Color Challenge - Purple Sunday - Shirt

in #colorchallenge6 years ago (edited)

Smile with confidence while facing your Jordan Rivers.

What are you waiting for? I'm diving in, I'm going deep. Header over shoulder. I'm totally in is to win it, goes the song. The river is deep. The river is wide. The river is Louder Crowder than alive. I'm diving in.

Yesterday, I made a karaoke video last night. Sung I Believe I Can Fly, by RL Kelly, seen in that Space Jam film which starred cartoon character Bugs Bunny and basketball NBA star Michael Jordan, and sung the Aladdin song named Whole New World. I love singing. Watched Trump in a big rally in Washington, Michigan, funny he said he would rather be there than Washington, D.C.

I love family first values. I love community first values. Good things are happening in America. Bad things are happening in Europe. I always wanted to go to Europe but will not go to Europe because of all the bad things. For more information about Europe, you can talk to @Stefan.Molyneux and you can watch his videos. I'm a world news analyst. I spend all day studying history, world news, psychology, technology, I archive some of it, and I try my best to share it all here and everywhere each day.

Here are some photos below of me & my students in Vietnam back in 2015.

2015-02-11 Park Girls.JPG
2015-02-03 Park 01.JPG
2015-02-04 Park Group 01.JPG
2015-02-03 Park Group 02.JPG

Color Challenge - Purple Sunday - Shirt

2015-02-04 at 23/9 Park Q1 HCM VN JA With Students
2018-04-29 Sunday 04:00 PM LMS: CC PS Shirt
Published at 4:23 PM
Email: [email protected]

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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My experience - (Web-Designer) @Small Music Store in Shelton, WA,(Film-Maker) @Arnold Attic,Camp-Counselor, English-Teacher in Vietnam, carpenter, musician, dishwasher, artist, journalist, creator, & more... (See More)

Have lived in - Oregon, New York, West Virginia, Vietnam, Hawaii, Quebec, California, Seattle, Idaho, Cambodia, Oregon, South Carolina, & more... (See More)

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Howdy @joeyarnoldvn! The amount of information you put out is astounding, I could spend all day just on your blog! But that's good, keep up the important work. Your Vietnamese students look amazing, how the country has changed in the last 40 years! By the way, what does the "Oatmeal" name mean? - jonboy - Texas - the gentleman redneck

Yes. Right. Exactly. Thanks. When I was about ten years old, my friend's dad would call me Oatmeal Boy as I was always eating oatmeal whenever he saw me and you are what you eat and that nickname never left me. I've had other nicknames, like the Cool Kid but Oatmeal is a pretty funny name that I like. My brother was living in Texas and I like Texas. I love freedom. I love letting people know how to be free.

Yeah, Vietnam is amazing & it has improved a lot after the 1990's according to many Vietnamese I've been talking to while I've been living mostly in Saigon for the past 5 years.

Some of the Vietnamese I talked to were born in the 1980's and they would say Vietnam was like Venezuela in the 80's and were dying. A lot of people had no electricity, no toys, not a lot of food at that time. We talked a lot about their government still. But the good news is that government seem to have improved a little bit. Still difficult when police goes to a house to steal money from them. Street police pull over people to take money from Vietnamese. Police go to businesses, stores, & take money from people. So, those things are happening each day all over Vietnam. But at the same time, there is some capitalism in Vietnam even in the mist of the corruption. Some things are improving & that is better than living in North Korea. Well, maybe North & South Korea will be merging now and will be improving too in the next ten years.

thank you so much @joeyarnoldvn! Very thankful for the information about life in Vietnam, I have heard that their economy is booming but it must still be not a free market system as yet, the government is not a democracy in other words. I think North and south Korea will merge into one country again in the coming years. thank you!

Vietnam government is a swamp like the swamp in America. Vietnam can decay like Venezuela and South Africa. Muslims are taking over Europe. I saw Muslims flooding into Vietnam and I decided to return to the USA because of the Muslims. The USA can fall too if we do not all continue draining swamps and more.

Are you in an information war?

Do you see revolution?

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