true, nasty, hypocrite. She cares only about her social standing so she can mouth off to all her loser libtarded friends about how great of a person she is when really she doesn't give a fuck about you. It is all about her and always has been. She is an energy vampire sucking out your life force for herself when she forces herself upon you just so she can make herself feel good about herself when she knows that you don't want her around. This is why I cut all ties with her. Can you blame me? Who wants to EVER be around anyone like her?

Looks like I'm going to have to get a no contact order.

I really didn't want to share this video because of how personal it is. This video is me 2 years ago practicing my standup cussing out my entire family. Now you have the gist of my story. Like I said, don't judge my actions before knowing my reasons.


Join the TRUTH Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.
Do no harm but stand your ground.

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
rainbow sheriff4.jpg


Happy Birthday buddy from your Steemit family. We accept you for who are.

Stay strong and forge your own way. Your life is yours now. They can't ruin it like they did theirs. In the end, they will die miserable and alone. You will not!

Thanks Squirrelbait! I haven't talked to this woman in over 2 and a half years. Going on three. Some of us have these relatives. For me it is most of my family including my mother. I was dumb to tell everyone in my last youtube video that I was moving here to Steemit. I really didn't think she would actually sign up for this but she did. She signed up purposely to find me and start a fight with me.

howdy Rainbow Man! wow...kinda leaves me speechless but I agree with @squirrelbait.
You're not your mom and you can create your own legacy with your family using YOUR values.
and you have support here and lots of people who care.

Thanks Jonboy! What we are born shouldn't dictate what we become. I am NOT anything like my Mom or that family. Age is but a number but so far I'm having a good birthday. I might end up posting something later. I'm at a friends house right now.

good for you. but what do you mean "that family"?
the one she married into, or is staying with?
just write some other time, enjoy yourself!

you have a friend??

Well, don't worry, you aren't ruining my life and it is good to see you aren't ruining yours either... you don't get me, that is okay too, that you are a hater, that is the tragedy...that you concentrate all your hate on me, well maybe that leaves you the space to find love elsewhere in your life...I hope can't make me go away though, and you can't make me into the object you want to hate so much...after seeing this post I am kinf od laughing about it, go ahead and be the bastard you tell everyone you are...that your Mom is so awful...believe what you need to believe, because it clearly has NO effect on me, in fact now I am really there...

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